Upgrading from 2.3 to 2.3.1 stuck in step 2

uhuru53's picture

Joined: 2006-12-02
Posts: 94
Posted: Sat, 2010-01-09 23:10

I've overwritten all new files, then open upgrade page.
Step 1 -> OK
Step 2 -> stuck for hours!
What's going on?
What should I do?

This is really a problem:
I cannot regain control of my gallery since it says:
under maintenance.


Please tell me how could I enter into my gallery again.
I already checked the faq, the config.php has false in the
maintenance mode.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 03:13

Post a link to phpinfo:
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
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