I can't get highlights to change to current settings

Black Panda

Joined: 2010-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 15:21

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Gallery version (not just "2"): 1.5.10
PHP version (e.g. 5.1.6):
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33): Apache
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32):
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD):
Operating system (e.g. Linux): Linuz
Browser (e.g. Firefox 2.0): IE & Firefox

I set up a new gallery with albums from an older version, it was passed on to me from someone. Everything has upgraded fine. But, when I installed the Gallery I accidentally checked the album frame as "?? book" style. I have reset the border to solid, I have rebuilt the highlight pictures, I have changed the highlight pictures to another picture and it is still the same. How do I get this to change for me?

Thanks in advance.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 17:07

Clear your browser's cache and try clearing Gallery's cache:
FAQ: How can I clear cached data?
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Black Panda

Joined: 2010-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 19:35

I am running Gallery version 1.5.10, it does not have a cache clearing feature.

I apologize, I guess I posted this in the wrong category.

Any other ideas that might help?


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 19:50

G1 doesn't have a cache. Did you try clearing your browser's cache?

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing and a link to your site?
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Black Panda

Joined: 2010-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 20:28

I can give the link if it's not made public, via an email or something. But, I can't have my site public yet, in a couple of days when the domain is clear, I can.

In the meantime, I've attached a screenshot.

I have set the border to solid in the main config file, and in the properties of each album, and I have rebuilt the highlights and it still stays with this "book" theme for a border around the photos.

Unless I'm missing a setting or something. I've never had this happen before. I've been using gallery for quite some time, and have been through many upgrades, etc.

Thanks for your help! :-)

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 20:36

If you're creating a new site, I'd recommend not using G1. There's little to no support for it anymore and it's no longer in development.

G2 is no longer in active development, but there's still support and will be for sometime.

G3 is where all the work is being done.

You can click on Write to author and send me a PM (Private message) and I won't publish the link anywhere.
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Black Panda

Joined: 2010-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 21:50

Is it possible to upgrade from version G1.5.10 to G3?

Although, I would like to get it all up and running smoothly first before upgrading to a new Gallery.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 22:06

Not directly, you'd have to migrate to G2, then to G3

o.k. Had to dig into a G1 install....

You need to get into the Configuration Wizard by going into the Admin Page > Configuration Wizard.

From there, get to the Main Gallery page and for the Frame around albums section select, None.

Then save your settings.
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Black Panda

Joined: 2010-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-08 22:19

Thank you!!

I can't believe I missed that! I looked in the config file, but didn't see it, because it's easier for me to download config and edit then reupload.

I knew I was just missing something somewhere.