Module: CalendarView
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722 |
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I've created yet another gallery 3 module. This one will display a calendar with a link leading to any photos that were taken on each day. It allows visitors to see which days in a year photos were taken on, and allows them to quickly pull up everything taken on a specific day or month. It can be downloaded from this post, or from my github account. [img][/img] ---
Posts: 34
Hi, how do I change the colors for a darker theme?
Posts: 722
You'd have to modify the CSS code. Although looking at the link, you seem to have already figured that out
Posts: 34
No I'm stumped actually. If I switch to the standard theme the No of Pictures (under the date) is blue. Switch to any dark theme and it becomes white, which is a bit hard to follow.
I've only really found 2 colors, the background, and the hover, nothing else seems to make any difference. Oh, but do heed my username.
Posts: 722
It's using the "default" link colors specified by whatever the current theme is. I'm not sure how to change it without editing the theme (and changing it for every link).
Posts: 34
thats good to know, perhaps we just need to add its "own" css, so that it can be portable between themes then?
Posts: 27300
I have finally got round to installing and playin with this module.
Wondering if you could fix some things that come to mind in my testing?
1. Can the 'overlap days' be deleted/hidden? For example, this month ( November ) has 1,2,3,4,5 at the end of the month table.
2. Can clicking the month show the items for the month clicked?
3. I am no UI expert but a more visual highlight of the day with items via CSS and the total number, say onMousover show the quantity, would make a bit more sense to me. For example: don't change the color of days that have no items even on mouseOver. Make the days with items, a different class, and have the mouseover tooltip display the quantity of items.
4. I think the 'go' button should be moved to the right of the drop-downs, or better yet, change the view when the user changes the drop-down(s). One less click.
5. The view of the items, after clicking on the date, should have a breadcrumb to the calendar ( back button )
I really like this module and have tried to implement something similar with: a lot more complex for the user and the developer
So you have found a more intuitive method of showing items via time.
Great stuff!
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 573
I installed the calender, and it shows fine.
If you name the frames and hover etc. the same classes that are used in the main css, it's all controlled in one place. I guess everyone will want consistency within their site anyways.
1) When clicking images under a given date, only the header loads. No images are shown (3nids theme)
2) This is the same for the latest updates module. Only header loads - no images (3nids theme - noob86 has the same)
Is it possible to load the menu on the right side?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
Basic stuff:
You start the calender week on sunday. Is that standard where you are from? Here a week starts on monday.
Adding week number to the calender, is that possible (Monday to Sunday)?
Thanks for the module - looks promising
when images load that is
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
rWatcher - general feedback
Very nice work you are doing - The translation function for G3 is priceless, but it does not work for your modules
Did you give this any thought?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 27300
edit libraries/Calendar.php
public static $start_monday = FALSE;
public static $start_monday = TRUE;
Sounds to me like a theme issue. Work in wind theme right?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 573
Yes it works in Wind theme... I posted the issue under the theme thread. For personal reasons, Joe is not up to it for the time beeing. I will wait around.
I will check out the calender start code, thanks
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
The Code you refer to is not inthere....
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HB -
Posts: 27300
line 15
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 573
Perfect - found it and it works - mega thanks
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
Yes. (Done and uploaded to my github).
Yes. (Done and uploaded to my github). Although as the code is currently written, every month is click-able (even if the month doesn't have any photos associated with it).
Personally, I like having all of the quantities visible at once, without needing to mouse-over. That way you can quickly look over the calendar and easily distinguish between "major events" (were lots of photos were taken) and the more minor days were only a few photos were taken.
"more visual highlight of the day" -- would setting a background color for the table cells that have photos work?
"don't change the color of days that have no items" -- So, modify the CSS so that it doesn't highlight days unless you can click on them?
To be honest, I'm really not sure why the Go button is on the left side to begin with. On the HTML and PHP level, its declared after everything else, so I would expect it to display after everything else :/ For now I've added some CSS to right-align the button, but I don't really like how that looks either. I'll probably end up looking into your suggestion to get rid of it once I get everything else working.
The only way I could think of to add in breadcrumbs (while working within the dynamic.html page template) was to use the same system albums and photos use to link back to their parent album(s). Unfortunately Gallery seems to have been designed to only allow those breadcrumbs to point to albums... I think I've created a successful work-around to this (the code is currently on my github), but I want to do some more testing before I post it to the forum.
Wow, that definitely looks a lot more complex then mine. I can see users quickly getting confused trying to navigate threw a few years of photos on that
Posts: 722
I am aware of the image load issue between 3nids and a few of my modules, although at this time I have no idea what's causing it.
The user/year selection menu? Not really, the right side (on the default theme anyway, I don't know about 3nids) is filled with all the Gallery sidebar links. If the 3nids theme is different then you could probably create a custom view by copying the modules/calendarview/views/calendarview_year.html.php into the themes/3nids/views/ folder and changing the layout to fit better.
I can look into it. Could you provide some specific examples of where the text is not translate-able?
