Hi clindsey,
Sorry for the late reply... had the flu.
Thanks for the kind words. As for the tagging of people who are not Gallery users: I use tags for those. How would you propose this would work? At the moment this is not possible because the annotations are linked with the user id of Gallery users.
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2007-03-29
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2010-10-12 14:43
I guess I could accomplish what I was thinking by creating users for each person I want to tag. Basically I was thinking of the user tagging functionality (a page with all the pictures tagged with a single user), without having to create a user for each person within Gallery (if that makes sense).
Joined: 2007-03-29
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-13 16:18
I get what you are saying now, using tags. But, question for you. When I do Add annotation and use the tag for someone's name, below the picture it will say "Faces on this photo: Dad". But when the page is loaded again, that is gone. Why does that Faces on this photo line go away?
Joined: 2007-03-29
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-13 17:36
Maybe I should clarify (sorry about the multiple posts). When I tag a person in a picture that is not a Gallery user (just using the tag functionality), I cannot use the functionality of the People block (that displays people tags and allows to search people). If this could be integrated with the ability to tag as people non-Gallery users, that would be awesome.
Joined: 2009-01-18
Posts: 57
Posted: Fri, 2010-10-22 06:20
This module is really great. Thank you.
I have a problem, i dont know how to move the annotation box to any place at photo, because if i hold mouse button pressed and move it to another place at the photo, box returns to corner as soon i release mouse button.
Am i doing anything wrong?
regards all
(i have installed last G3 Master version and Photo Annotation Module V5b3)
Joined: 2010-10-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2010-10-21 13:52
I had been tagging photos with Photoannotation version 4 under Gallery3 version 3RC3 and all worked well.
I upgraded to Gallery3 version 3, grabbed the newest copies of my extra modules and ran index.php/upgrader.
I no longer saw any imagearea boxes appear when I hovered over the image.
So I upgraded to Photoannotation 5beta3 and it still doesn't work. Actually it seems to work on _some_ images.
When it works: I get the "View full size" box in the upper left corner and imageareas work just fine.
When it doesn't:
o I DO get the list of "Faces on this photo:" list under the image
o No boxes appear on the image when I hover over the image
o No boxes appear in them image when I hover over tag names in the "Faces on the photo:" list
o The entire image is a link to "View Full Size"
I've been looking to find a pattern of which images work and which don't (size, cammera/scanner, number of tags) but haven't found a clear pattern other than the large jpgs from my scanner never seem to work and images with lots of tags never seem to work. There are however images of the same size from the same camera each with 2 tags where some work and others don't.
I tried using tagfaces (disabling photoannotation first), but no images seem to work with it.
Any ideas?
My list of modules from the upgrader script:
Module name Installed version Available version
BatchTag 1 1
Comments 3 3
Database Info 1 1
DisplayTags 1 1
DownloadFullsize 1 1
Edit Creation 1 1
Exif Data 1 1
Exif GPS Data 2 2
Gallery 3 41 41
Google Maps 1 1
Info 1 1
Iptc Data 2 2
Keep Original 1 1
Module Updates 2 2
Photo Annotation 4 4
Rescue 1 1
REST API Module 3 3
RSS 1 1
Search 1 1
Server Add 3 3
Slideshow 2 2
Tags 2 2
Tag Cloud 1 1
TagsMap 2 2
Users and Groups 3 3
The following modules are inactive and don't require an upgrade.
* Akismet
* Digibug
* Embed Videos
* Gallery2 Import
* Image Block
* Kbd Navigation
* Notification
* Organize
* TagFaces
* User Albums
* User Homes
* Videos
* Watermarks
Joined: 2009-03-20
Posts: 127
Posted: Fri, 2010-10-22 08:24
Hi guanche and tml,
Thanks for the kind words. I'm currently on vacation so I can't really troubleshoot the mentioned issues before coming back next week @tml: Your problems sounds like the JavaScript not doing it's job. Could you either check with Firebug for any JavaScript errors or send me a link to your installation via PM so that I can have a look?
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2010-10-21
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2010-10-25 17:10
Enjoy your vacation. Sorry to bug you. I'm really enjoying this great module.
