upgrade error


Joined: 2009-10-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2009-10-05 08:11

My gallery2.0.2 have over 80000 photo. When I upgrade 2.3 ,the web interface stopped in upgrade core. I try to do upgrade process again and get error. How can I do? Here is the error log. Anyone can help me?

in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 959 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 507 (gallerystorageextras::execute)
in modules\core\CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 1480 (mysqlstorage::execute)
in modules\core\module.inc at line 486 (coremoduleextras::upgrade)
in modules\core\classes\GalleryModule.class at line 175 (coremodule::upgrade)
in upgrade\steps\UpgradeCoreModuleStep.class at line 85 (coremodule::installorupgrade)
in upgrade\index.php at line 186 (upgradecoremodulestep::processrequest)

Bug output link

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2009-10-06 16:48

From a gallery that old you'll need to upgrade to 2.1 first, then you can probably move to 2.3. But here are download links to the FULL, ALL Language versions of 2.1 and 2.2


The only reason I'm providing and hosting these is because SourceForge, in one of their upgrades have really hosed file downloads and old versions don't appear to be available for most (all?) projects)
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