Troubleshoot possibly outdated embedded integration?


Joined: 2003-07-08
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-19 20:17

I am using Gallery 2.3.1 with Moodle ( 1.9.8.
There is a Moodle module that was released a few years ago, to embed Gallery 2.1.2, called Moodle Gallery Module

I have the module installed, and Gallery 2.3.1 installed. I've looked over the module code, and what I've checked out so far seems to match GalleryEmbed API integration instructions.
What could be going wrong?

For instance, when an instance of Gallery is initialized, $ret is null despite the activeUserID not existing.
Why would Gallery not toss an error properly?

There are multiple instances of this, so where the Moodle module expects Gallery to be functioning as normal, it's tossing errors (but again, when creating the instance, an error should be tossed, but isn't).

Does Gallery 2.3 have some major change that I haven't found yet?
I've been searching Google and Gallery Codex, but I haven't found any outstanding changes yet...


suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-19 21:22

Been a long time since 2.1.x, but the API changes should be trivial to update.
Error handling was if I recall one of them.

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