I have just upgraded to version 1.4-pl1.
My site is in Japanese and after logging in I clicked on preferences and changed the Gallery language to Japanese.
I logged out but could find no change... My computer has both English and Japanese but its primary language is English so I tried viewing the page on a friends Japanese computer, but there was no change. All the menu's (login, manage users, move album, rename album, preferences etc. ) remain in English.
Could some one let me know what the story is. Maybe I need to change some other setting or perhaps it has not been actually localized yet to Japanese...
Thank you,
Gallery URL:
Gallery version: 1.4-pl1
Apache version: 1.3.28 (Unix)
PHP version: 4.3.2
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.2.6
Web browser/version (if applicable): Mozilla
Posts: 3473
Moved to translations forum
Posts: 6818
Hi DamienA,
Can you provide a URL to your gallery ?
Posts: 203
Thank you for getting back to me.
My gallery is at: http://www.cambodiakids.org/gallery/
I look forward to hearing from you,
Posts: 203
Hello Jens,
I wonder if you have forgotten to look at my homepage? Perhaps you are quite busy now... If you are then, that is OK. Whan you can could you have a look at my site and give me some pointers as to what I need to do to get Japanese working...
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Posts: 6818
your gallery is running in mode2 which means its showed in the language that the browser sends.
i played a bit, and viewed your gallery in german, french and finnish...
So it seems to be a config problem.
Can you email me your config.php ?
PS.: Is it possible to you to change your gallery in configmode ? Or install a separate gallery and put this in configmode. I would like to see whats the configwizard does.
Posts: 203
Thanks Jens,
I have sent an email with my attached config.php to your
I look forward to hearing from you,
Posts: 6818
No Email arrived so far..
Posts: 203
Hello Jens,
Very strange...
I just sent the email for a second time to
I hope it will arrive. If you don't receive it, what should I do?
Posts: 5
I have the same problem with v1.4-pl1 at http://uyghur.bolashak.kz/gallery/
Apache 1.3.28 (Linux)
PHP 4.3.2
ML mode is 3.
My best guess is the absence of gettext, though the config wizard states that the absence of gettext affects only the speed of retrieving translations.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 6818
Hi MisterRus,
can you put your gallery in config mode ?
Posts: 203
Hello Jens,
Thank you for your suggestion. I opened up config.php and my best guess was to put
$gallery->app->locale_alias['ja_JP'] = "de_DE";
in the /* Constants */ section.
It didn't change anything, so I tried it in the /* Defaults */ section.
That didn't change anything either...
So I found in config.php there was a place where I could change the default language... I changed that to "ja_JP" but still no change.
Next I change the Mode to 3 (I am not sure what the value 2 or 3 means but as MisterRus had his in 3 I thought I would give it a try!
Well, with that setting a little menu came up under the search menu area that now lets me manually choose between Eng US/Brit, Chinese and Japanese...
I manually switched to Japanese and got unreadable characters (just question marks) for the menu's! Well, at least something is now happening! I could read all the Japanese that I had put on the other parts of the page, but the menus were just question marks.
Perhaps the reason is I encoded the pages on my site in ISO-2022-JP but the Japanese encoding for gallery is EUC-JP... Perhaps there is a conflict with the encodings. Have you had such a conflict before?
What should I do? Do I need to change the coding of my page? All of the other pages in my website are encoded in ISO-2022-JP... I would like to keep things consistent if possible...
I look forward to hearing your opinion.
i am not really sure what the problem might be.
Can you try to add:
$gallery->app->locale_alias['ja_JP'] = "de_DE";
to your config.php and look if it helps ?
Posts: 203
I just realized that the sidebar that appears on my gallery page is probably encoded in ISO-2022-JP... I made a mistake above suggesting that I should change the gallery page encoding to EUC-JP. The only part of the page that is not actually gallery is the sidebar.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing your suggestions on what I should try next....
Posts: 5
Posts: 5
so, Jens, any ideas?
