Hey great module! I have been playing around with this over the weekend. About the only thing that I see as missing is the ability to edit an existing taggedface (tag/note/description). Currently, if I see something like a typo, for example, I must delete the tag/note/description and re-do it. Would be nice to have the ability to select a taggedface area and be able to change the tags assigned as well as the note and description text.
Ondra Kolar
Joined: 2008-10-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-11 20:46
Hello rWatcher, I just tried you module first thing after RC1 install, quite promising, thanks for your contribution, few things occured to me while playing with TagFaces. When adding new face on your Tag Faces page, you should have option to add new tag for photo first (instead of selecting from tags already added to photo), ideally to have same tag box as in Popular tags module. Also you can't see if there are any face tags associated to regular tags when you are on photo page until you mouseover that face on photo - something similar to facebook style - box around face appears, when you hover tag text, would be nice. Ondra
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-02 00:10
mamouneyya wrote:
In RTL mode (Arabic language), I get a black square to the right of the photo, cannot clicking on at all:
mamouneyya wrote:
This module is still not working properly with RTL languages in Safari and Chrome.. if that was important to you :D
This update should (hopefully) fix the RTL issue.
Joined: 2009-11-02
Posts: 337
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-02 00:22
rWatcher wrote:
This update should (hopefully) fix the RTL issue.
Finally it works! Many thanks, rWatcher !
Joined: 2009-11-02
Posts: 337
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-02 01:17
Don't know if you can+willing to do anything with this: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-image-annotate/, but I found it interesting. The way you add a tag with it, as you can see here, is very nice and non time-consuming.
Joined: 2009-10-08
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-06 13:49
If no tag is added just a note, the delete button doesn't work.
Here is a workaround for that:
Add a condition at line 64, /tagfaces/controllers/tagfaces.php
if (!(count($tag_data) == 0)){
foreach ($tag_data as $one_tag) {
db::build()->delete("items_faces")->where("id", "=", $one_tag)->execute();
Joined: 2009-10-08
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-06 14:46
When default resize size of the images is different from 640, (800 for instance) the image does not resize properly when adding tags and it goes under the sidebar. After adding the face it's not correctly positioned.
Joined: 2009-01-18
Posts: 57
Posted: Thu, 2010-07-22 12:43
i have installed this module at the last master version of G3 and it tag faces very fine and save them no problem but when i visit the photo i cant see the face taged (or i dont know how to see it)
I move the mouse pointer around the face and let it there waiting but no way to see the face tag i did before.
If i return to "Facetag this photo" the tag is still there, so i dont know what could i be doing wrong.
Other question i would like to know is how assing permitions to use Tagface to my gallery users.
Thank you so much
regards all
Joined: 2009-03-20
Posts: 127
Posted: Thu, 2010-07-22 15:00
Edit the file tagfaces/views/drawfaces_highlight_block.html.php and change
line 33
var photoimg = document.getElementById('g-photo-id-<?=$item->id ?>');
var photoimg = document.getElementById('g-item-id-<?=$item->id ?>');
and line 40
var photoimg = document.getElementById('<?="g-photo-id-{$item->id}"?>');
var photoimg = document.getElementById('<?="g-item-id-{$item->id}"?>');
Joined: 2009-01-18
Posts: 57
Posted: Thu, 2010-07-22 16:03
Thank you Hukoeth
now it works, so glad here
thank you
Joined: 2009-07-24
Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 2010-07-25 07:02
I've been testing Gallery 3 & the tageface module for a couple of days. But I have a problem which doesn't appear to be an issue for anyone else. When I mouse over an area with a tag, the tag appears, but it is some way away from the actual face - see screenshot attached. The "face" is the highlighted flower - you can see the tag on the left of the screenshot.
I am using Version: 3.0 RC2 of Gallery, & the rc1 of tagface available in an earlier post. I've tested in IE8 & FF 3.6.8, with the same results.
Any assistance appreciated.
Joined: 2005-09-13
Posts: 84
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-02 03:12
The module is awesome. But I have to modify it described by @hukoeth to make it work. By the way, I have two suggestions:
(1) After I add a tag to a photo, no information I can know if the photo has any faces taged while viewing it. Can it be possible to show like "The photo have faces taged." at bottom of the photo (like as on Flickr) or somewhere in the webpage?