Posts: 573
I am pretty sure this is a 3nids issue for now. I have brought it to their attention and we will see from there
I don't know if you are familiar with the translation module. Maybe some core familiar people can help out to give rWatcher the API info for this.
1) You can activate translation in admin. At the bottom of screen it gives you the transmodule (this bottom translation ui dissapears when entering your pages)
2) Left column I can see whats tranlated and whats not
3) I pick nonetranslated and add a trans and submit. My site updates immediately and my input gets collected at the Gallery server for others to download. By now I have more or less evrything translated to Danish. (The French,Germans and Spanish seem to be fast asleep)
An example of things to translate:
January = ???
February = ???
all months
everything in there using forward and backward
dropdown text around, what's in the go button
Again, I am not sure if these items are defined by classes or other.
Could someone point rWatcher in the translation direction The module works really well and consistency is necessary for this to be valid at sites. Half a site translated seems a bit; made in Hong Kong in a hurry.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
Most of it should be translatable (the "Go" text, the rest of the text in that box like "Display Photos From User", etc). Months and days were definitely not translatable -- I've just fixed this and pushed an update out to my github account. But other then that fix, everything else looked like it would translate.
Posts: 573
Works fine thanks ... I still have the issue in the 3nids theme and not able to load the image pages... But thanks
all the best
HB -
Posts: 89
I installed this mod, and works perfect for me! Only one weird problem. On the album pages, the image for the calendar link shows up with an icon that is not very meaningful... It is hard to describe, but it does not look like a calendar at all.
For the life of me, I can not figure out where to change the icon to one a bit more meaningful. The icon in /gallery/modules/calendarview/images/ico-view-calendarview.png seems like a good icon to use, however that is not the one that is being displayed... Any ideas?
Posts: 722
Does it look like the icon I circled in red?
If so, then you're running an older version of Gallery (I'm guessing Beta 3?). This is a compatibility issue with the older version (has to do with how the CSS code that tells the web browser where to download the image icon from is inserted into the theme by modules). If you upgrade your gallery to the current version from git, it should work fine.
FAQ: How do I upgrade?
Alternately, you can manually insert the necessary CSS code by copying the contents of the file "modules\calendarview\css\calendarview_menu.css" and pasting it into the end of the "themes\THEMENAME\css\screen.css" file. If you do this you may also need to move the ico-view-calendarview.png file out of the calendarview\images folder and into the themes\THEMENAME\images folder.
Posts: 89
You are absolutely right! I was using an older git version... I updated to the latest, and it shows up fine!
Thaniks for the help! Appreciate it
Posts: 89
Ok, I have determined that I have to revert back to the version I had before, because the latest version of gallery breaks the shopping basket mod... So until that gets updated, I have to revert back to my previous version..
I have tried moving the contents of the css file from modules\calendarview\css\calendarview_menu.css to the bottom of the screen.css file and moving the ico-view-calendarview.png file to the images folder of the theme, however it does not change the icon on the gallery..
Am I missing something?
Posts: 722
Well, without actually knowing the exact revision of Gallery that you're using, my best guess is that it's a version from before the recent CSS changes. If that's the case, then you probably need to change the CSS code you copied into the screen.css file and replace the text "#g-view-menu" with "#gViewMenu", so that it looks like this:
#gViewMenu #g-calendarview-link { background-image: url('../images/ico-view-calendarview.png'); }
Posts: 573
I agree to the idea of using existing CSS within existing Core. Is that possible for the module rWatcher
Bharat made serious changes to the 3nids theme, so that it complies to G3 API and evertyhing is joined in a theme folder and no module folders as before.
My site still don't lode Calender images. The same for latestupdates. Does anyone have the solution to this?
all the best
HB -
Posts: 89
Thanks rWatcher! That is it... I am using 3.0 git (pre-RC1) ... I tried to upgrade, but like I said, it broke the shopping basket module, so until that gets updated, this version works fine!
Thanks again!
Posts: 337
Under the Arabic locale, I noticed that Arabic months' names are encoded with Arabic (ISO-8859-6) while Gallery's original texts are encoded with UTF-8. Therefore, if you were using Arabic locale, you can see one of these correctly-encoded at a time.. either months' names (by using ISO-8859-6):
or Gallery's texts (by using UTF-8):
while the rest text of both cases are just meaningless characters.
Update: I've upgraded the module and found that the months' names are translatable through the translation interface now, so that issue doesn't exist anymore. Thanks for this nice module
Posts: 722
I've updated this module to work with Gallery 3.0, RC-1. The updated version is attached to this post, and up on my github account.
Posts: 573
Thanks rwatcher. Css is really poor on dark backgrounds.
Is it possible to allow for color theming from the module, or even better, simply use css within the active theme, so that the module change with a given div such as padding under albums. Same for font size and color
Same for borders and hlines
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
CSS for the module is controlled in modules\calendarview\css\calendarview_calendar.css . You should be able to copy this file into the css folder for your theme and make whatever changes you want to allow it to blend in better with the darker colors.
Posts: 573
When I go to calender - latest updates block in sidebar menu dissapears...???
