[Checkout] Couple questions


Joined: 2010-07-08
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-16 04:27

I have Checkout running with Checkout by Email and Checkout by PayPal.

It seems that the only transactions that show up in "Checkout Orders" section are those labeled "checkoutemail" under the payment method.

Are PayPal transactions supposed to show up here as well? Is there any reason why it is not showing up?

Thanks for your help.


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-16 13:23
Are PayPal transactions supposed to show up here as well? Is there any reason why it is not showing up?

They show up once an IPN (Instant Payment Notifitcation) is received from Paypal. Usually this arrives within a few seconds of payment being made,. They should also show after you return to the gallery website after completing the payment at the paypal website.

Make sure you follow the setup instructions for paypal in the checkout documentation. Also you need a webserver that is permitted to make *outgoing* web requests, which are needed to verify the security of an incoming IPN.