Public Tagging and Metadata Export


Joined: 2005-10-07
Posts: 31
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-09 07:35

Okay, so I have been scanning hundreds (thousands? I haven't added them all up yet) of old slides taken by my great-grandparents. I want to give the collection to all of their descendants (numbering in the hundreds by now). But I have a couple of challenges:

1. Distribution. I figure Gallery 2 is a great way to handle this, by allowing full-resolution image downloads.

2. Identification of the subjects. I want every photo to be appropriately tagged, but I don't know enough of the people in the photos to do so myself. I would like to extend this task to the extended family, and I figure an online gallery setup would be ideal for that.

3. Metadata export. I want the downloaded files to include metadata tags which have been updated from the tags on the site. Does that make sense? So I upload a set of photos without any tags, and users tag the photos with the names of people in the photos, then they download the full-rez files with metadata that includes the names that were tagged in the gallery.

A) I have no idea if this is feasible without considerable coding.
B) For all I know I can already do this more-or-less out-of-the-box. I haven't used Gallery 2 for at least 18 months, and I never used tagging and metadata features in the past.

Please inform me how realistic this is and how to do it if it's already doable.


- Jon

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-09 20:07

1) Yes

2) Yes. Best way would probably be to give your family and friends user accounts (or just one they all share) and setup permissions so the user can edit tags to tag photos.

3) Difficult. Gallery does not edit the original images and there isn't anything within Gallery to write the updated info back into EXIF or IPTC data.

See this thread and item #3 that the person posted about:

Though you may also want to take a look at some of the export plugins here:

Some will not work with the current version of G2 without updates, modifications, etc.
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