[checkout paypal] duplicate module?ith

lucasmarin's picture

Joined: 2010-07-14
Posts: 37
Posted: Sat, 2010-07-24 06:49

Hey guys! Can you help me here?
I duplicated the checkout module renaming it, and it works great. I find it really useful to have 2 modules, one that i use for prints and the other to license images.
I thought there was going to be some conflicts, but so far it worked great.
Now, with the checkout paypal module i did have some issues. Just duplicating it, somehow, paypal cant comunicate back to gallery, so the orders remain unpaid. Also there are no email confirmations.
Then i tried to use the same checkoutpaypal module for both checkout modules (the original and the duplicated) by editing module.inc in the duplicate and putting it back to normal. But i didnt have any luck. The paypal buttons do not appear in the duplicate, though the do in the original checkout module.
Any recommendations? I would really appreciate any help.
Thank you in advance!

ps: i am enclosing the error i got when i tried this whole thing in my local server, which i use for testing purposes. Then i tried it online, but then happened what i described before.