(2) Even though users know there have some faces taged in the photo, he has to move mouse cursor over the entire photo to search where the faces are. Can it show all frames of each face when mouse cursor move into photo, like Flickr does? Current modules already can show the description of a face while mouse cursor move into the face.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-02 13:25
Check if the same error occurs with the default (Wind) theme. If it doesn't, then it is a theme problem, not a module problem.
Joined: 2005-09-13
Posts: 84
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-02 14:57
I always use the lastest code from git server, only use default theme. I just do install again, and it does have this problem.
Unfortunately there are a few issues I haven't figured out yet:
- When clicking on a tag the image starts loading full sized before being directed to the item collection of that tag
- Because of the above I didn't start implementing the image-annotate way of editing and adding tags
- The description field isn't displayed yet
If someone wants to have a look at the first issue that would be much appreciated. If this can be sorted out then I think it shouldn't be to hard to implement the tag adding as well.
Hope it works for those who are interested and that someone could give me a hand solving the mentioned issues.
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-02 17:48
To fix the first problem, I imagine that what you would have to do is through js or other means, find the <a> link that has the class "g-fullsize-link" and disable it somehow.
You might also consider starting a new thread, and perhaps naming the module something like "photonotes" to really distinguish it form tagfaces, even though you're working off the original. Just a suggestion though
To fix the first problem, I imagine that what you would have to do is through js or other means, find the <a> link that has the class "g-fullsize-link" and disable it somehow.
The problem is to not disable it for the whole picture but I guess I could try to use the hover function for this. I'll have a look. Thanks for the input.
tkott wrote:
You might also consider starting a new thread, and perhaps naming the module something like "photonotes" to really distinguish it form tagfaces, even though you're working off the original. Just a suggestion though
Let's see how it goes. I'm a bit reluctant to do this yet but I might if I get this to work nicely.
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-02 18:27
The problem is to not disable it for the whole picture but I guess I could try to use the hover function for this. I'll have a look. Thanks for the input.
Hi all,
I managed to do a bit more work on the annotate modification of the module. Please find it attached to this post.
- The modified version now allows you to add tag faces using the annotate method.
- Clickable tags are highlighted with a green frame on mouseover and the problem with the image loading in full screen when clicking on them has been solved.
- The description is now displayed
What is still missing is the functionality to edit and remove tags using annotate which is why the current version adds a second link to the site menu giving you access to the classic tag faces interface. If anyone wants to continue implementing the missing features feel free to take the code and run with it but please give me a heads up so that we don't invent the wheel twice
I don't want to take too much credit for this as rWatcher really did all the ground work and had the idea but if enough people like it I will create a spinoff and rename it to have a separate but fully compatible module.
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2009-03-20
Posts: 127
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 17:59
I found a few bugs in the code I posted yesterday which should be fixed in the attached version.
EDIT: Please download the version 3 posts below
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 17:34
I finally got a chance to try your mod (the one labelled tagfacesannotatemod_3.zip). I have yours activated, the other deactivated, but I seem to be getting the following error in Firebug:
$("#g-item-id-110").annotateImage is not a function
but the odd part is that it is pointing to the following line: csrf: '777ca16cecde6636d245a1cae2387196' .
As far as I can tell, the JSON is properly formatted etc. And the annotate js seems to be loading fine: <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tagfaces/js/jquery.annotate.js"></script> Did I forget to upgrade some JS library? Any ideas?
Hi Tomek,
First of all thanks for testing. I almost thought everyone lost interest in this
tkott wrote:
I finally got a chance to try your mod (the one labelled tagfacesannotatemod_3.zip). I have yours activated, the other deactivated, but I seem to be getting the following error in Firebug:
$("#g-item-id-110").annotateImage is not a function
but the odd part is that it is pointing to the following line: csrf: '777ca16cecde6636d245a1cae2387196' .
As far as I can tell, the JSON is properly formatted etc. And the annotate js seems to be loading fine: <script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tagfaces/js/jquery.annotate.js"></script> Did I forget to upgrade some JS library? Any ideas?