I figured out the problem. It's actually from a change in the tag module from the gallery3 core.
suddenly had the name of the tag returned from $oneTag->url(). Since some of my tags contain double quote characters, that lead to a javascript syntax error in resulting code.
Wrapping $oneTag->url in addslashes() prevents this.
There is a more basic problem that the tag module people have to fix. Having a '/' in a tag leads to a URL that doesn't resolve correctly. ie:
PS. Thanks for mentioning Firebug. I'm neither a JavaScript nor PHP programmer, so I didn't know how to get javascript error messages.
Joined: 2009-07-24
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2010-11-10 12:40
I'm having an issue with & ShadowBox or FancyBox when photo annotation is enabled.
When it is enabled the effects of ShadowBox or FancyBox are removed i.e. no borders, no navigation features & "View Full Size" is shown in the top left hand corner (see attached). When Photo Annotation is disabled, there are no problems.
I have narrowed down the issue to the file items_face.php located in /modules/photoannotation/models. I don't know anything about kohana, so I'm in the dark at the moment, but if I rename that file the ShadowBox or FancyBox effects appear - but photo annotation does not function. If I name it correctly photo annotation works, but ShadowBox or FancyBox effect are missing,
It's a great module - I hope that someone can advise on how to fix the "glitch"
Many thanks,
Emmet Moore
Joined: 2009-11-02
Posts: 337
Posted: Thu, 2010-12-23 11:33
Hi hukoeth,
While I was trying to access a user profile in my Gallery 3 today, the dang page appeared. Looking at the error logs, I found that it's an issue with Photo Annotation module, and to make sure I've tried to deactivated it and the profile appeared correctly.
Those are the two errors that are repeated many times in today's log file:
Update 2
Oh! Didn't note that before, but the people photos section that is appeared in their profiles doesn't even work. The section 'Photos' is always empty, even with people that are tagged in a lot of photos.
Update 3
OK. The sidebar issue was happening because the users block has been activated when I re-activated the plugin (as I said, I deactivated it to make sure the problem is something with this module.) I've removed it now from the active blocks and the sidebar appears again. So to summery, we have three issues now:
(1) An issue that makes some user profiles inaccessible
(2) An issue with the tagged photos section that is shown in the user profile
(3) An issue with the users sidebar block
Joined: 2010-08-29
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2011-01-06 13:15
thx for this nice modul but is there a chance to made it open for reg. users without the permission to edit photos?
Joined: 2005-09-13
Posts: 84
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-12 11:36
After update gallery3 from github now, photo annotation doesn't work any more. I just guess the problem may cause by http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/1490 fixed, because there is no such problem after I updated gallery3 from github yesterday.
Joined: 2005-09-13
Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 2011-01-14 12:56
Sorry, I used Canvas theme. The problem has to be fixed in theme, not photo annotation module.
Joined: 2010-06-23
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 2011-01-16 16:20
EmmetMoore wrote:
I'm having an issue with & ShadowBox or FancyBox when photo annotation is enabled.
When it is enabled the effects of ShadowBox or FancyBox are removed i.e. no borders, no navigation features & "View Full Size" is shown in the top left hand corner (see attached). When Photo Annotation is disabled, there are no problems.
I have narrowed down the issue to the file items_face.php located in /modules/photoannotation/models. I don't know anything about kohana, so I'm in the dark at the moment, but if I rename that file the ShadowBox or FancyBox effects appear - but photo annotation does not function. If I name it correctly photo annotation works, but ShadowBox or FancyBox effect are missing,
It's a great module - I hope that someone can advise on how to fix the "glitch"
Many thanks,
Emmet Moore
I can confirm this strange behaviour. It's a bit annoying (in my point of view when I almost destroyed my gallery till I found it photo annotation makes it ).
It behaves as descripted above - shadowbox disappears and on his place mishmash of text "view fullsize" and view-fullsize icon from greydragon theme appears.
Many thanks for resolving this bug, this is a great module!
