error during config: 'Missing value: locale_alias"


Joined: 2003-09-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-16 19:50

I got the newest version (1.4.1-cvs-b75) via CVS today, and I'm having some trouble with the configuration. The system check says that my PHP does not have gettext support. I didn't think this was a problem, because it also says that multilanguage support is still available without gettext. I wouldn't know how to install it anyway -- my gallery is running on a machine that belongs to a friend, and I don't have root access. (Unfortunately, I know just enough about this stuff to get myself in trouble.)

Here's a snippet from step 4 of the configuration:

$gallery->app->graphics = "NetPBM";
$gallery->app->pnmDir = "/home/sunnie/netpbm";
$gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "ppmtojpeg";
$gallery->app->ImPath = "/usr/local/bin";
$gallery->app->autorotate = "yes";
$gallery->app->jpegImageQuality = "95";
$gallery->app->showAlbumTree = "yes";
$gallery->app->highlight_size = "200";
$gallery->app->showOwners = "no";
$gallery->app->albumsPerPage = "5";
$gallery->app->showSearchEngine = "yes";
$gallery->app->zipinfo = "/usr/local/bin/zipinfo";
$gallery->app->unzip = "/usr/local/bin/unzip";
$gallery->app->use_exif = "/home/sunnie/jhead1.6/jhead";
$gallery->app->cacheExif = "no";
$gallery->app->use_jpegtran = "/usr/local/bin/jpegtran";
$gallery->app->default_language = "en_US";
$gallery->app->ML_mode = "3";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "en_US";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "zh_CN";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "zh_TW";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "zh_TW.utf8";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "bg_BG";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "cs_CZ";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "da_DK";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "de_DE";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "en_GB";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "es_ES";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "fr_FR";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "it_IT";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "he_IL";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "is_IS";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "ja_JP";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "lt_LT";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "nl_NL";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "no_NO";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "pl_PL";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "pt_PT";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "pt_BR";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "ru_RU";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "ru_RU.koi8r";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "sl_SI";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "fi_FI";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "sv_SE";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "tr_TR";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "uk_UA";
$gallery->app->show_flags = "no";
$gallery->app->dateString = "%x";
$gallery->app->dateTimeString = "%c";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['en_US'] = "en_US.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['zh_CN'] = "zh_CN.EUC";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['zh_TW'] = "zh_TW.Big5";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['zh_TW.utf8'] = "zh_CN.EUC";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['cs_CZ'] = "cs_CZ.ISO_8859-2";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['da_DK'] = "da_DK.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['de_DE'] = "de_AT.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['en_GB'] = "en_AU.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['es_ES'] = "es_ES.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['fr_FR'] = "fr_BE.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['it_IT'] = "it_CH.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['is_IS'] = "is_IS.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['ja_JP'] = "ja_JP.EUC";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['lt_LT'] = "lt_LT.ISO_8859-4";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['nl_NL'] = "nl_BE.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['no_NO'] = "no_NO.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['pl_PL'] = "pl_PL.ISO_8859-2";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['pt_PT'] = "pt_PT.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['pt_BR'] = "pt_PT.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['ru_RU'] = "ru_RU.CP866";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['ru_RU.koi8r'] = "ru_RU.KOI8-R";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['sl_SI'] = "sl_SI.ISO_8859-2";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['fi_FI'] = "fi_FI.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['sv_SE'] = "sv_SE.DIS_8859-15";
$gallery->app->locale_alias['uk_UA'] = "uk_UA.KOI8-U";
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[bg_BG]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[he_IL]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[tr_TR]!

$gallery->app->gallery_slideshow_type = "off";
$gallery->app->gallery_slideshow_length = "20";
$gallery->app->comments_indication = "photos";
$gallery->app->comments_indication_verbose = "yes";
$gallery->app->timeLimit = "90";
$gallery->app->debug = "no";
$gallery->app->use_flock = "yes";
$gallery->app->expectedExecStatus = "0";
$gallery->app->sessionVar = "gallery_session";
$gallery->app->userDir = "/home/sunnie/www/albums/.users";

I honestly don't have any idea how to fix this. I've tried deselecting the available languages that correspond to the errors, I've tried deselecting all the languages, I've tried setting Multi-language mode to 1, and nothing I've done has changed the error.

I apologize for being so clueless. I've been searching the FAQs and forums for a few hours, trying to figure out a way to fix it without asking, but I'm at a complete loss.

Give us your Gallery/webserver information to get a faster answer.
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.4.1-cvs-b75
Apache version: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): PHP v4.2.2
Graphics Toolkit: NetPBM
Operating system: FreeBSD
Web browser/version (if applicable):

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-16 20:33

Moving to Translations...

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-16 22:15


can you put your Gallery in configuration mode ?
I would like to have a look at it.




Joined: 2003-09-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2003-09-17 04:48

Hi Jens,

I have put my gallery into configuration mode for you.


Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Wed, 2003-09-17 15:01

Hi Sunnie,

what a "fantastic" installation. (no joke !)
FreeBSD, no gettext, some locale have alias, some not.

I never had a chance to test code in this environment because i cant nearly reproduce this on my machine(s).

This problem is easy to fix, but it need some code change.
Can you give me FTP or SSh Access to this machine ? So i can test directly and find the best solution.



Joined: 2003-09-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2003-09-18 11:37

Hi Jens,

I will see what I can do about getting you FTP or ssh access to the machine. The box's owner is out of town for a few weeks, but he may be able to do it while he's gone. Anything in particular that you need? Should I PM the information to you?


Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2003-09-18 12:08


i do not need anything special.
Yes, PM is okay. Or mail.




