Sub Albums Zen Cart


Joined: 2010-02-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2010-02-12 23:05

Hello I am a new user,

Gallery 2.3.1 seems to be a great software Thanks for all the effort.

One problem I am having has to do with Sub albums in G2 with ZenCart, on my site
( all but 1 sub album when images are placed in basket the options don't show up. The only 1 that does work is the Tot's 2009 New Born - 12 Months a customer can pick print sizes.

Also in ZC admin the sub albums don't itemize the content of the sub albums although the item count does show up in the parent album?

What do I setup wrong in the other sub albums?

G2 2.3
ZC 1.3.8a
Hosted on Hostgator

Thanks in advance.
Wonderland Studio