Installed everything but i get an error


Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 18:02

Ive just installed gallery 3 beta 2, installed everything on my webserver, but after running installer, which went smoothly, but afterwards it showed an error message:

Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
Ok.. tell me stuff!

If this stuff doesn't make any sense to you, ask for help in the Gallery forums!
So here's the error:
mkdir() [function.mkdir]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 601 is not allowed to access /home/maxvdw/domains/ owned by uid 100

File: modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php, line: 123
And here's how we got there:


Kohana::exception_handler( 2, mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 601 is not allowed to access /home/maxvdw/domains/ owned by uid 100, modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php, 123, Array
[config] => HTMLPurifier_Config Object
[version] => 4.0.0
[autoFinalize] => 1
[serials:protected] => Array
[Cache] =>
[Attr] =>
[HTML] => ddc9b993d7fc8d4a185e8dbf5b9a0996

[serial:protected] =>
[def] => HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Object
[defaults] => Array
[Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
[Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

[Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

[Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

[Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
[Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
[Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
[Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
[Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
[Attr.EnableID] =>
[Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

[Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

[Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
[Attr.IDPrefix] =>
[Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
[AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
[AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

[AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
[AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
[AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
[AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
[td] => 1
[th] => 1

[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
[CSS.AllowImportant] =>
[CSS.AllowTricky] =>
[CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
[CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
[CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
[CSS.Proprietary] =>
[Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
[Cache.SerializerPath] =>
[Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
[Core.CollectErrors] =>
[Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
[maroon] => #800000
[red] => #FF0000
[orange] => #FFA500
[yellow] => #FFFF00
[olive] => #808000
[purple] => #800080
[fuchsia] => #FF00FF
[white] => #FFFFFF
[lime] => #00FF00
[green] => #008000
[navy] => #000080
[blue] => #0000FF
[aqua] => #00FFFF
[teal] => #008080
[black] => #000000
[silver] => #C0C0C0
[gray] => #808080

[Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
[Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
[Core.Encoding] => utf-8
[Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
[Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
[Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
[Core.HiddenElements] => Array
[script] => 1
[style] => 1

[Core.Language] => en
[Core.LexerImpl] =>
[Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
[Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
[Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
[Filter.Custom] => Array

[Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
[Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
[Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
[Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
[Filter.YouTube] =>
[HTML.Allowed] =>
[HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
[HTML.AllowedElements] =>
[HTML.AllowedModules] =>
[HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
[HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
[HTML.CoreModules] => Array
[Structure] => 1
[Text] => 1
[Hypertext] => 1

    => 1
    [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
    [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
    [CommonAttributes] => 1

    [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
    [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
    [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
    [HTML.Doctype] =>
    [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

    [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

    [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
    [HTML.Parent] => div
    [HTML.Proprietary] =>
    [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
    [HTML.SafeObject] =>
    [HTML.Strict] =>
    [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

    [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
    [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

    [HTML.Trusted] =>
    [HTML.XHTML] => 1
    [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
    [Output.Newline] =>
    [Output.SortAttr] =>
    [Output.TidyFormat] =>
    [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
    [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
    [http] => 1
    [https] => 1
    [mailto] => 1
    [ftp] => 1
    [nntp] => 1
    [news] => 1

    [URI.Base] =>
    [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
    [URI.DefinitionID] =>
    [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
    [URI.Disable] =>
    [URI.DisableExternal] =>
    [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
    [URI.DisableResources] =>
    [URI.Host] =>
    [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

    [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
    [URI.Munge] =>
    [URI.MungeResources] =>
    [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
    [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

    [defaultPlist] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
    [data:protected] => Array
    [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
    [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

    [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

    [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

    [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
    [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
    [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
    [Attr.EnableID] =>
    [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

    [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

    [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
    [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
    [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
    [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
    [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

    [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
    [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
    [td] => 1
    [th] => 1