Joined: 2011-01-19
Posts: 17
Posted: Sun, 2011-01-23 04:20
Hi, love the plugin, but how might I go about changing/removing the g-fullsize-link class from the little mouseover-dropdown box on the top left to make it so clicking this link opens the image in a new/current tab? Without this module enabled I hacked on the gallery/themes/view/photo.html.php file to make this happen.
Specifically, to do this I removed class="g-fullsize-link" from this line (line 36):
<a href="<?= $item->file_url() ?>" class="g-fullsize-link" title="<?= t("View full size")->for_html_attr() ?>">
to get this:
<a href="<?= $item->file_url() ?>" title="<?= t("View full size")->for_html_attr() ?>">
I've tried hacking on the only relevant instance of g-fullsize-link in your module code, but haven't been able to accomplish this. Any ideas?
Joined: 2011-06-08
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2011-06-23 16:21
Just installed this plugin on my Gallery 3.0.2 installation. I'm getting a JavaScript error when clicking on the Annotate link
Result of expression '$("#g-item-id-3806").annotateImage' [undefined] is not a function.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2011-06-23 20:19
I am running 3.0.2 and the plugin (listed as version 4 on my modules list), and don't have any problem. Maybe another module is getting in the way?
@tkott, I disabled the TagFaces plugin. Does it need to be removed all together?
My blind guess is that the Annotation JavaScript is not being loaded. Can anyone tell me what this module is supposed to load in JS wise? I looked at the header, and nothing jumped out at me as a JS file for this module.
Joined: 2011-06-08
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2011-06-24 20:39
Another issue I noticed with Photo Annotations enabled. When adding a single tag to a single photo, the Ajax suggestions are unavailable, and clicking "Add Tag" results in the JSON string under /gallery/index.php/tags/create/
Joined: 2009-09-16
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2011-09-19 12:13
I like very much the idea of this module,
but it's not very nice that fancybox is disabled
In addition there is that "View full size" text which is doubled; When the mouse is over the picture I was seeing twice that string: "View full size View full size" (with one icon over the first 2 letters). Modifying some files I managed to resolve this issue ... but because the problem with fancybox (I understand that with shadowbox is the same (and also the frame of the picture is changed) ) I currently disabled this module
So ... any scheduled update on this ?
Thank you,
Best Regards
Joined: 2008-08-11
Posts: 101
Posted: Sun, 2012-05-13 02:25
This thread was locked so I started a new one over here - http://gallery.menalto.com/node/106480, but Dave was kind enough to unlock this one so...
The attached patch fixes a problem where a user's profile page would break if (I think) they had no photos associated with them.
Joined: 2005-02-04
Posts: 344
Posted: Sat, 2012-06-23 22:33
Does anyone know if it is possible for users to add notations to photos or is it only for the admin? Thanks.
Posts: 127
Hi clindsey,
Sorry for the late reply... had the flu.
Thanks for the kind words. As for the tagging of people who are not Gallery users: I use tags for those. How would you propose this would work? At the moment this is not possible because the annotations are linked with the user id of Gallery users.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 15
I guess I could accomplish what I was thinking by creating users for each person I want to tag. Basically I was thinking of the user tagging functionality (a page with all the pictures tagged with a single user), without having to create a user for each person within Gallery (if that makes sense).
Posts: 15
I get what you are saying now, using tags. But, question for you. When I do Add annotation and use the tag for someone's name, below the picture it will say "Faces on this photo: Dad". But when the page is loaded again, that is gone. Why does that Faces on this photo line go away?
Posts: 15
Maybe I should clarify (sorry about the multiple posts). When I tag a person in a picture that is not a Gallery user (just using the tag functionality), I cannot use the functionality of the People block (that displays people tags and allows to search people). If this could be integrated with the ability to tag as people non-Gallery users, that would be awesome.
Posts: 57
This module is really great. Thank you.
I have a problem, i dont know how to move the annotation box to any place at photo, because if i hold mouse button pressed and move it to another place at the photo, box returns to corner as soon i release mouse button.
Am i doing anything wrong?
regards all
(i have installed last G3 Master version and Photo Annotation Module V5b3)
Posts: 2
I had been tagging photos with Photoannotation version 4 under Gallery3 version 3RC3 and all worked well.
