<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag short_open_tag On
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt Off
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 100M
# Try to disable the parts of mod_security that interfere with the Flash uploader
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
# Increase security by uncommenting this block. It keeps browsers
# from seeing support files that they shouldn't have access to. We
# comment this out because Apache2 requires some minor configuration
# in order for you to use it. You must specify "AllowOverride Limit"
# in your Apache2 config file before you uncomment this block or
# you'll get an "Internal Server Error".
# <FilesMatch "(\.(class|fla|inc|sql|txt|gitignore)|(README|LICENSE))$">
# Order allow,deny
# </FilesMatch>
# Improve performance by uncommenting this block. It tells the
# browser that your images don't change very often so it won't keep
# asking for them. If you get an error after uncommenting this, make
# sure you specify "AuthConfig Indexes" in your Apache config file.
# <IfModule mod_expires.c>
# ExpiresActive On
# # Cache all files for a month after access (A).
# ExpiresDefault A2678400
# # Do not cache dynamically generated pages.
# ExpiresByType text/html A1
# </IfModule>
# You can use the mod_rewrite Apache module to get rid of the
# "index.php" from your Gallery 3 urls. Uncomment the block below
# inside the <IfModule> ... </IfModule> lines and then edit the
# RewriteBase line to match your Gallery 3 URL.
# Here are some RewriteBase values:
# Gallery 3 URL RewriteBase line
# ============= ====================
# http://example.com/gallery3 RewriteBase /gallery3
# http://example.com/~bob/photos RewriteBase /~bob/photos
# http://gallery3.example.com/ RewriteBase /
# Then just use your Gallery 3 without the index.php in the url.
# NOTE: future upgrades of Gallery 3 will overwrite this file! If you
# want these changes to be persistent, talk to your system admin about
# putting this block into your Apache config files.
# <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# RewriteEngine On
# RewriteBase /
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
# RewriteRule ^$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
# </IfModule>
Posts: 27300
What image toolkit are you using? Try another.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 16504
Also, try upgrading to the latest experimental code. The link to the latest experimental code is on the home page of this site upgrade instructions here:
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Posts: 55
I've tried both image toolkit : same problem...
I'm not upgrading, it's a fresh install...
very strange.
Posts: 16504
If you're not going to try by upgrading to the latest code, then I'm not going to try helping with this problem any further. You're using RC2, there have been massive changes since RC2 was released.
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Posts: 7994
@nivekiam: I don't think stanfield understands what you're telling him
@stanfield: nivekiam means you should download the latest experimental code from here: http://github.com/gallery/gallery3/zipball/master and then upgrade to it. See the instructions in my signature. Then see if the problem still exists.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 55
All right,
I've downloaded the final version of g3, deleted the database, deleted everything... and then made a fresh install.
Still no thumbnails !
Damn, what's happening ?
Any help will be more than appreciated...
Posts: 16504
They are not even getting created:
Is there anything in your /var/logs directory?
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Posts: 12
I am having a very similar problem and have not yet found a solution. the only way i have been able to get any to generate was to keep the actual uploaded image sizes to like 20kb
Posts: 55
Yep, I've noticed that...
In var/logs, there's just a "2010-10-21.log" file that says : <?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
and a htacess file...
I thought the final version would have corrected that bug. but I can stop if it's a hosting problem of a g3 problem...
I've tried using my 1&1 hosting, and it worked perfectly !
Posts: 12
so are you saying that you think it might be something server side set up by the hosting that is causing?
Posts: 55
argh, I've done another test, switching to GD library, and it seemed to work that time !
Posts: 55
That's ok fellas, in the RC2, switching from Imagemagick or GD library never changed anything for me; but it did with the final release. So I'll be just using GD is all...
Akward though, because it detected ImageMagick perfectly...
Thanks everyone !
Posts: 12
hmmm ok i think i will go back and try both with an upload of the same image fixed size and let you know what the result is. See if i get the same result as you...
Posts: 55
Yep, still an issue I think. If I encountered it, some might also run into it !
Posts: 12
So you fixed it? what did you do? from what i understand you took your fresh install then upgraded to the final release? and then used GD?
1. where did you find the latest release?
2. did you just swap between imagemagick and GD from the admin setting?
Posts: 55
no, I deleted everything...
I made a fresh install with the final release
I uploaded photos using the default imagemagick library but thumbnails weren't showing up
I switched to GD library
re-uploaded my photos and voila ! it worked...
I still can't pinpoint the problem though (library ? hoster ?)
hope it helped !
Posts: 12
hmmm... i think that what im going to do is see if the hoster has anyhting to say about it... ill let you know how i get on
BTW love the pictures
Red P:hone box one very much my style
Posts: 12
ok so there seem to be a few things that I have been able to work out so far.
1. there was nothing wrong server side in terms of the instal but my host was only able to get images to upload using GD they also said that this was what they expected to be used with gallery.
