Thumbnail and sort order issues in albums
Joined: 2005-01-02
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My gallery: Issue 1: In the site admin page, I cannot find an option for selecting number of rows and colums for the photos inside the albums. Whatever I choose to display on the main page is also impemented for the photo pages inside the albums. :/ Issue 2: The photo thumbnails are SQUARE. I absolutely bloody HATE the square thumbnails, I would like to have them the same as they were in gallery 1. I've tried messing with the 'square thumbnails' option in the site admin page but it seems to display SOME thumbnails square and some thumbnails with a black border. Horrible! Issue 3: All the photos inside the albums are in the wrong order, i.e. it starts at the last picture instead of the first. :/ It says that 'changes can be overridden/implemented at the album level' but does that mean I have to do that for *every* single album? There's 175 of them... I am far from code-savvy and have no idea how to css customize (or even where the css file is!) Anyone that can help? |
Posts: 16504
1) Site Admin > Themes > YourTheme (this is a theme specific setting). You may also need to check under Edit Album > Theme (tab)
2) Uninstall the square thumbnail plugin (Site Admin > Plugins)
3) Edit Album > Album (tab) and change the sort order to what you want.
Most of those settings can be changed site wide at Site Admin > Themes > YourTheme. You can override them at each album or you can go to the main page and click Edit Album > Album (tab) and have them propagate to all sub-albums.
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Thanks for the swift reply!
Unfortunately, the theme I am using does not seem to have an 'edit album' option in the site admin panel
Or I am just TOTALLY blind. (Here is a screencap of what my site admin panel looks like.)
I already had the square thumbnails uninstalled, but didn't change anything. And I cannot find the option to rebuild thumbnails, like in G1.
I have the distict feeling this will have to be done via css somehow. :/ But if someone could give me the code bits I need and where I'd have to put them, I'd probably manage.
Posts: 16504
vSlider3? Never used it, never heard of it either. Looks pretty hideous though, at least for the admin side so it may have never been meant to be used as the "default" theme which is what gets used on the Admin side of things.
To rebuild thumbs, a couple of options:
Site Admin > Maintenance
Edit Album > Album (tab)
Looks like it's probably a "floating" theme which like Floatrix, you can only specify how many items on a page, not rows and columns, for that you'd need a table based theme, like Matrix.
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Even in 'maintenance' I still don't have the "edit album" option. I agree, the site admin panel looks hideous, but this is in fact the ONLY theme I have found that is compatible with both WordPress and G2 and doesn't look like an epileptic threw up over the gallery page.
I LOVED G1 because I knew *exactly* what and where to change the css to get what I wanted. I hate G2. Absolutely. Too complicated. Is there no theme in G2 that LOOKS just like G1 did? I know that if I don't manage to resolve the G2 issues soon, I'll go back to G1. Aaah, simple times.....
Posts: 16504
Nobody is forcing you to use G2, however, G1 is no longer supported and already doesn't work with PHP 5.3 so it's just going to go into oblivion as other software (like PHP) progresses.
As for a theme that looks like G1, the Classic theme is really close.
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I've tried switching between themes to try and find additional options for the albums, but still cannot find this 'edit album' tab you speak of. Do some themes have more editing options than others?
The square thumbnails are still there in teh albums, and still in reverse order for I cannot find anywhere to change it....
Posts: 16504
If you PM me login info for your Gallery I can take a look. But in Matrix, you should be seeing a sidebar on the left when logged in with all kinds of options, like Edit Album.
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You has a pm. ;)
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I've got some major gripes with this theme, but I'll leave those for another day.
o.k. I got the square thumbs to go away at least for the main album. I didn't rebuild thumbs for all sub-albums because I didn't want to wait for 15000 images to finish rebuilding
You can rebuild all thumbs and resizes by going to Site Admin > Maintenance
Now to try something else. Since this theme is so tightly integrated with WP, try logging into your WP install as admin, then browse to your WPG2 gallery page and click on the down arrow in the upper-right corner. Do you see more than what I was able to see when logged in as admin for Gallery?
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When I am logged in as WP admin, I get album options in that drop-down menu. But those are the same options I can find in the site admin options on the Gallery page.
I managed to figure out how to fix the sort order, so that just the photos in the albums are affected and not the frontpage.
Have run the rebuild option on all imgages, but same problem persists: They are either normal, square or have a black border around them *in* the square format. Looks like I have to re-upload all the albums and see if the thumbnails behave :/
Oh, and the square thumbnails were *supposed* to be on the front page, to fit in with the 'Polaroids' frame set. But if it's impossible to have one type of thumbnails on the front page and another for photos, then I'd rather have them all normal.
I agree, this theme has a lot of flaws, but so far this is the best one I've come across yet. I really don't care if it's compatible with WP or not, just as it does not look butt-ugly. All suggestions are appreciated! ;)
Posts: 16504
If those are the only options you get even when logged in as admin to your Gallery install or your WP install. Then I declare the vslider theme broken.
Use a different theme. I'm not going to support it.
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I actually have no idea what I did, but it was some messing around with ImageBlock. Thumbnails are all non-square now. Phew!
Or it might have been something you did. I have no clue. Now all I need is to get the captions to be normal instead of bold, but I'm sure I'll stumble upon that eventually.
Thanks so much for the help, you have the patience of a saint!
Posts: 16504
It wasn't me, you must've reinstalled the square thumb plugin.
If you need more help, uninstall the vslider theme then we'll talk, otherwise, I'm not touched a G2 install with that thing installed.
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Well, I gave up on the V3 slider thing. So full of bugs, you'd need an army of exterminators to navigate through that thing properly. :/ FAIL.
I've decided to go with the Siriux theme, which is a lot cleaner and streamlined. Too bad it's just *too* plain, black text on white background and no top navigation.
The square thumbnail issue is just a cache thing I know now, as soon as soon as I refresh the page, they go back to normal. Am still having issues with the columns/rows thing, if I change the number of items to show per page in the site admin panel, it just reverts back to the previous setting. :/
If I can find a way to tweak the appearance of Siriux, it'll be my favourite theme ever! :D Anyone know if there are colour packs available for this theme?
Posts: 16
I GIVE UP. >_<
I'm going back to Gallery 1. UGH!
Posts: 16504
If you'd like more help we can help you, but you've got to have some more patience. We all have full times jobs and many other responsibilities and this (our work on Gallery) is purely volunteer.
I'd have to look, but I'm pretty sure Siriux does not support color packs, though you could try:
There is a Color Packs module, I just don't recall of the Siriux theme broke out of a lot of the standard naming conventions for css class and ID names.
As for saving settings, I don't know. When I logged into your site I had no problems saving settings. What browser are you using? Try Chrome.
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