I thought I'd share what I learned about editing the Gallery 3 Beta 2 theme so that it might be of help to someone, but more importantly, hopefully someone will make note that changes like this should be able to be done in the theme files and not by editing core code. Because I basically learned how to do this over the course of a couple hours prior to the time of this post as I needed to get my gallery looking like the rest of my website (minimalist).
If there is an easier way to accomplish this, please let me/us know. And if this has been done before, I apologize for posting this, but please direct me to the original topic. Thanks!
Placing external links into the gallery header. If your website has different sections (ie. main splash page, a blog, an about me page,) then you will most likely want to put external links in the gallery's header to direct visitors to these areas, especially if visitors are coming to your site by way of a direct link to your gallery or search engine.
First, to add the links, edit the following file located in your gallery directory:
Then you need to look for the following code:
Copy & paste the above code right below it for as many links as you want, so that you get:
Then edit the code as follows:
->label(t("Website Home"))
->url(url::site("albums/1"))); leave one of these instances as is
->label(t("About Me"))
The "id" is the link's unique Id to separate them from each other so they are each displayed. The "label" is the text that will appear on the website and the url is self explanatory. Leave one of the above set of code in its original state so that a direct link to your gallery will remain.
To customize the look of the link navigation "bar" (the default blue background), edit the following file:
Look for the following code:
/*** DEMO SKIN ***/
.sf-menu {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.sf-menu a {
/* border-left: 1px solid #fff; */
/* border-top: 1px solid #CFDEFF; */
padding: .75em 1em;
.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/
color: #13a;
.sf-menu li {
background: #fff;
.sf-menu li li {
background: #AABDE6;
.sf-menu li li li {
background: #9AAEDB;
.sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {
background: #fff;
outline: 0;
The "background" style above is the default blue background for the default Gallery links that appear in the header (ie. "Home" and the admin links). You will also need to edit the "border" styles as there is a border around the blue background so that the links appear as blue blocks.
To edit the font family/size/style you need to edit the default theme's screen.css file. Look for the following code:
#gTagCloud ul {
font-size: 1.2em;
The key code here is "sitemenu". Simply edit the font-size above, change the font look by adding "font-family", etc. Note: any changes you make will affect both the sitemenu as well as the breadcrumbs and the tagcloud since these are all grouped together. To separate the "sitemenu" code, simply delete "#gSitemenu," from the above and create a new line of code:
#gSiteMenu {
font-size: 1.2em;
Then add your customization.
Remember: the above files are outside of the theme directory and are core files. Any updates to the gallery will most likely overwrite these files. So back them up as always before editing, please.
Again, I hope there will be an easier way to achieve this once the finaly Gallery version is released and it will be a manner of editing the theme files directly. Or maybe there already is a way to acheive this, as I said above, but i'm just not aware of it, and in that case, let me know! Thanks!
Posts: 32
Posts: 16504
I wouldn't bother editing the B2 theme. You'll need to remake a lot of changes for B3
Get the latest code first: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Upgrading then start hacking away.
You should not need to dig around in any css other than what's in the theme. From there you should be able to override anything you want.
Start by copying the existing theme:
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The only thing I noticed with this however, is that especially for design elements linked to the modules, the css and layout for these are contained within the modules themselves. There were several design changes I wanted to make for a custom theme that required me to alter elements of the modules themselves. On top of this, I found that creating custom layouts tended to require you to change the YUI stuff outside of the theme as well, since the YUI only contained a finite amount of predefined layouts. Compared to theming I have done in the past for blogs, image galleries, and forums, the theming for Gallery seems to be a good deal more complicated. Even considering all this however, I do enjoy the challenge and I do very much like the Gallery 3 script compared to many of the other popular image gallery scripts out there.
Posts: 16504
We are working on a skeleton "zen" theme that could be a good basis to start with. While the default theme uses YUI, I've already seen 2 themes (heavily customized) that don't use any YUI stuff, as far as I can tell. Here's one of those: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/88765
Anything I've seen can be overridden in the theme pretty easily (yes, we're working on documentation). Any CSS for anything could be able to be overridden in the theme. If you want to change something like the HTML in the search block, simply copy that to your theme.
Copy modules/search/views/search.html.php to themes/MyTheme/views Then edit that file.
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Interesting. I will admit I only have basic knowledge of php, html and css. It has been enough in the past to convert new script to match the rest of my site, however I'm finding with Gallery that there seems to be more to it. =) I'm assuming a lot of it has to do with the modular design however, in which case it is understandable. I will also admit that I did not realize that you could overwrite the module templates/css by simply copying them into the theme folder and altering them. This would definitely make several of the alterations I was looking at a lot easier. The YUI stuff is honestly a little confusing to me however. I was attempting to make alterations to the basic layout and create a true variable width that would leave margins on either side, and my first instinct was indeed to remove the YUI element from the template and add custom styling, however it didn't seem to recognize the change until I finally edited the YUI file to contain a new custom layout that I desired. So I'm not sure what was going on there. I will have a more in depth look at the rest of it though. Thank you for the added tips.
Posts: 16504
That could very well have had to do with how we combine CSS and JS files into one file. If you don't edit the actual CSS files or remove their references then the combined files are not rebuilt (again still working on those docs
). I'm not exactly sure what you were trying to do, but that could have been it.
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Oh and do have a look at Serge's theme: http://photo.dragonsoft.us/
While I personally probably wouldn't take it as a baseline. I personally would like to stick with the jquery stuff and he's yanked most or all of that out and is trying to get another framework working as far as I can tell. It's a great example of what can be done and it does show a true variable width theme. He's put a ton of work in to a very lightweight, great looking theme.
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So, how do I edit the site_menu in the header by only editing theme files?
Posts: 16504
For editing a menu, I think you'd need to get into creating a module. Let me ask and see if I can get some basic outlines and docs created.
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i'm sure others would like to have a navigation menu in their header to direct visitors to other parts of their website, if their website contains more than just a gallery. surely i can't be the only one ;)
Posts: 32
You know, I gotta say.. creating a module just to edit the header menu? That's not simplifying things at all in my mind.
I know this is a Beta.. and I hope that G3 will really be a step forward and not backward from G2, but I'm not holding my breath, especially with the way things are going right now with the latest nightly releases.
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does that mean you are trying to make it easier to edit the menu ?
i really wish the menu was a bunch of styled links in a header template.
Posts: 16504
I'm still awaiting feedback on this. Granted I haven't dug into it much yet myself to see.
30 seconds later...
Looks like there may be away, I'm not sure what you can do with the site_menu function and I'm not sure what "content_menu" does. But I've got to run and I'll need to spend more time and probably ask a question or two to figure it out.
As for a "bunch of styled links in a header template". If we did that how would additional modules hook into it?
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Hello. Yes, currently you would need to create a module to append new items to the site menu. Developer time is focused elsewhere currently, but there have been discussion on providing the ability for admins to have more control over menu items and menu markup. I don't have an ETA on this right now.
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i understand completely that developer time is spent elsewhere.
thanks for at least looking into this!