2. I have been able to upload several images.
3. Now though there is a second problem I think that this may be to do with the size of the uploaded images. If I upload anything of any real size in px terms it will not show. Anyone have any other thoughts? I have uploaded as much information as I have been able to find out so far... I could really do with some help...
Posts: 16504
FYI, GD is only there if ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick can't be used. Either of those is preferred over GD.
Don't use GD or upload smaller images or increase the memory alloted to PHP and possibly the execution time for running scripts.
That's why GD is not the preferred graphics toolkit. It's there ONLY because that's something that's available on most systems.
FAQ: Thumbnails / resized images don't get generated properly, how can it be fixed?
Some of that info is G2 specific, but it does explain why GD sucks
And more:
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Posts: 55
ok, so why can't we use Imagemagick although gallery3 detects it in the right directory ?
Whose fault ? Gallery or the hoster ?
Posts: 16504
Do you have ssh access? If so type which convert
What happens when you do that?
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Posts: 55
I'm using cpanel.
I have something called "SSH shell", but I can't enter any command. I can just generate encrypted keys...
I have no experience with that kind of thing...
Posts: 55
wow wow wow, hold on a second, I've took a closer at my phpinfo (http://www.[MASKED].com/phpinfo.php)
and I can't find no reference to ImageMagick !
Could someone check please ?
If imagemagick isn't here, how the hell gallery detects it in usr/bin directory ???
Posts: 16504
That's fine. ImageMagick is an external binary that's 100% unrelated to PHP.
If you are not familiar with using the command line on the server, ask your host for help there to get connected and run that command or ask them if they'll do it.
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Posts: 55
getting interesting... I'll ask'em tomorrow !
Thanks !
Posts: 12
did you have any luck? im still no futher on with several attempts made to get this to work
Posts: 55
No, not yet, I had very few time these past few days... I'll keep you posted
Posts: 8
Same issue overhere, at least same sympons...
No thumbnail is created when uploading (size 900kb), but is created when image size is 20kb.
Used GD, switched to ImageMagick without any difference.
admin 2010-Oct-25 08:25:29 Couldn't create a thumbnail or resize for CKGHA 20101010-119
Posts: 16504
There are a problem with your image. Try a different image.
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Posts: 8
No luck.....
Tried different images:
- without _
- from local pc and from shared network drive
- small (20kb) and large (900kb)
Still same error
Switched back to GD:
- small image succesfull
- large images fail
Is it something with GD or ImageMagick or some server setting?
Posts: 16504
Try using the Server add method and see if G3 can import it that way.
EDIT: wrong link
Here's the right one:
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Posts: 8
Hi nivekiam,
Thx for helping me out -;)
Tried a Server Add, but after [Found one file], nothing happens (even not after 15 minutes).
Posts: 16504
Can you post a link to phpinfo? There definitely something odd on your server.
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
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Posts: 8
Posts: 16504
I'm not seeing anything that should be restricting this. Any chance you could PM me admin login details for your G3 install?
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Posts: 8
Sent PM
Posts: 16504
I uploaded several photos without any problem. I'm using Chrome.
Try a different browser.
Make sure that Flash is the latest version.
Try switching to the Wind theme to see if that makes a difference.
Try Windows if using Linux or something else.
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Posts: 8
I downloaded your pictures and uploaded them again without a problem (using FF)
To my opinion it is due to the size of the pictures (100kb OK, 900kb FAIL)...
Tried with a picture of 380kb without problem
Looks like there is a max upload size somewhere.... Any clues?
Posts: 16504
2 Options.
1) Increase your memory limit to allow GD to use more resources
2) Switch to a better and preferred toolkit, like ImageMagick. I just checked on your site and G3 can't locate ImageMagick. Try logging into an SSH session on your server, type which convert and see what it reports back. If it can't be found on the server, ask your host if they'd be willing to install ImageMagick.
3rd option, find a better host.
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Posts: 8
Did a clean install of GD 2.3.1. an uploaded a 900kb file without a problem...
So, it is GD3 configuration somehow i recon..?
Posts: 8
Option 1. Ok, but how. I can only edit htacces file
Option 2. See earlier remarks, switching to ImageMagick doesn't solve it (IM now activated)
Files are saed in albums dir, but not resized nor any thumb....
As said, it works on the same server on a clean install of Gallery 2.3.1
Confused now
Posts: 16504
That's an ancient version of ImageMagick. I know it doesn't work with G2, I'd have serious doubts it works with G3.
For GD, G3 may be calling it differently or using other options that are consuming more resources.
To increase the memory limit:
FAQ: PHP memory_limit - Why do I get the error Allowed memory size of Xxx bytes exhausted?
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Posts: 55
Back to me, my hoster told me that ImageMagick IS PRESENT on the system so, it looks like it's a gallery3 problem for me...
Posts: 16504
Ask them where.
Ask them what version.
Do you have SSH access?
which convert -- What does it return?
whereis convert -- What does it return?
convert --version -- What does it return?
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