Translation of the EXIF/IPTC Module


Joined: 2010-07-31
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2010-07-31 11:57

Gallery version : 2.3 noyau 1.3.0
PHP version : 5.2.13 cgi
PHPInfo Link :
Webserver : Apache/2.2.X (OVH)
Database : mysql 5.0.90-log, lock.system=flock
Activated toolkits : Gd, Exif, SquareThumb, ArchiveUpload
Operating system : Windows XP
Browser : Firefox 3.6.8


Everything seems runing well on my G2 but...

I Installed the EXIF/IPTC module (1.2.6 version) and I can't see any translation of the EXIF/IPTC items.
Comparing with other (but older) EXIF/IPTC module (1.1.0), I saw that there should be languages files such as fr.po in the gallery2/modules/exif/po/ directory. On my installation, this directory contains only 2 files (GNUmakerfile and strings.raw)...

Does anybody have an idea of where the bug is and on how I could fix it ?

Thanks for paying attention !