    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
    [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
    [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
    [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
    [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
    [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
    [CSS.Proprietary] =>
    [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
    [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
    [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
    [Core.CollectErrors] =>
    [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
    [maroon] => #800000
    [red] => #FF0000
    [orange] => #FFA500
    [yellow] => #FFFF00
    [olive] => #808000
    [purple] => #800080
    [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
    [white] => #FFFFFF
    [lime] => #00FF00
    [green] => #008000
    [navy] => #000080
    [blue] => #0000FF
    [aqua] => #00FFFF
    [teal] => #008080
    [black] => #000000
    [silver] => #C0C0C0
    [gray] => #808080

    [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
    [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
    [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
    [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
    [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
    [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
    [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
    [script] => 1
    [style] => 1

    [Core.Language] => en
    [Core.LexerImpl] =>
    [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
    [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
    [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
    [Filter.Custom] => Array

    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
    [Filter.YouTube] =>
    [HTML.Allowed] =>
    [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
    [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
    [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
    [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
    [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
    [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
    [Structure] => 1
    [Text] => 1
    [Hypertext] => 1

      => 1
      [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
      [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
      [CommonAttributes] => 1

      [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
      [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
      [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
      [HTML.Doctype] =>
      [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

      [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

      [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
      [HTML.Parent] => div
      [HTML.Proprietary] =>
      [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
      [HTML.SafeObject] =>
      [HTML.Strict] =>
      [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

      [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
      [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

      [HTML.Trusted] =>
      [HTML.XHTML] => 1
      [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
      [Output.Newline] =>
      [Output.SortAttr] =>
      [Output.TidyFormat] =>
      [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
      [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
      [http] => 1
      [https] => 1
      [mailto] => 1
      [ftp] => 1
      [nntp] => 1
      [news] => 1

      [URI.Base] =>
      [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
      [URI.DefinitionID] =>
      [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
      [URI.Disable] =>
      [URI.DisableExternal] =>
      [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
      [URI.DisableResources] =>
      [URI.Host] =>
      [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

      [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
      [URI.Munge] =>
      [URI.MungeResources] =>
      [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
      [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

      [parent:protected] =>
      [cache:protected] => Array
      [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
      [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

      [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

      [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

      [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
      [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
      [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
      [Attr.EnableID] =>
      [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

      [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

      [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
      [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
      [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
      [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
      [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

      [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
      [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
      [td] => 1
      [th] => 1

      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
      [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
      [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
      [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
      [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
      [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
      [CSS.Proprietary] =>
      [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
      [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
      [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
      [Core.CollectErrors] =>
      [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
      [maroon] => #800000
      [red] => #FF0000
      [orange] => #FFA500
      [yellow] => #FFFF00
      [olive] => #808000
      [purple] => #800080
      [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
      [white] => #FFFFFF
      [lime] => #00FF00
      [green] => #008000
      [navy] => #000080
      [blue] => #0000FF
      [aqua] => #00FFFF
      [teal] => #008080
      [black] => #000000
      [silver] => #C0C0C0
      [gray] => #808080

      [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
      [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
      [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
      [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
      [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
      [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
      [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
      [script] => 1
      [style] => 1

      [Core.Language] => en
      [Core.LexerImpl] =>
      [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
      [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
      [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
      [Filter.Custom] => Array

      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
      [Filter.YouTube] =>
      [HTML.Allowed] =>
      [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
      [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
      [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
      [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
      [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
      [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
      [Structure] => 1
      [Text] => 1
      [Hypertext] => 1

        => 1
        [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
        [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
        [CommonAttributes] => 1

        [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
        [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
        [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
        [HTML.Doctype] =>
        [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

        [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

        [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
        [HTML.Parent] => div
        [HTML.Proprietary] =>
        [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
        [HTML.SafeObject] =>
        [HTML.Strict] =>
        [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

        [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
        [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

        [HTML.Trusted] =>
        [HTML.XHTML] => 1
        [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
        [Output.Newline] =>
        [Output.SortAttr] =>
        [Output.TidyFormat] =>
        [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
        [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
        [http] => 1
        [https] => 1
        [mailto] => 1
        [ftp] => 1
        [nntp] => 1
        [news] => 1

