Older version of module - Square Thumbnails or any other solution to...

UglukHa's picture

Joined: 2007-04-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-11 15:38

I have gallery2 which I installed very long time ago. It is version 2.2.1.

Everything works fine for rly long time.

I would like to add Square Thumbnails module. So I downloaded newest version from modules section.
And here is problem, in admin panel I see information that I have older version of main module and somtheing else and I cannot install that module.

Niekompatybilny moduł!
Wymagana wersja modułu głównego: 7.34 (zainstalowana: 7.18)
Wymagana wersja modułu: 3.6 (zainstalowana: 3.5)

I made some changes to modules and themes and I dont really remember what I changed etc. so I would like to not upgrade to newer gallery2 version because I can lose my changes.

So my question is, is there any place where I can download older version of Square Thumbnails? For version 2.2.1.?
Or maybe I can just replace some files of main gallery modules to get it work with newest Square Thumbnails version?

Thx in advance for any help,
Kind regards!

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-11 15:52

You can try going to Site Admin > Plugins > Get More Plugins (tab)

If that's not there or Square Thumbs isn't listed, the only support we can give and you should do this anyway because there are security issues that have been dealt with is to upgrade to 2.3.1
FAQ: How to upgrade Gallery2?

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UglukHa's picture

Joined: 2007-04-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2010-05-12 07:41

Thanks, it worked!

got another question, is there any way to change all thumbs to square automaticaly? I see option to do that 1by1 when I open image, but how to change whole album thumbs?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-05-12 13:33

Rebuild all thumbs. Site Admin > Maintenance for the entire gallery or Edit Album > Album (tab) to be able to do album by album
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