1AND1 Install Gallery3 RC1 Issue
Joined: 2009-06-23
Posts: 110 |
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I know that only some few use 1AND1 hosting. I had G3 running on 1AND1 but had to rebuild my machine and when i tried to do a fresh install i end up with a nice white screen. any ideas what i need to do? this is the exact steps i followed: what should i do to resolve this? thanks, billy William Johnson - Billy |
Posts: 110
BTW: i tried clearing browser cache (latest version of Firefox 3.6.3 i think) also with no help
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 1642
As Floridave and Nivekiam have decided 1&1 is just too much trouble, you might want to ask SergeD, the 1&1 guru, to have a look for you
BTW PHP 5.2.13 is fine and up to date … unlike their infamous Apache 1.3.
Posts: 110
hello all,
well i started over and created new My SQL, etc. this time as soon as i go into 'Groups/Users' i get the infamous 'Dang . . . . '
i followed the same steps above this time also, except new upload and MySQL setup. loaded into /gallery3 and am using the latest Firefox 3.6 browser.
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 110
this is some of teh errors errors i got:
Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: The requested views, admin.html, could not be found
SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 812 ]
807 if ($found === NULL) 808 { 809 if ($required === TRUE) 810 { 811 // If the file is required, throw an exception 812 throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested :resource:, :file:, could not be found', array(':resource:' => __($directory), ':file:' =>$filename)); 813 } 814 else 815 { 816 // Nothing was found, return FALSE 817 $found = FALSE;
SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 83 ] » Kohana_Core::find_file( arguments )
string(5) "views"
string(10) "admin.html"
bool TRUE
78 public function set_filename($name, $type = NULL)
79 {
80 if ($type == NULL)
81 {
82 // Load the filename and set the content type
83 $this->kohana_filename = Kohana::find_file('views', $name, TRUE);
84 $this->kohana_filetype = EXT;
85 }
86 else
87 {
88 // Check if the filetype is allowed by the configuration
SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 49 ] » View_Core->set_filename( arguments )
string(10) "admin.html"
44 public function __construct($name = NULL, $data = NULL, $type = NULL)
45 {
46 if (is_string($name) AND $name !== '')
47 {
48 // Set the filename
49 $this->set_filename($name, $type);
50 }
52 if (is_array($data) AND ! empty($data))
53 {
54 // Preload data using array_merge, to allow user extensions
MODPATH/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php[ 56 ] » View_Core->__construct( arguments )
string(10) "admin.html"
51 * Override View_Core::__construct so that we can set the csrf value into all views.
52 *
53 * @see View_Core::__construct
54 */
55 public function __construct($name = NULL, $data = NULL, $type = NULL) {
56 parent::__construct($name, $data, $type);
57 $this->set_global("csrf", access::csrf_token());
58 }
60 /**
61 * Override View_Core::render so that we trap errors stemming from bad PHP includes and show a
MODPATH/gallery/libraries/Admin_View.php[ 30 ] » View->__construct( arguments )
string(10) "admin.html"
25 * @param string $name view name
26 * @param string $theme_name view name
27 * @return void
28 */
29 public function __construct($name) {
30 parent::__construct($name);
32 $this->theme_name = module::get_var("gallery", "active_admin_theme");
33 if (identity::active_user()->admin) {
34 $this->theme_name = Input::instance()->get("theme", $this->theme_name);
35 }
MODPATH/user/controllers/admin_users.php[ 22 ] » Admin_View_Core->__construct( arguments )
string(10) "admin.html"
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 */
20class Admin_Users_Controller extends Admin_Controller {
21 public function index() {
22 $view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
23 $view->content = new View("admin_users.html");
24 $view->content->users = ORM::factory(
25 $view->content->groups = ORM::factory("group")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all();
26 print $view;
27 }
{PHP internal call} » Admin_Users_Controller->index()
MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin.php[ 57 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
array(2) (
0 => object Admin_Users_Controller(1) {
private theme => NULL
1 => string(5) "index"
53 if (!method_exists($controller_name, $method)) {
