Im'm using Gallery 1.5 and my web hosting company just upgraded PHP to
5.3.3 and now my gallery is no longer working and I'm getting a bunch of
error messages about deprecated functions.
I see from the code that even the latest 1.6RC of gallery is still using
these functions (ereg(), split(), etc.). Is there no plan for Gallery 1 to
continue working with the latest PHP?
I saw some earlier posts that the only option was to upgrade to Gallery 2.0
but that has a completely differnt look and I have a customized shopping cart
integraded in my 1.5.
Would it be difficult to get my version to work with the latest PHP? It looks
like there are only a few functions it is complaining about. Can I just
replace these with whatever are the new supported functions in PHP? I have a
software background> Would this be too big of a task? I need to get this
back in the next couple of days because I have a big job that needs to be
online for a customer.
Or should I just give up on it and move to something else and convince my
hosting company to put me on a server running the older PHP temporarily until
I can get this figured out?
Thanks for any help,
Posts: 16504
No there is no plans at all for any work or new releases for G1.
Try what Tim_j suggests here:
Really start looking at migrating to a newer version of Gallery because there is not going to be another release of Gallery1 every again. I don't know if the Jallery project is still alive or not:
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Posts: 15
Thanks for the reply. Right now I'll take anything I can to buy me some time. I also saw Tim_j suggestion in another thread at: but then he goes on to say that it won't work something about the exec() function not working. Is that right, should I pursue this further?
Posts: 16504
The issues that person was having with exec() doesn't apply here.
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Posts: 15
OK, so if I understand correctly, as long as my web hosting company has not disabled exec() with the new version of PHP, then all I need to do is change
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
in the init.php file. Is that right? Wow this will be too easy! Thank you, thank you very much.
Posts: 16504
Try it
You can see you php environment by looking at phpinfo
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
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Posts: 15
Looks to be working. Thanks again for all the help!
Posts: 1
Three days ago we started having problems with our Gallery at we tried downloading several new pictures. The pictures are corrupted and will not fully load up. I tried from work and loaded a picture and it too was corrupted but it would come up if double clicked on. We tried several different pictures and they all show broken. Is it something in the gallery? Can you help?
Posts: 16504
Hmmm, you absolutely require JS to view your page, hmmmm.... After verifying that the junk on your site was safe and finding your Gallery URL... I may rethink ever visiting those pages again....
That's Gallery 2 and a super ancient version at that, really, really old.
Start a new post here:
And fill out as much info as possible:
FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?
You're going to be ask to upgrade as nobody doing Gallery support has used that old code for years. Since that version is soooo old, you'll need to make a few incremental upgrades to 2.1 first, last I checked SourceForge didn't have those old downloads any longer. You can get it here if you trust a core team member of Gallery:
Then you'll need to upgrade to 2.2
Then you can get the latest version of Gallery 2 from here:
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