[SOLVED] Please help me!!I can't install core


Joined: 2010-09-15
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 11:58

2010-09-16 00:36:17 [<no session id>]

Prepare installation of the core module

2010-09-16 00:36:17 [<no session id>] [1284568577] can't guarantee 120 -- extending!
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [<no session id>] Init first pass
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] <hr />
(mysqli): SET NAMES &quot;utf8&quot; &nbsp;
<hr />

2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT]

System and Gallery information:
Gallery version:
File integrity: Ok
SVN install: No
PHP version: 5.3.2 cgi-fcgi
PHP memory limit: 128M
PHP disable_functions:
PHP zend.ze1_compatibility_mode:
Webserver: nginx/0.1.50
Database: mysqli 5.1.48-log
Operating system: FreeBSD usgate.mxpapa.com 8.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p3 #1: Sat Jul 3 14:48:07 CDT 2010

:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/IPsecReady amd64
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Maxthon/3.0 Safari/533.9

2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Clear the cache directory
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/g2data_b9cef42919//cache/entity)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/g2data_b9cef42919//cache/theme)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/g2data_b9cef42919//cache/module)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/g2data_b9cef42919//cache/derivative)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] [1284568577] can't guarantee 180 -- extending!
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Check if the persistent storage is installed
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] <hr />
(mysqli): SHOW TABLES &nbsp;
<hr />

2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Load core module
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Loading plugin core
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Class not defined, trying to include it.
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/modules/core/module.inc)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] core plugin successfully instantiated
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Hand over admin user parameters
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] NOT installing, rollback!
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] file_exists(/var/www/phpBB/gallery2/g2data_b9cef42919/versions.dat)
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Error: Core module is only partially installed
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Finish install core module step
2010-09-16 00:36:17 [TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT] Error: Failure during install core module step

This is log for install

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 12:19

Make sure that the user for your DB has full permissions to the DB you're using.
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Joined: 2010-09-15
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 12:24

thx for reply,
i check it in mysql,it have some data.

mysql> grant all on gallery.* to 'gallery'@'localhost' identified by '123456';


Joined: 2010-09-15
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 13:58

I think this is bug!!! when i set the password for admin, my password have two @. ex. mypassword is tell@your@security. I can not complete install.
but i change my password to simple word. i can finish install.
i have been resolved it.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 14:49

Bug or not, G2 is no longer developed. All active development efforts are focused on G3 now. So unless it was a major security issue, it's not going to get addressed. Personally, I use complex passwords, but no symbols in MySQL passwords. Gallery is not the only software I've had issues with using symbols in MySQL passwords.
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suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 15:44

@ would be a special or reserved character in sql

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 15:51

Do you know if there are others? I seem to recall having an issue with using ! or maybe that was & or %, I can't recall. Maybe it was the web app I was using at the time (my host's custom control panel, not Gallery)
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suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 16:00

Or more likely an issue with MD5

http://ruleant.blogspot.com/2007/05/md5-hash-of-strings-are-not-same-with.html wrote:
Until this week, when that user couldn't access the admin section, while some other users still could login to the admin section. After some investigation I found out that the user that couldn't login used some special characters in his password. Then I started to realise that the md5() function must produce a different hash of the same string when it is encoded in a different characterset.
This makes perfect sense. In a lot of charactersets, normal alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) are in the same place, but some special characters like é or @, can have a different place in another characterset. When a string encoded in different charactersets contains special characters, it has a different value (on a binary/hexadecimal level). Thus when a hash is calculated of these strings, different hashes are produced.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2