Potential difficulty with i18n

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-09 17:05

When strings are combined to make a phrase, what works in one language may not work in another, because one of the strings might have an influence on the other in terms of gender, declensions, etc.

Case in point: the album admin popup menu, underneath pictures/albums contains the following in en_US:

Hilight Album/Hilight Photo

depending on whether it's used on an album or a photo.

In fr_FR, we get this:

Mettre en Titre la Album/Mettre en Titre la Photo
                 ^^^ this should be l'

The problem is these phrases are made up of "Hilight"/"Album"

And "Album" can be translated as "l'Album", "un Album", "Album" depending on context. The same for "Hilight".

So there is seldom a good way of doing this that doesn't require unrolling all the combinations in the l10n files: instead of having translations for hilight, delete, move and for album and photo, you need to have translations for all combinations of these.

As it stands, the fr_FR translation, while a great achievement, is gramatically incorrect in places and awkward (ie: not they way normal people would say it) in others. I think this effect is probably to blame in some cases, although I have only verified it for the specific case I mentioned above.