Joined: 2003-05-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2003-09-18 14:29

Hi Jens,

Same trouble here...... :S (Also cvs b75)

First installed on my local sys....
Hd a couple of warnings on locale_aliases that could not be found.
Because it where languages i don't needed, ive commented them out in my nls.php Now the setup just worked and i was happy :D .......until.....

i copied all to a gentoo box
Now it's giving me errors on other locales... Strange behaviour....



BTW: if you'd like to have a look, just PM me ;)

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2003-09-18 14:44

Hi Zenbee,

can you provide me a URL to your gallery ? And can you put it in configmode ?


Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2003-09-21 12:14

Hi Sunnie,

no PM arrived. :roll:




Joined: 2003-09-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2003-09-22 08:14

Hi Jens,

I haven't been able to arrange for access just yet -- the box's owner is out of town and I had to work some long hours this week. Thanks for checking in, I hope to get it for you in a day or two.



Joined: 2003-11-26
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-26 03:51

Was this issue resolved? I'm having the same problem as described by solcita. (Also running FreeBSD on my server)

My gallery setup/errors:

/* Version */
$gallery->app->config_version = '48.1';

/* Features */
$gallery->app->feature["zip"] = 1;
$gallery->app->feature["rewrite"] = 1;
$gallery->app->feature["mirror"] = 0; // (missing mirrorSites -- it's optional)

/* Constants */
$gallery->app->galleryTitle = "Picture Gallery";
$gallery->app->graphics = "ImageMagick";
$gallery->app->pnmDir = "/usr/local/bin";
$gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "pnmtojpeg";
$gallery->app->ImPath = "/usr/local/bin";
$gallery->app->highlight_size = "150";
$gallery->app->zipinfo = "/usr/local/bin/zipinfo";
$gallery->app->unzip = "/usr/local/bin/unzip";
$gallery->app->use_exif = "/usr/local/bin/jhead";
$gallery->app->use_jpegtran = "/usr/local/bin/jpegtran";
$gallery->app->movieThumbnail = "/usr/local/www/virtual1/66/175/33/6/html/gallery/images/movie.thumb.jpg";
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/usr/local/www/virtual/66/175/33/6/html/gallery/albums";
$gallery->app->tmpDir = "/tmp";
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "";
$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "";
// optional mirrorSites missing
$gallery->app->showAlbumTree = "yes";
$gallery->app->autorotate = "yes";
$gallery->app->default_language = "en_US";
$gallery->app->ML_mode = "1";
$gallery->app->available_lang[] = "en_US";
$gallery->app->cacheExif = "no";
$gallery->app->jpegImageQuality = "95";
$gallery->app->timeLimit = "30";
$gallery->app->debug = "no";
$gallery->app->use_flock = "yes";
$gallery->app->expectedExecStatus = "0";
$gallery->app->sessionVar = "gallery_session";
$gallery->app->userDir = "/usr/local/www/virtual/66/175/33/6/html/gallery/albums/.users";
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[en_US]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[zh_CN]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[zh_TW]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[da_DK]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[de_DE]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[en_GB]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[es_ES]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[fr_FR]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[it_IT]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[is_IS]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[ja_JP]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[nl_NL]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[no_NO]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[pl_PL]!
// optional locale_alias['pt_PT'] missing
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[pt_BR]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[ru_RU]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[ru_RU.koi8r]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[sl_SI]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[fi_FI]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[sv_SE]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[tr_TR]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[uk_UA]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[bg_BG]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[he_IL]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[ko_KR]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[lt_LT]!
Error: Missing value: locale_alias[hu_HU]!

/* Defaults */
$gallery->app->default["bordercolor"] = "black";
$gallery->app->default["border"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["font"] = "arial";
$gallery->app->default["cols"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["rows"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["thumb_size"] = "150";
$gallery->app->default["resize_size"] = "640";
$gallery->app->default["resize_file_size"] = "0";
$gallery->app->default["fit_to_window"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["use_fullOnly"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["print_photos"] = "none";
$gallery->app->default["returnto"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["showOwners"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["albumsPerPage"] = "5";
$gallery->app->default["showSearchEngine"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["useOriginalFileNames"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["display_clicks"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["public_comments"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["extra_fields"] = "Description";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_modify"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_delete"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_display"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["add_to_beginning"] = "no";


Joined: 2003-11-26
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-26 04:54

update: upgrading to the 1.4.1-RC4 seems to have fixed this problem.


meetn2veg's picture

Joined: 2003-01-22
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-26 17:53

I'm in the same boat! Can't get past Gallery Setup page 4 due to numerous " Error: Missing value: locale_alias[en_US]! " errors on all languages. Using the latest 1.4.1 release (downloaded today)

Odd thing though - don't know if it helps, but setup page 1 indicates
"Warning! Only 28 of 29 possible languages are available. If you want the missing languages, download a fresh copy of Gallery from..."

and then

"Warning! Only the default locale for this machine is available, so date format will not change for different languages."

yet the following page tells me

"(Advanced) Locale Selection required
There is more than one suitable locale installed on your machine for the following languages. Please chose the one you think is most suitable"

which is referring to Portuguese. I've noticed "// optional locale_alias['pt_PT'] missing " in the above post and I'm getting exactly the same config errors as the above post.

Neither am I deviating from the set-up : using defaults all the way.

So, what happens now? Obviously, any help whatsoever will be greatly appreciated.


Using PHP 4.3.4 / FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE #0: Tue Nov i386

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-26 22:09

Hi meetn2veg,

you are definitely NOT using Gallery 1.4.1
