What markup language is G2 using to create lists with [list] [*] [/list]?

Neil Girardi
Neil Girardi's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 64
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-17 23:16

Question, what markup language is G2 using in order to create unordered lists with the tags: list, *, and /list wrapped in [ ] brackets?

I'm referring to the buttons that allow one to create unordered lists within the "Album Short Description", which is within the Album Settings. Those are the tags generated by those buttons. It's not HTML code because that would be:

<li>my list item</li>

One of the reasons why I'm curious about this is that I wanted to use either <p></P> or <br/> tags within my album titles in order to make a line break within the title. It doesn't work. It just adss those characters to the title. I tried replacing the < > brackets with [ ] brackets, but that didn't work either. If I knew what markup language was being used I could learn the sytntax and figure out how to do this.



floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 01:58

site admin -> general tab, Embedded Markup
none or raw html or a subset of bbcode

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

Neil Girardi
Neil Girardi's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 64
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 19:11

Thanks Florida Dave! I checked that setting and it is set to BB Code. It is currently using a [b] tag to display in bold, and that is working correctly. Now that I know that BB Code is the markup language I went to the BB Code website and looked up the supported tags. I didn't see anything resembling [p] or [br/] so I'm guessing that BB code doesn't have those tags. (Seems like a pretty basic thing to omit, no?) So I guess I can either live without the line break or switch to raw HTML and put a big security hole in my site for the sake of one aesthetic detail... Hmmm...though choice...lol.

Neil Girardi


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 19:18

BBCode doesn't need [p] or [br/], you're thinking HTML. BBCode is what's used in these forums. Want a line break?
keyboard :)

Just like that. Want a paragraph? Just hit enter twice.

Like this.

EDIT: BBCode is just so much easier to work with when dealing with user input. You or your users don't need to know HTML. Do you enter code to put line breaks in emails or Word documents? :)
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Neil Girardi
Neil Girardi's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 64
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 20:29

Yes of course. That makes complete sense. Except the specific application I was inquiring about was not users posting on a bulletin board, but rather me entering the titles of my photo albums and wanting some of them to appear on two lines like

Erika Smith:
Pin Up Theme


Erika Smith:
Mata Hari Theme

Right now the text formatting of my album names is controlled through BB Code. Florida Dave explained that this is BC I have my General Setting set for BB Code as opposed to "Raw HTML" or "No Mark Up." I could change the setting to "Raw HTML" and enter my album title as

<p>Erika Smith:</p><p>Pin-Up Theme</p>

or Erika Smith:<br />Pin-Up theme.

However, This would probably leave me vulnerable to XSS attacks. Actually, that may not be a concern, because I will probably not allow users to add comments. My site is for sharing modeling pictures. I don't want it to turn into the mayhem that "Pixnay" (now defunct) used to be whereby you have jealous girls who are "haters" leaving insulting comments on other girl's pictures and guys who are jerks leaving crass comments like "I would totally do you"...

Neil Girardi


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 20:54

That's not what the title is intended for. And allowing raw HTML is only a danger if you allow other users to login and post content.

Ah, looks like you can use
   [*]John Doe:


Neil Girardi
Neil Girardi's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 64
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 21:15

Right! I actually did get it to work as as

    . I couldn't figure out how to also have it be bold though. The BB Code site shows bold as a wrapped tag: bold text but the bold button in the title field just puts at the end and seems to work. I think I tried [b] at the end of the

and also wrapping the whole list in [b] . Then I think I decided I had better move on the finishing the CSS for my albums. lol.

I thank you for always taking the time to answer my piddly questions. I can't wait to show you my finished site. Hopefully It'll be done soon!

Neil Girardi
