When I try to take a Russhin encoding (russhin language) I view $#%$@ (enother encoding page (. I must see cp1251 (Cyrilic Windows) but I viewed Cyrilic ISO ((((. And when i wright (typing) somthing in russhian than I sow another encoding than all page (somethin like this Ìîÿ ïðîãóëê not this Ламерика ( ).
Please fix this bug!
My site here http//www.cii.ee/gallery/albums.php?newlang=ru_RU
Give us your Gallery/webserver information to get a faster answer.
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful) http//www.cii.ee/gallery/albums.php?newlang=ru_RU
Gallery version Powered by Gallery v1.4-RC2
Apache version
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please) PHP 4,xxx (don't remember)
Graphics Toolkit
Operating system Unix
Web browser/version (if applicable) IE last
Posts: 3473
Moved to translation forum.
Posts: 6818
hi DrNuke,
Can you explain it to me like i am totally stupid ?
I dont understand exactly whats your problem.
Posts: 314
Different encodings, yuk!
What he means to say is (I guess) that Gallery is encoded with Cyrillic (ISO), but that the text he enters (e.g. album description) is in Cyrillic (Windows). At least that's the way it looks on his site. I guess encoding should be in the headers, e.g.
<meta http-equiv="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
for Western Europe.Posts: 3
I have a problem with the wrong coding of page. The page is shown in one coding(IsoRushhin, but must winRushhian), and I write the text in Russian in other coding and in the end i have somethink like this @%$$# (I can't read
Posts: 3474
Gotcha. We're going to work on this problem very soon. We would like to have it so that you can enter Chinese or *anything* on your Russian page and still have it display. Russian has the problem that there are two common encodings in use.
So bear with us and we'll have the right solution very soon.
-Beckett (
Posts: 3
Ok ;)
And thank you wery much!