I have been investigating using permalinks so that I can directly refer to images form an external website. This works fine, but what I would like to do is use the thumbnail from Gallery in the external site.
So for example, in my website I have this html:
<a href ="http://www.intheravine.com/galleries/f/DaveB_1">
<img src="--- What can I use here to pull down the correct thumbnail---"/>
The only examples I can find use the itemId such as
<img src="http://www.intheravine.com/galleries/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=779&g2_serialNumber=2" width="79" height="150" id="IFid8" class="ImageFrame_none giThumbnail" alt="Derek's practice swing"/>
(This was just cut from the source of a form page!)
I'd like to have the thumbnail name related to the permalink? Or can add my own permalinnk to a thumbnail Image?
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 8339
try mediaBlock for displaying gallery content on external sites, or getUrls might do what you want.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Or Gallery3
I took a look at your gallery install and don't see anything that's really specific and special for G2. Don't know if you're making use of item level or user level permissions in G2, if not G3 might be a perfect fit for you and static, permanent URLs for any of the images are easy. 
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Posts: 2
Ah...my hosting service only supports G2 at the moment..which is a shame, as Static permanent URLs sounds like just what I need.
My install is very basic - as you will have noticed!