PGlightbox - ALT text at popup - giberish

Richard King

Joined: 2007-07-08
Posts: 24
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-10 12:55

Basically when moving mouse over the lightbox popup on an album page, a shard of code is displayed as if it is ALT text

I have narrowed this down to album.TPL

									                                		 		title='{$child.title|markup} <br><a href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl arg1="itemId=`$`" arg2="enterAlbum=`$child.canContainChildren`"}" alt="View popup">View Photo Page</a>'
{else}									                                		 		title='{$child.title|markup} <br><a href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl arg1="itemId=`$`"}" alt="View popup">View Photo Page</a>'

however editing this will alter the "ALT" or title text but stuffs functionality on the actual lightbox popup

The actual output code seems to be a combo from album.tpl and lightbox.js

Before I invest hours into finding the issue and fixing this, has anyone allready resolved it?