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
The latest updates block is only displayed on album, photo and video pages. It is not displayed dynamic pages like calendar, tags, etc. because there won't be anything to point the "This Album" link to. Although now that I think about it, it would probably be better to just hide the "This Album" link... I'll have that changed in a few minutes.
Posts: 573
I fully agrree to your comment. Latest updates should always be there.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
All Fixed
Posts: 573
Speedy could you or someone explain the basics in module creation, what to look for, structure etc. Doc is very limited - and it's really frustrating not to be able to contrib.
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
Personally, I started out by looking at what the existing modules did (feature wise) and then looking at their code to see how that did it. There is a developer module, that can do some stuff like create a "skeleton" of a module automatically, and can help with debugging and whatnot as well. It's at:
Posts: 573
I found the help develop module yesterday and installed. I will try it out later..
i HAVE been messing around in mods only to get even more confused
all the best
HB -
Posts: 337
Some issues:
(1) The days & months' names are no longer translatable, although they were! They appear meaningless with Arabic locale again (encoding issues?):
(2) I cannot choose a specific user to show his photos. There is no items except 'All User' in the users menu.
(3) In the year menu, I can just choose '1969', and if I choose it a Dang page appears.
Posts: 2466
@rWatcher: I am trying incorporate calendar and I have a few problems if it is outside of wind theme.
You can see initial results here
This last item is showbreaker. Do you know if there is a way to reuse theme's page.html.php and only inject inside block?
Posts: 722
I'm not aware of any way (which is why I coded it the way I did), as far as I can tell the breadcrumbs that are normally used when navigating albums are hard-wired to only work for albums. But it's pretty easy to fix.
Make a copy of the themes\greydragon\views\page.html.php and call it themes\greydragon\views\calpage.html.php
Find the code that looks like this:
And replace it with this:
That should fix it.
Posts: 722
#1 is definitely an issue. I had to abandon the original calendar generation code due to compatibility issues with RC1. This update should fix this.
I am unable to reproduce issues 2 and 3, are you using Gallery 3 RC1 or a different version?
Posts: 2466
@rWatcher: yes, I figured as much, but this is exactly what I am trying to avoid.
Just an idea which I did not explored - may be to check how search or search by tag implemented?
Logic from there works without any problems...
Posts: 722
Search and search by tag are mostly done the same way as calendarview. The only difference (which is the difference that's causing problems) is that calendarview inserts navigation breadcrumbs into the top of the page for Month/Day/Year while the other modules don't do anything like that. There isn't really any way to do this with the current API without writing a custom view, which unfortunately then requires making themed versions of that view in order for it to display properly outside of wind.
Posts: 337
RC1. I have just produced the both issues on 3 different fresh installation :S
Posts: 337
OK, I am sorry! I know why that was happening. EXIF module was not active, so there was no known date for photos. I activated EXIF data module & build its database, and CalendarView works properly now.
Again, about the translatable issue, I could successfully translate everything in a fresh installation, but I cannot figure to make that working on my working version that this issue happened with, the first time. In the fresh installation, I see clean English day and month names and can translate them all, while in my working version I see a garbage strings that displayed as month names when translated, but there are no ones for day names (Actually, there is just a one appears in all day fields, as you can see from the picture above.)
That is what the month names look like:
Can you please help me fixing this in my working version?
Posts: 573
Concerning CSS
rWatcher - you mentioned that I can bring calender css to my theme css. If I do so and then upgrade calender view later on, the default css is back in my folder structure. Wich file is read first and wich one later. Just concerned with double code and overwriting everytime I upgrade
all the best
HB -
Posts: 573
It seems that calender is structured in a table and months are structured in tables inside the total table.
Is it possible to keep months in seperate tables that has shared div and remove the global table. This way the calenders (tables) can be structured from css and display as a grid using floats, width etc. Otherwise the view is not easily themed to cool themes
What I am aiming at is 4,5 or 6 months inline horizontal and then decrease the height of the page and then avoid scrolling to bottom etc
all the best
HB -
Posts: 722
My understanding is that files in the themes folder will override files in the corresponding modules folder. So if you have a calendarview/css/calendarview_calendar.css file and a THEMENAME/css/calendarview_calendar.css the file in the THEMENAME folder will be used instead.
If you could post an example html/css file that shows what you'd like the modules outputted html code to look like, I can try and re-work the calendar generation library to do so.
Posts: 722
Ah, thanks I didn't even think of that. I've just pushed out an update to my github account that'll cause calendarview to display a warning if EXIF isn't active.
Are the fresh install and the "broken" install both on the same server? I just want to make sure this isn't a compatibility issue with different server setups.
I know very little about how Gallery's translation system works. That said, assuming they are both on the same server, my best guess would be that the "bad" translations are still in Gallery's database (probably the "incoming_translations" table). Removing the relevant records and then re-translating the page might fix it.
Posts: 337
Actually, the fresh installation I was talking about was on a different server (my local server). I've just tried to install a one on that same hosted server, and the same problem exists there! what could that means?