54 throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
55 }
57 call_user_func_array(array(new $controller_name, $method), $args);
58 }
60 private static function _reauth_check() {
61 $session = Session::instance();
62 $last_active_auth = $session->get("active_auth_timestamp", 0);
{PHP internal call} » Admin_Controller->__call( arguments )
string(5) "users"
SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 330 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( arguments )
object Admin_Controller(1) {
private theme => NULL
array(2) (
0 => string(5) "users"
1 => array(0)
326 // Start the controller execution benchmark
327 Benchmark::start(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_controller_execution');
329 // Execute the controller method
330 $method->invokeArgs($controller, $arguments);
332 // Controller method has been executed
333 Event::run('system.post_controller');
335 // Stop the controller execution benchmark
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::instance( arguments )
SYSPATH/core/Event.php[ 208 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
array(2) (
0 => string(6) "Kohana"
1 => string(8) "instance"
array(1) (
0 => NULL
203 Event::$data =& $data;
204 $callbacks = Event::get($name);
206 foreach ($callbacks as $callback)
207 {
208 call_user_func_array($callback, array(&$data));
209 }
211 // Do this to prevent data from getting 'stuck'
212 $clear_data = '';
213 Event::$data =& $clear_data;
APPPATH/Bootstrap.php[ 67 ] » Event_Core::run( arguments )
string(14) "system.execute"
63// End system_initialization
66// Make the magic happen!
DOCROOT/index.php[ 91 ] » require( arguments )
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 16504
Apache 1.x is NOT supported. Find a quality host. End of story.
Or wait for SergeD to get you setup again.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 110
why does 1AND1 bother you so? everytime i post for 1AND1 help you get upside down. do you live on this client and you must read every post or just look out for 1AND1 post.
SergeD and myself are not the only ones using 1AND1.
what is interesting is that Gallery3 is the only appz that gives me trouble on 1AND1. if it can be manually adjusted to work on 1AND1 why not design flexiblilty into G3 to allow easy implementation on the host of the USERS chosing, good or bad? are you (they) trying to get every inch-pound of torque even at the cost of additional users?
what does 'the end of it' mean? if you have the 'almighty power', band me from Gallery3 and make your day.
try to be more pleasant.
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 18
In .htaccess, uncomment the mod_rewrite block.
Set the RewriteBase parameter accordingly to the directory name that you are using or "/" (no quotes) if you're using a subdomain without a directory (eg http://gallery.example.com/)
Posts: 110
hello ilikebacon,
I will try and get back to you. thanks,
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 110
thank you ilikebacon.
that was easy. works great so far.
just curious, what does Apache 1.x or not Apache 1.x have to do with mod'ing the RewriteBase parameter from / to /gallery3? with this nice piece of info, i only had to make two changes to .htaccess to allow gallery3 to run under 1AND1, i.e. insert AddType . . . and changing RewriteBase parameter.
again thanks to all that helped me out.
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 1
I'll also confirm these changes work on 1&1. I've just gotten into G3RC by using them. Thank you ilikebacon!
Posts: 1642
Add it to the codex for other 1&1 users
Posts: 110
ATTENTION Gallery3 'think-tanker's':
Please consider this. Would it not make sense to include these required changes into Gallery3 code to allow 1AND1 (or similar host) users to easily setup G3? it would easily fix an install/upgrade issue, allow the product to be more widely used and remove much of the 1AND1 email related 'noise'. this has been a issue with some of Gallery3 users for a few years now (on both sides of the users opinions).
It seems that the old 'Apache 1.x will not work . . . End of the story' argument is not exactly correct. Now i am sure that the newer Apache 2.x is better but . . .
Sincere thanks to all,
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 16504
What changes? The same rewrite changes I told you about months ago when SergeD helped you out? That's a hard problem to solve. Some people don't have that enabled on their server. Lots of other people put Gallery into a different directory.