Actually yes. Try the one attached to this post. I had some hardcoded stuff in there that makes it easier to troubleshoot for me but breaks on any install that's not in the root of the server. Sorry for that.
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-25 18:27
Works great! I like how you use the old interface as the backup. I really like how clicking on the tagged object takes you to the tag album! So far no bugs for me, but I'll be sure to let you know.
What is still missing is the functionality to edit and remove tags using annotate which is why the current version adds a second link to the site menu giving you access to the classic tag faces interface.
I am trying to develop two other modules, so I don't have time to help with this specifically, but I am happy to test anything you come up with!
WOW! I am so interested in this. Please keep going.
Some suggestions:
(1) Make the user able to add a tag directly from the annotate interface, instead of manually linking an already existed tag. That said, when you write a name in the Face field, Gallery automatically will add a tag using that name. That way there is no need to the drop-down tags list anymore.
(2) Show the list of faces tagged in the photo below it, like Facebook way.
IMHO, it worths to be a dedicated module in case you could implement those plus the ability of editing/removing already existed faces/notes.
Joined: 2010-06-07
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-08-26 13:17
(2) Show the list of faces tagged in the photo below it, like Facebook way.
Personally I don't see the need for this. Since the faces are tags, you can simply show the tags in the bar on the right with a tag block. That's the way I see it at least.
Thanks for the feedback. To give you a heads up: I decided to rename my mod of this module to avoid confusion and also for the reason that the changed I am making are getting a lot.
I am currently working on implementing the delete function so that you don't have to go through the tagfaces interface to do this.
After that I will clean up code and release the first version.
mamouneyya wrote:
WOW! I am so interested in this. Please keep going.
Some suggestions:
(1) Make the user able to add a tag directly from the annotate interface, instead of manually linking an already existed tag. That said, when you write a name in the Face field, Gallery automatically will add a tag using that name. That way there is no need to the drop-down tags list anymore.
This is a great idea which I wanted to implement at one point anyway. Stay tuned
mamouneyya wrote:
(2) Show the list of faces tagged in the photo below it, like Facebook way.
I will make this configurable but it makes sense to me as you can add notes as well as tags attached to an area.
I just download the latest gallery3 and modules in gallery3-contrib. If I enable the photo_annotation module, the video clip can't be played well, only blank in video clip area. rWatcher's TagFaces has no such problem. I prefer use the new photo annotation module cause the user interface is better. Does anyone has the same problem on playing video clip?
Joined: 2009-03-20
Posts: 127
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 07:36
I actually didn't try with videos but I will have a look at what's going on there. Since I have made this into a separate module can I ask you to post any comments etc. in the other thread, please (see three posts up)
Thank you,
Build bridges not barriers.
Joined: 2009-03-20
Posts: 127
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 11:18
engineer wrote:
I just download the latest gallery3 and modules in gallery3-contrib. If I enable the photo_annotation module, the video clip can't be played well, only blank in video clip area. rWatcher's TagFaces has no such problem. I prefer use the new photo annotation module cause the user interface is better. Does anyone has the same problem on playing video clip?
Posts: 11
Hey great module! I have been playing around with this over the weekend. About the only thing that I see as missing is the ability to edit an existing taggedface (tag/note/description). Currently, if I see something like a typo, for example, I must delete the tag/note/description and re-do it. Would be nice to have the ability to select a taggedface area and be able to change the tags assigned as well as the note and description text.
Posts: 2
Hello rWatcher, I just tried you module first thing after RC1 install, quite promising, thanks for your contribution, few things occured to me while playing with TagFaces. When adding new face on your Tag Faces page, you should have option to add new tag for photo first (instead of selecting from tags already added to photo), ideally to have same tag box as in Popular tags module. Also you can't see if there are any face tags associated to regular tags when you are on photo page until you mouseover that face on photo - something similar to facebook style - box around face appears, when you hover tag text, would be nice. Ondra
Posts: 722
This update should (hopefully) fix the RTL issue.