Posts: 2
hello DamienA,
i got the same problem like u b4, now i fix it. i use linux mandrake 8.
by upgrading all locales package, i can switch all the menu to display different language. maybe u can try to tweak your locales setting of your mac.
Posts: 203
Dear Peter!
I took your advice and !WOW! it works! Finally! I can't tell you how great that is... I had been waiting for some advice from someone or anyone at all, but nothing came and I had basically given up!
Thank you so much for helping me with this!
Good luck with your site!
Best wishes,
Posts: 203
I am posting a personal message to me and my reply as they may be useful to someone...
Hi Damien,
I had just started using Gallery recently, as a way to let myself and my wife upload photos we took with the digital camera. I too am needing to be ableto display comments/album titles in both Japanese and English - which I have not yet been successful in doing. I am using Gallery 1.4pl1 (same as you) on Debian Linux. The two things I wanted to ask how you got to work were:
1) Pull down Language menus. How! ? I have been successful in getting Gallery to switch between English and Finnish or Swedish, but never Japanese. You seem to have the interface working as well. What did you do to enable the pull down bar, and the correct language detection.
2) How do you do your uploads? I have been experimenting with iphoto2gallery but there appear to be issues with utf-8.
Dear John,
Persistance is what it takes...
Firstly, you should go to the Gallery download page and download the latest lanuguage module ( Gallery v1.4-pl1 Language Update ) and install it in your Gallery if you have not already done so.
I could not get the Japanese side of things to work until I unstalled that module...
I just did a search for the module on the download page but it seems to have disappeared. I guess they must be about to upgrade it... If you can't find it let me know your email address and I will mail it to you.
To get the language pull downs to work, you have to go back to the configuration mode... (you will have to do that anyway, after you upgrade your language module) I think you will the option to select them on the second page. You will get an option for pull down menu's and the lanuguages you want in them. There is also an option for auto detection of the lanuguage of the browser accessing the site. I messed with it but found it did not work... That is why I decided on the pull down menu.
As for uploads, I played with Gallery Remote but not iPhoto2Gallery. A month or two ago I could not get Gallery Remote to work with OS X and gave up on it. It might have been upgraded since then but I have not checked.
My procedure is to just choose the photos I want to upload and duplicate them into a folder on my desktop. I then use Stuffit to compress them into a single ZIP file (don't compress the folder, just the photos within) and then upload that single compressed file after logging into my gallery.
It is a little bit cumbersone, but once you have done it once it is pretty easy.
I hope this helps.
Posts: 26
since the multi-language support is now meant to be included in the core package for gallery, it should work just with that i guess...

but i am also having the same problem
i cant display in japanese (or any other language)
if anyone knows why, please tell me
Posts: 12
Hi everybody,
I have the same problem with the French translation. I have the 1.4-RC3 version of Gallery, I have downloaded the French translation, copied the files in locale directory but it doesn't work. In my config.php I have :
$gallery->app->default_language = "fr_FR";
$gallery->app->ML_mode = "3";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "en_US";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "fr_FR";
But when I click on the French flag, nothing happen, it is still in English. Is there another thing to do before it works ?
Posts: 6818
Hi Rom,
Can you give me the URL to your gallery ?
Posts: 12
Posts: 6818
did you download the fr_FR package from Gallery Page on Sourceforge ?
A lot of that files are broken.
Can you download the fr_FR package from http://jems.de/archive/1.4.1
PS.: If it still does not work, i would like to see a phpinfo of your server.
Posts: 12
Yes it is the right package. No error during the decompression.
You can see my phpinfo on setup/phpinfo.php
Posts: 6818
Hi Rom,
its a locale problem.
The system does not have the correct locales installed.
Unfortunately on your case Gallery does not detect this.
Is it possible that i can have access to your server ?
SSh were good. FTP were okay.
Posts: 12
I can't give you an access to my server, there's a lot of private data on it.
Can you explain me exactly what is wrong ? What do you want to say by "The system does not have the correct locales installed." ?
Posts: 6818
I only would need access to the gallery dir.
Anyway, no Problem.
It seems your server is on a Linux System.