I've said this many times. Apache 1.x isn't supported. I NEVER said it won't work. Apache 1.x is NO LONGER DEVELOPED and hasn't been for over 2 years now. It's old, dead software. It is the responsibility of 1&1 and GoDaddy and any other hosts still using old, OBSOLETE possibly insecure software to upgrade to supported software, not supported by us but supported by the developers of said software.
THAT is my grip with hosts like 1&1 and GoDaddy. They just simply do not care about their customers. 1&1 and GoDaddy are irresponsible hosts.
Now as for Apache 1.x and Gallery. Apache 1.x is dead software. We are not going to spend (waste) any time supporting it by creating workarounds within the software. As I've said before and I say to Windows users, if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't. There is a technical reason why G3 doesn't work out of the box on Apache 1.x where is did back in Beta 3. Changes had to be made to make other stuff work and that broke how this worked with the Kohana framework.
Would you rather the developers spend hours upon hours trying to find some odd bug that only occurs on an unsupported platform or get G3 working and out the door? I know what my answer is and I know what the answer of the majority of G3 users is and it surely doesn't involve Apache 1.x or any version of Apache on Windows or anything else on Windows.
I've said all of this to you specifically along with many others in one way or another, so yeah, I'm getting a little testy. If you just used a responsible, quality host who cares about their customers as well as maintaining their servers and software, you'll notice you're experiences with them is much better. I'm very opinionated about this because I have been around the block with low-end crappy host more than a few times.
Read the README that ships with G3 and you'll see the supported platform spelled out right there.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 1642
What you are saying is that you want the developers of G3 to spend time and effort making sure the program works on a version of Apache which the Apache Foundation itself strongly advises people not to use and which they, the people who wrote it in the first place, no longer support.
I am struggling to see the slightest shred of sense in wasting time on making sure new software works with obsolete ones.
It is not correct indeed and nobody ever said it will not work. What the position is, is that it is not supported. If you insist on using it, then it is up to you to make it work. Any problems you may face in using it is your issue based on your choice to use it.
Just that apart from other users who have made the same choice as you, any queries you may have will go unanswered. Not a big deal as long as you do it with your eyes open.
Since a way to make it work has been posted, put it up for others to find in future. However, be prepared for when an upgrade to G3 breaks your gallery in future. This is inevitable and hopefully SergeD or someone else who prefers to use Apache 1.x will help you get it back up.
Posts: 110
of course, i do not understand the total effect of changing the code to allow host such as 1AND1 to be installed.
all i am presenting is that if ONE file can be edited (manually) to enable a host such as 1AND1 to install G3, then proper code for doing such should not be that complex if it's approved to do so.
as huge as 1and1 and go daddy, etc. are, i am sure they will (when time permits) convert to Apache 2.x. why shouldn't they its not a cost issue. i bet its a 'how many users are requesting it' issue. newer servers mostly purchase the latest and greatest; existing servers do so when its market driven i would think.
anyways . . . its not a huge deal to me personally but it does make sense to put it on engineering's to-do list.
i do wonder how many servers out there right now that would allow G3B3 and so on to load without customizing the .htaccess file? then one should also ask if G3 is for advanced users or for anyone that can browse the web?
i like G3 and i am not trying to upset G3 development of course. it all a matter of what's important to do with G3 now and later. it's all OK.
sincere thanks to all's effort.
William Johnson - Billy
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 12
I can confirm this is a 1and1 apache problem and that they won't/can't change to apache 2. I solved it by actually setting up G3 on another hosting company ( and also solved lots of G2 theme problems cauing me grief!!)
Posts: 18
Just to add more fuel to the fire (or to douse the flames?) Gallery is not the only application to have issues on various hosting providers. With so-called short/clean urls.
Read some of the comments from the Drupal site for instance:
Also Mediawiki (the software that powers Wikipedia):