How to add/view comments & ratings into the lightbox interface
Joined: 2009-11-29
Posts: 32 |
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Hi community, Could someone kindly guide me on how to code in the "add/view comments & ratings" into the lightbox interface ? If feasible, I would also like to incorporate CAPTCHA when adding comments. Ideally, I would either like - 1. a link with Comments which when pressed displays another lightbox on top of the image lightbox that not only shows the comments posted but also has a small form (name, comment, captcha, submit). It should have its own CLOSE button. or 2. Just below the title of the image in the lightbox, the comments interface should be visible along with the comments posted and the small form (name, comment, captcha, submit). As far as ratings is concerned, I would like it to be displayed just below the title of the image in lightbox. Is this scenario feasible ? Has anyone tried this ? Gallery URL = Thanks |
Posts: 32
anyone ?
Posts: 32
Posts: 8339
Maybe you should be asking in the marketplace forum.
It would be a sizable customization.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 32
I didn't realise it would be that complicated and I'm actually suprised noone has yet ventured to do so.
Thanks for replying suprsidr.
I was hoping to get a direction so that I could do the customisation and then post back a complete how-to for anyone else interested.
Posts: 32
Has anyone yet accomplished this ? My full-time work has kept me away from development of my website.
So before I venture out to accomplish this, just wanna see if anyone has tips for me !!!
Posts: 8339
Ok, wrap each image, rating and comment with one containing div and use either Lightbox_me or TopUp to display the whole div.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 32
Thanks suprsidr.
The images on my site are being enlarged via lightbox.
Rating and comments are enabled via the plugins.
Once enabled, what particular code or functions would I be looking at wrapping ?
Posts: 8339
You already have addThis in your lightbox, rating and comment would go in the same place.
BTW, have not seen my picLensRss.php used in a long time.
Gallery2's own slideshow module creates valid feeds - no need for my script.
Or for the dynamic functionality of my script, my mediaRss.php is more powerful and up to date.
I'm currently working on a cooliris embeddable wall interface for G2/G3.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 32
Thanks suprsidr, will try it out. Bt I'm pretty sure the comment was not coming through on the lightbox when I tried a few months ago. Anyways have forgotten what i did, will start fresh.
I'm very much using picLensRss.php for displaying within cooliris. Does mediaRss.php need any special configuration or can I just replace picLens with media ?
The wallpaper certainly looks good in cooliris.
Posts: 8339
picLensRss.php was modeled after mediaRss, but when full support for picLens was added to G2 I discontinued development of the script.
But mediaRss.php is still getting updates as its more flexible than G2's slideshow module.
Kinda older documentation.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 32
Oh ok. Thanks.
I just tried enabling and disabling rating plugin, but wasn't able to locate the function in the template files - album.tpl or theme.tpl ?
Is the plugin function hidden from these files ?