I upgraded to Gallery3 version 3, grabbed the newest copies of my extra modules and ran index.php/upgrader.
I no longer saw any imagearea boxes appear when I hovered over the image.
So I upgraded to Photoannotation 5beta3 and it still doesn't work. Actually it seems to work on _some_ images.
When it works: I get the "View full size" box in the upper left corner and imageareas work just fine.
When it doesn't:
o I DO get the list of "Faces on this photo:" list under the image
o No boxes appear on the image when I hover over the image
o No boxes appear in them image when I hover over tag names in the "Faces on the photo:" list
o The entire image is a link to "View Full Size"
I've been looking to find a pattern of which images work and which don't (size, cammera/scanner, number of tags) but haven't found a clear pattern other than the large jpgs from my scanner never seem to work and images with lots of tags never seem to work. There are however images of the same size from the same camera each with 2 tags where some work and others don't.
I tried using tagfaces (disabling photoannotation first), but no images seem to work with it.
Any ideas?
My list of modules from the upgrader script:
Module name Installed version Available version
BatchTag 1 1
Comments 3 3
Database Info 1 1
DisplayTags 1 1
DownloadFullsize 1 1
Edit Creation 1 1
Exif Data 1 1
Exif GPS Data 2 2
Gallery 3 41 41
Google Maps 1 1
Info 1 1
Iptc Data 2 2
Keep Original 1 1
Module Updates 2 2
Photo Annotation 4 4
Rescue 1 1
REST API Module 3 3
RSS 1 1
Search 1 1
Server Add 3 3
Slideshow 2 2
Tags 2 2
Tag Cloud 1 1
TagsMap 2 2
Users and Groups 3 3
The following modules are inactive and don't require an upgrade.
* Akismet
* Digibug
* Embed Videos
* Gallery2 Import
* Image Block
* Kbd Navigation
* Notification
* Organize
* TagFaces
* User Albums
* User Homes
* Videos
* Watermarks
Posts: 127
Hi guanche and tml,
Thanks for the kind words. I'm currently on vacation so I can't really troubleshoot the mentioned issues before coming back next week @tml: Your problems sounds like the JavaScript not doing it's job. Could you either check with Firebug for any JavaScript errors or send me a link to your installation via PM so that I can have a look?
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 2
Enjoy your vacation. Sorry to bug you. I'm really enjoying this great module.
I figured out the problem. It's actually from a change in the tag module from the gallery3 core.
They switched the tag page URL from /tags/show/{id_number} to /tags/{tag_name}. (See http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/1363)
So in views/photoannotation_highlight_block.html.php the line:
$jscode .= "\"url\": \"". $oneTag->url() ."\" },\n";
suddenly had the name of the tag returned from $oneTag->url(). Since some of my tags contain double quote characters, that lead to a javascript syntax error in resulting code.
Wrapping $oneTag->url in addslashes() prevents this.
There is a more basic problem that the tag module people have to fix. Having a '/' in a tag leads to a URL that doesn't resolve correctly. ie:
http://www.example.com/gallery3/index.php/tag/Hatfield/McCoy Reunion.
I'll try to open a ticket with the developers.
PS. Thanks for mentioning Firebug. I'm neither a JavaScript nor PHP programmer, so I didn't know how to get javascript error messages.
Posts: 11
I'm having an issue with & ShadowBox or FancyBox when photo annotation is enabled.
When it is enabled the effects of ShadowBox or FancyBox are removed i.e. no borders, no navigation features & "View Full Size" is shown in the top left hand corner (see attached). When Photo Annotation is disabled, there are no problems.
I have narrowed down the issue to the file items_face.php located in /modules/photoannotation/models. I don't know anything about kohana, so I'm in the dark at the moment, but if I rename that file the ShadowBox or FancyBox effects appear - but photo annotation does not function. If I name it correctly photo annotation works, but ShadowBox or FancyBox effect are missing,
There is a similiar thread located here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/98713
It's a great module - I hope that someone can advise on how to fix the "glitch"
Many thanks,
Emmet Moore
Posts: 337
Hi hukoeth,
While I was trying to access a user profile in my Gallery 3 today, the dang page appeared. Looking at the error logs, I found that it's an issue with Photo Annotation module, and to make sure I've tried to deactivated it and the profile appeared correctly.
