Hello All,
I was really curious about Gallery 3, so i decided to give beta 2 a try. In the installation manual i read the requirement that safe mode should be off.
As i am a stubborn person (and i succesfully ran website baker, which requires safe mode to be off also) i installed it, tried it, and guess what: it seems to work like a charm.
My web hoster is one.com which somehow got around it. But before i make the final decision to go for gallery 3, i'd like to check it all so i dont run into problems later.
Which features should i check really good to make sure it doesn't break later, and it it possible that a later release of gallery3 breaks this "compatibility"?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 16504
just get safe_mode off, it's a bad way to go about security and the PHP developers have realized that. Safe_mode has been removed from future versions of PHP.
Gallery will not work in safe_mode. No version of Gallery will work in safe_mode.
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Posts: 7
I don't want to discuss the use of safe_mode, i'm against using it as much as everybody else.
Only fact is my webhost uses it, and in contrast to what everybody says, Gallery 3 works just fine. So the statement "No version of Gallery will work in safe_mode" is just plain wrong.
Now i think of it, a long time ago i tried Gallery 2, which also worked fine after i trashed the check for safe_mode at install.
Posts: 16504
o.k. Let me put it this way. If it works, it works. If it doesn't I'll spend ZERO time trying to help or troubleshoot
Windows, even though it's not supported, depending on the problem I'll consider taking a look at it. Like so: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/88980
But if safe_mode is turned on and something's not working, then I've already wasted more of my time reading the problem than I care to spend on it
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Posts: 7
:D I fully understand that. I hope they release php6 soon