(Resolved)I'm throwing in the towel


Joined: 2003-07-20
Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-21 03:40

I thought I had it working and I thought I would make a test album.
Made the album fine but now I can't add pictures.
Bad Image File.

File is 107K
No special characters.
.jpg extension

From my php.ini:
post_max_size = 20M
upload_max_filesize = 20M
memory_limit = 64M

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-21 03:56

Is it just this one file or all files?
If it is one file please post it here for us to test.

What method of adding photos are you using?
Does the other method work?

Anything in the var/logs file?

please post a phpinfo link/file:
FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?

Have you tried a experimental version?
FAQ: How do I upgrade?

But since you say: 'I'm throwing in the towel' do you want help or not?


Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2003-07-20
Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-21 04:29

Sorry Dave. I'm a little tired. I would like to upgrade but so far it has been more of a hassle. I have been using Gallery for probably 6 years now and have never had these problems. I realize though that this is a Beta.
It is all foles I tried to upload. The directory seems to be made OK. The name shows up under /var/albums and /var/resizes and /var/thumbs so that looks OK.

I am using the upload through the dashboard.
I will im you the phpinfo.
I didn't upgrade I installed G3B3 fresh.

Help is appreciated since this version seem faster and more robust than 2 but as I said I am tired now and work beckons early.


Joined: 2003-07-20
Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-21 04:36

Dave. Thanks again for your help. I told you I was tired but I failed to mention that I can be an idiot too.
ImageMagic not found. Switched to GD and all is OK.

I installed Image Magic on my test server and never gave it a thought when I uploaded to my host.