can Gallery do it?


Joined: 2010-02-16
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2010-02-16 21:15

does G has following capabilities: (directly or indirectly)

- every user is able to manage its own galleries, but admin of the site can decide if a giver gallery can be published (viewable for other users) or not

- every user (owner of a gallery) can decide who can add photos to his/her gallery, 3 options:
a. photos can be added only by the gallery owner
b. photos can be added by all site-registered users
c. photos can be added by the gallery owner and invited (by gallery owner) site-registered users

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2010-02-16 21:43
- every user is able to manage its own galleries, but admin of the site can decide if a giver gallery can be published (viewable for other users) or not

Yes and no. It would be a total PITA, IMO, of permissions management.

a, b, c. I believe so I if I understand everything you're looking for. It would mean the owner of the album would have the ability to set permissions, meaning the site admin could change permissions to "unpublish" (make non-visible), but the owner of the album could just go in and change them again. Here's that nightmare of permission management I mentioned :)

You should also read up on this:

The more, different permissions that get set, the more it can impact Gallery's performance.

In short, Gallery can do it, but it may not be the best or most user-friendly system for what you're looking for.

Install it and try it out.
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