Posts: 337
Finally it works! Many thanks, rWatcher
Posts: 337
Don't know if you can+willing to do anything with this: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-image-annotate/, but I found it interesting. The way you add a tag with it, as you can see here, is very nice and non time-consuming.
Posts: 18
If no tag is added just a note, the delete button doesn't work.
Here is a workaround for that:
Add a condition at line 64, /tagfaces/controllers/tagfaces.php
if (!(count($tag_data) == 0)){
foreach ($tag_data as $one_tag) {
db::build()->delete("items_faces")->where("id", "=", $one_tag)->execute();
Posts: 18
When default resize size of the images is different from 640, (800 for instance) the image does not resize properly when adding tags and it goes under the sidebar. After adding the face it's not correctly positioned.
Posts: 57
i have installed this module at the last master version of G3 and it tag faces very fine and save them no problem but when i visit the photo i cant see the face taged (or i dont know how to see it)
I move the mouse pointer around the face and let it there waiting but no way to see the face tag i did before.
If i return to "Facetag this photo" the tag is still there, so i dont know what could i be doing wrong.
Other question i would like to know is how assing permitions to use Tagface to my gallery users.
Thank you so much
regards all
Posts: 127
Edit the file tagfaces/views/drawfaces_highlight_block.html.php and change
line 33
and line 40
Posts: 57
Thank you Hukoeth
now it works, so glad here
thank you
Posts: 11
I've been testing Gallery 3 & the tageface module for a couple of days. But I have a problem which doesn't appear to be an issue for anyone else. When I mouse over an area with a tag, the tag appears, but it is some way away from the actual face - see screenshot attached. The "face" is the highlighted flower - you can see the tag on the left of the screenshot.
I am using Version: 3.0 RC2 of Gallery, & the rc1 of tagface available in an earlier post. I've tested in IE8 & FF 3.6.8, with the same results.
Any assistance appreciated.
Posts: 84
The module is awesome. But I have to modify it described by @hukoeth to make it work. By the way, I have two suggestions:
(1) After I add a tag to a photo, no information I can know if the photo has any faces taged while viewing it. Can it be possible to show like "The photo have faces taged." at bottom of the photo (like as on Flickr) or somewhere in the webpage?
(2) Even though users know there have some faces taged in the photo, he has to move mouse cursor over the entire photo to search where the faces are. Can it show all frames of each face when mouse cursor move into photo, like Flickr does? Current modules already can show the description of a face while mouse cursor move into the face.
Posts: 225
Check if the same error occurs with the default (Wind) theme. If it doesn't, then it is a theme problem, not a module problem.
Posts: 84
I always use the lastest code from git server, only use default theme. I just do install again, and it does have this problem.
Posts: 225
I'm so sorry, I meant to say "@Emmet". Oops!
And I agree with your suggestions!
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 127
First let me say that this module is one of my absolute favorites. Thank you rWatcher for the time and work put into it.
I also like the ideas by engineer so I have modified the module using http://code.google.com/p/jquery-image-annotate/ to show the tags when hovering over the image.
Unfortunately there are a few issues I haven't figured out yet:
- When clicking on a tag the image starts loading full sized before being directed to the item collection of that tag
- Because of the above I didn't start implementing the image-annotate way of editing and adding tags
- The description field isn't displayed yet
If someone wants to have a look at the first issue that would be much appreciated. If this can be sorted out then I think it shouldn't be to hard to implement the tag adding as well.
Hope it works for those who are interested and that someone could give me a hand solving the mentioned issues.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 225
To fix the first problem, I imagine that what you would have to do is through js or other means, find the <a> link that has the class "g-fullsize-link" and disable it somehow.
You might also consider starting a new thread, and perhaps naming the module something like "photonotes" to really distinguish it form tagfaces, even though you're working off the original. Just a suggestion though
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 127
Hi Tomek,
The problem is to not disable it for the whole picture but I guess I could try to use the hover function for this. I'll have a look. Thanks for the input.
Let's see how it goes. I'm a bit reluctant to do this yet but I might if I get this to work nicely.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 225
I see what you mean now. Yeah, looks like the hover function attached to the area is the way to do it (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-image-annotate/source/browse/trunk/1.3.2/js/jquery.annotate.js#313).
