{SOLVED} How to set mainpage galleryitems to link directly to simpleviwer slideshow.


Joined: 2009-08-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2009-08-14 20:28


Im trying to work out how it would be possible to set the main gallery index page alumb links to go directly to a slideshow rather than displaying the item directly, the plan would then be to set the description field to link in the usual way by using a html link in the description field.

the simplerviewer is already setup and configured i just can't see how to configure this in the x_treme template

i.e rather than linking to /main.php/v/albumname/?g2_enterAlbum=1 it would link to /main.php/v/show/$ablumID

any ideas thoughts or suggestions would be very welcomed im rather stuck as editing the album.tpl wasn't as staight forward as i hoped, well at least for me.





Joined: 2007-10-22
Posts: 666
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-17 13:16


So far I didn't know simpleviewer. They have some nice features. Their products look similiar to those from www.flashyourweb.com, which I use. They have well documented coding examples on their web. I do use the minislideshow from them und use it in my HTML-pages, in Wordpress and MediaWiki.
To find out the album-id of the album for your slideshow, which is needed by the minislideshow, use the get_item_URL module from Gallery2. If you click on an image in the minislideshow you are directed to Gallery2 and if your browser has Cooliris installed you will definitly like what you see.

Good luck/oceco


Joined: 2009-08-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 16:25


just to claify as im not sure i explained myself correctly, ive managed to get the simpleviewer configured and installed as a module, then using the url rewirte you can follow the path of "http://mywebsite.com/gallery2/main.php/show/$albumID" and this takes you to an autogenerated simpleviewer slideshow

what im hoping to achieve though is that rather than opening the album items/subalubms when clicking an album from the main page it would link to the simpleviewer show, e.g. instead of showing the gallery items.

i might be missing a very simple tick here as i guess this would be a change to the gallery template for the main page however im going to be the first to admit im not exscally experenced at how the gallery2 templates work, or php in general and am quite out of my depth.



nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Tue, 2009-08-18 18:02

That's not a "very simple tick". That's some modifications you're going to have to do to your theme's template files. Most likely album.tpl for most themes. But I see you're using the x_treme theme. I have no idea and have no intention of cracking those files open :)

But in the matrix theme, you'd edit album.tpl

Start with putting Gallery into debug mode and taking a look at the information available in the Smarty Debug popup window.
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?

If you need further guidance just ask, right now I don't have the time to come up with some example code, but can later if needed. Take a look at Matrix's album.tpl file around line 100 and line 106. That's where you'd start making changes. You'd probably need to do some extra checking, like if the item "canContainChildren" (is it an album) or not because I doubt you want to have links for photos changed.
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Joined: 2009-08-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2009-08-19 09:21

thanks for the suggestions worked a treat once i looked at a slightly less complex theme to start with, managed to change the thumbnail link on the album page to link to the slideshow and the album description links to the "advanced" view, if the album has no sub-albums.

thanks for the info.