And your PHP has gettext support.
In this case you need to have at least one system locale installed.
The problem in your special case is now, that you do have at least one locale, but its not fr_FR.
For some reason Gallery checks dont catch this correct and give you a warning.
Posts: 12
What is exactly system locale ?
Posts: 6818
Locales are a "set of conventions affected or determined by human language and customs, as defined within a particular geo-political region. These conventions include (but are not necessarily limited to) the written language, formats for dates, numbers and currency, sorting orders, etc."
Posts: 12
Want do you want to see in my gallery dir ? I can send you the files you need if you want.
Posts: 6818
No, that would not help me.
If you have shellaccess a
would help.
Posts: 12
No I haven't a shellaccess, just a FtpAccess.
Posts: 3473
I'm going to step in unbidden here. Rom, you have a system that is slightly different to any we have encountered. The only way to find out how to get Gallery to work on such a system is for a developer to be able to experiment. While it's perfectly reasonable that you don't want to allow that, I think that means that we can't solve your problem. You'll just have to wait for a similar system with the same problems that we can access.
Posts: 12
OK. Thanks.
Can you inform me if you find the solution one day ?
Posts: 3473
Well, unfortunately as we don't know what the problem is on your system, it will be hard to know if we have fixed it for you.
Jens may want to keep trying at this - I just feel that it's going to be pretty hard to do anything without access.
[note it doesn't have to be to your account. another account on the server would do]
Posts: 2
I seem to have problems just like Rom with the french package
but i have ssh access and so on
tell me what you want
Posts: 6818
if you would give me access via SSh it would be perfect.
Just sent me your details via mail or PN.
If its your Account, please change your password before.
Posts: 12
Have u find a solution for ludop ?
Posts: 27
I have the same probleme of ROM
When I do a locale -a here is the answer :
Is Debian not so well for supporting gallery ? Before I was using a RH 9 and all was ok (even languages).
I've tryed with the spanish, Russian and French language package, I't not working.
thank for help
Posts: 6818
Hi Ozit,
Debian comes per default without System locales.
If your PHP has gettext support then these locales are needed.
So you have to install them.
Posts: 27
Hi Jens,
Can u tell us (me and my friends) which package of debian do we have to install , or where can we find the source ?
Just for a look, after some work (long reinstallation because of broken HD), when I'm doing a 'locale -a' here is the result :
# locale -a
Does it mean thant french, spanish and Russian languages should work ? :o
Posts: 6818
well this is debian :|
On Debian not all locales may be enabled by default.
i think in your case only japanese will work.
Can you do a search for debian and locales in the forum ?
there were solutions for this.
Or you could edit /etc/locale.gen and
run locale-gen if you changed the list of enabled locales.
Posts: 27
:D :D THANKKKKKK :lol: :D :D
you were right, it was necessary to activate the desired languages with the commands :
dpkg-reconfigure locales
(select wich languages we want)
and a
I am in a hurry to see the G2 (not in beta) ;-)
Posts: 10
i have the same problem for french trad it dont works ..
can you look my detail post here ?
Posts: 6
Hi, there.
I have my Gallery upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 in order to have support for French, German, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish.
Downloaded the language packs for 1.4.2 and untarred them under /locale directory. Checked the perms, everything's fine: same perms as the en_US directory.
I have set it up to mode3, the flags appear but no chage is made when clicking on them. :roll:
Have reconfigured my locales (Debian Woody box), avoiding the warning that used to appear on the Configuration Wizard's first screen but... without success
Running on PHP 4.3.3 (a backport)
Apache 1.3.26
GNU/Linux Debian Woody
Posts: 8
I have almost the exact same problem as arlequin
Runinng Debian on a Macintosh
Gallery 1.4.2
locales are configured - at least they all apear when I locales -a. (I have both 'russian' and 'ru_RU')
/gallery/locale has the proper directories with same perms as the english.
I see the language names names but only the English flag! - when I switch language, everything remains in english.
www.codaf.co.il/gallery (is now in configure mode)