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 127
Hi all,
I managed to do a bit more work on the annotate modification of the module. Please find it attached to this post.
- The modified version now allows you to add tag faces using the annotate method.
- Clickable tags are highlighted with a green frame on mouseover and the problem with the image loading in full screen when clicking on them has been solved.
- The description is now displayed
What is still missing is the functionality to edit and remove tags using annotate which is why the current version adds a second link to the site menu giving you access to the classic tag faces interface. If anyone wants to continue implementing the missing features feel free to take the code and run with it but please give me a heads up so that we don't invent the wheel twice
I don't want to take too much credit for this as rWatcher really did all the ground work and had the idea but if enough people like it I will create a spinoff and rename it to have a separate but fully compatible module.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 127
I found a few bugs in the code I posted yesterday which should be fixed in the attached version.
EDIT: Please download the version 3 posts below
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 225
I finally got a chance to try your mod (the one labelled tagfacesannotatemod_3.zip). I have yours activated, the other deactivated, but I seem to be getting the following error in Firebug:
$("#g-item-id-110").annotateImage is not a function
but the odd part is that it is pointing to the following line:
csrf: '777ca16cecde6636d245a1cae2387196'
.As far as I can tell, the JSON is properly formatted etc. And the annotate js seems to be loading fine:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/tagfaces/js/jquery.annotate.js"></script>
Did I forget to upgrade some JS library? Any ideas?Tomek
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 225
Sorry, should add that here is the entire javascript section pertaining to the image:
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 127
Hi Tomek,
First of all thanks for testing. I almost thought everyone lost interest in this
Actually yes. Try the one attached to this post. I had some hardcoded stuff in there that makes it easier to troubleshoot for me but breaks on any install that's not in the root of the server. Sorry for that.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 225
Works great! I like how you use the old interface as the backup. I really like how clicking on the tagged object takes you to the tag album! So far no bugs for me, but I'll be sure to let you know.
I am trying to develop two other modules, so I don't have time to help with this specifically, but I am happy to test anything you come up with!
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 337
WOW! I am so interested in this. Please keep going.
Some suggestions:
(1) Make the user able to add a tag directly from the annotate interface, instead of manually linking an already existed tag. That said, when you write a name in the Face field, Gallery automatically will add a tag using that name. That way there is no need to the drop-down tags list anymore.
(2) Show the list of faces tagged in the photo below it, like Facebook way.
IMHO, it worths to be a dedicated module in case you could implement those plus the ability of editing/removing already existed faces/notes.
Posts: 225
Personally I don't see the need for this. Since the faces are tags, you can simply show the tags in the bar on the right with a tag block. That's the way I see it at least.
Publish on Gallery 3 (WLPG Plugin) | XMP Module
Posts: 127
Thanks for the feedback. To give you a heads up: I decided to rename my mod of this module to avoid confusion and also for the reason that the changed I am making are getting a lot.
I am currently working on implementing the delete function so that you don't have to go through the tagfaces interface to do this.
After that I will clean up code and release the first version.
This is a great idea which I wanted to implement at one point anyway. Stay tuned
I will make this configurable but it makes sense to me as you can add notes as well as tags attached to an area.
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 337
Cannot wait
Posts: 127
Alright the first version is out. You can download from http://gallery.menalto.com/node/97699
Codex page was also created: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Modules:photo_annotation
Let me know what you think (and of course if it works for you).
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 7994
I've pulled this into the latest gallery3-contrib. thanks!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 84
I just download the latest gallery3 and modules in gallery3-contrib. If I enable the photo_annotation module, the video clip can't be played well, only blank in video clip area. rWatcher's TagFaces has no such problem. I prefer use the new photo annotation module cause the user interface is better. Does anyone has the same problem on playing video clip?
Posts: 127
I actually didn't try with videos but I will have a look at what's going on there. Since I have made this into a separate module can I ask you to post any comments etc. in the other thread, please (see three posts up)
Thank you,
Build bridges not barriers.
Posts: 127
I hope this is fixed. Please see http://gallery.menalto.com/node/97699#comment-352099 for details and if you could test that would be a great help.
Build bridges not barriers.