Help! Gallery hangs


Joined: 2010-03-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 03:39

The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.5.10
Apache version:2.2.3
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 5.1.6
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise 5.4
Web browser/version (if applicable):

I'm going nuts. I've had gallery running for years, and all of a sudden, it no longer works. Going to the site just hangs, with no errors in the Apache error log. I'm able to re-run the config, and it shows everything as fine.

I can't be certain when it stopped working, but I believe it stopped after I upgraded to RHEL 5 from RHEL 4.

I even tried a fresh install, and it simply won't run.

I suspect there's some incompatability, but I just can't figure out what it is.

Any help is appreciated.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 06:29

A link to your site might help.

Otherwise, all I can suggest is to check all your paths, the paths in config.php and the file permissions.
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Joined: 2010-03-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 15:02

A link to the site won't help: all you get is a blank page with a hung TCP/IP connection. The server does not send back any data at all, causing it to hang an HTTP daemon until it times out. I had to disable access to it because the hung daemons were eating up all the server resources and crashing my main site.

Paths are fine, checked those.

I set all permissions on .php files to 755, and all directories to 777. Any other permissions I need to look for? Is there a complete list someplace?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 15:18

Any paths you need would be in the config file.

With the OS upgrade, check your server's config. Are your other sites working? Check your rewrite rules.
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Joined: 2010-03-13
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 15:23

Yes, as I said before, I've already checked the paths.
Yes, all my sites work. Everything works. Except gallery. Rewrite rules are correct - the .htaccess file is the one that was supplied.

BUT - here's a new piece of info. I just tried wiping out the entire albums directory and recreating it from scratch, and now I can get in. The implication here is that there's some sort of corruption in the albums tree. Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot it from that angle?