Those are the two errors that are repeated many times in today's log file:
PS If that makes any difference, I am using the latest beta release.
Update 1
Well, the log file is just increasing madly. The sidebar is disappeared now, and I see another error in the log:
Update 2
Oh! Didn't note that before, but the people photos section that is appeared in their profiles doesn't even work. The section 'Photos' is always empty, even with people that are tagged in a lot of photos.
Update 3
OK. The sidebar issue was happening because the users block has been activated when I re-activated the plugin (as I said, I deactivated it to make sure the problem is something with this module.) I've removed it now from the active blocks and the sidebar appears again. So to summery, we have three issues now:
(1) An issue that makes some user profiles inaccessible
(2) An issue with the tagged photos section that is shown in the user profile
(3) An issue with the users sidebar block
Posts: 1
thx for this nice modul but is there a chance to made it open for reg. users without the permission to edit photos?
Posts: 84
After update gallery3 from github now, photo annotation doesn't work any more. I just guess the problem may cause by http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/1490 fixed, because there is no such problem after I updated gallery3 from github yesterday.
Posts: 84
Sorry, I used Canvas theme. The problem has to be fixed in theme, not photo annotation module.
Posts: 18
I can confirm this strange behaviour. It's a bit annoying (in my point of view when I almost destroyed my gallery till I found it photo annotation makes it
It behaves as descripted above - shadowbox disappears and on his place mishmash of text "view fullsize" and view-fullsize icon from greydragon theme appears.
Many thanks for resolving this bug, this is a great module!
Posts: 17
Hi, love the plugin, but how might I go about changing/removing the g-fullsize-link class from the little mouseover-dropdown box on the top left to make it so clicking this link opens the image in a new/current tab? Without this module enabled I hacked on the gallery/themes/view/photo.html.php file to make this happen.
Specifically, to do this I removed class="g-fullsize-link" from this line (line 36):
<a href="<?= $item->file_url() ?>" class="g-fullsize-link" title="<?= t("View full size")->for_html_attr() ?>">
to get this:
<a href="<?= $item->file_url() ?>" title="<?= t("View full size")->for_html_attr() ?>">
I've tried hacking on the only relevant instance of g-fullsize-link in your module code, but haven't been able to accomplish this. Any ideas?
Posts: 7
Just installed this plugin on my Gallery 3.0.2 installation. I'm getting a JavaScript error when clicking on the Annotate link
Posts: 225
I am running 3.0.2 and the plugin (listed as version 4 on my modules list), and don't have any problem. Maybe another module is getting in the way?
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 7
@tkott, I disabled the TagFaces plugin. Does it need to be removed all together?
My blind guess is that the Annotation JavaScript is not being loaded. Can anyone tell me what this module is supposed to load in JS wise? I looked at the header, and nothing jumped out at me as a JS file for this module.
Posts: 7
Another issue I noticed with Photo Annotations enabled. When adding a single tag to a single photo, the Ajax suggestions are unavailable, and clicking "Add Tag" results in the JSON string under /gallery/index.php/tags/create/
Posts: 10

I like very much the idea of this module,
but it's not very nice that fancybox is disabled
In addition there is that "View full size" text which is doubled; When the mouse is over the picture I was seeing twice that string: "View full size View full size" (with one icon over the first 2 letters). Modifying some files I managed to resolve this issue ... but because the problem with fancybox (I understand that with shadowbox is the same (and also the frame of the picture is changed) ) I currently disabled this module
So ... any scheduled update on this ?
Thank you,
Best Regards
Posts: 101
This thread was locked so I started a new one over here - http://gallery.menalto.com/node/106480, but Dave was kind enough to unlock this one so...
The attached patch fixes a problem where a user's profile page would break if (I think) they had no photos associated with them.
Posts: 344
Does anyone know if it is possible for users to add notations to photos or is it only for the admin? Thanks.