[WINDOWS] No direct script access.


Joined: 2010-09-23
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-23 21:34


I've tryed searching for this error but unable to find anything that helped.

I'm trying to install G3 RC2 on my Vista Laptop with IIS7 installed. PHP is working as have tested with phpinfo().

My gallery3 folder has the following security:
IIS_IUSRS (compname\IIS_USRS) - Full Control
Users - Full Control

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Ranger187's picture

Joined: 2005-12-02
Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-27 10:23

Technically, this won't work on Vista because it doesn't run IIS 7.x. The main reason is mod rewrite.

See if you have just an "IUSR" account. Give that access. I haven't touched Vista in years so see if "IUSR" is there. That's what IIS 7.x calls.

Also in IIS, you want to make sure Script access is allowed... I can't remember what tab it is... I think it's general... You wanna change it from "none" to allow script access or allow executables...


*I provide ONLY windows support* ;)
Provide OS, Service pack, it's 32 or 64bit. Mysql, PHP version etc.

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