        [URI.Base] =>
        [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
        [URI.DefinitionID] =>
        [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
        [URI.Disable] =>
        [URI.DisableExternal] =>
        [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
        [URI.DisableResources] =>
        [URI.Host] =>
        [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

        [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
        [URI.Munge] =>
        [URI.MungeResources] =>
        [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
        [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


        [info] => Array
        [Attr.AllowedClasses] => -8
        [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => 8
        [Attr.AllowedRel] => 8
        [Attr.AllowedRev] => 8
        [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] => -7
        [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] => -1
        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] => 1
        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => 1
        [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => stdClass Object
        [type] => 1
        [allowed] => Array
        [ltr] => 1
        [rtl] => 1


        [Attr.EnableID] => 7
        [HTML.EnableAttrID] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Attr.EnableID
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => 8
        [Attr.IDBlacklist] => 9
        [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] => -1
        [Attr.IDPrefix] => 1
        [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] => 1
        [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] => 7
        [AutoFormat.Custom] => 9
        [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] => 7
        [AutoFormat.Linkify] => 7
        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => 1
        [AutoFormatParam.PurifierLinkifyDocURL] => stdClass Object
        [key] => AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL
        [isAlias] => 1

        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] => 7
        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => 8
        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] => 7
        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] => 7
        [CSS.AllowImportant] => 7
        [CSS.AllowTricky] => 7
        [CSS.AllowedProperties] => -8
        [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 5
        [CSS.MaxImgLength] => -1
        [CSS.Proprietary] => 7
        [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => -1
        [Core.DefinitionCache] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Cache.DefinitionImpl
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Cache.SerializerPath] => -1
        [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 7
        [Core.CollectErrors] => 7
        [Core.ColorKeywords] => 10
        [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 7
        [Core.AcceptFullDocuments] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 5
        [Core.Encoding] => 2
        [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] => 7
        [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] => 7
        [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] => 7
        [Core.HiddenElements] => 8
        [Core.Language] => 1
        [Core.LexerImpl] => -11
        [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] => -7
        [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 7
        [Core.RemoveScriptContents] => -7
        [Filter.Custom] => 9
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 7
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
        [isAlias] => 1

        [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] => -1
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
        [isAlias] => 1

        [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] => -11
        [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksTidyImpl] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] => 7
        [Filter.YouTube] => 7
        [HTML.Allowed] => -4
        [HTML.AllowedAttributes] => -8
        [HTML.AllowedElements] => -8
        [HTML.AllowedModules] => -8
        [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] => 7
        [HTML.BlockWrapper] => 1
        [HTML.CoreModules] => 8
        [HTML.CustomDoctype] => -1
        [HTML.DefinitionID] => -1
        [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 5
        [HTML.Doctype] => stdClass Object
        [type] => 1
        [allow_null] => 1
        [allowed] => Array
        [HTML 4.01 Transitional] => 1
        [HTML 4.01 Strict] => 1
        [XHTML 1.0 Transitional] => 1
        [XHTML 1.0 Strict] => 1
        [XHTML 1.1] => 1


        [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => 8
        [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => 8
        [HTML.MaxImgLength] => -5
        [HTML.Parent] => 1
        [HTML.Proprietary] => 7
        [HTML.SafeEmbed] => 7
        [HTML.SafeObject] => 7
        [HTML.Strict] => 7
        [HTML.TidyAdd] => 8
        [HTML.TidyLevel] => stdClass Object
        [type] => 1
        [allowed] => Array
        [none] => 1
        [light] => 1
        [medium] => 1
        [heavy] => 1


        [HTML.TidyRemove] => 8
        [HTML.Trusted] => 7
        [HTML.XHTML] => 7
        [Core.XHTML] => stdClass Object
        [key] => HTML.XHTML
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 7
        [Core.CommentScriptContents] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Output.CommentScriptContents
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Output.Newline] => -1
        [Output.SortAttr] => 7
        [Output.TidyFormat] => 7
        [Core.TidyFormat] => stdClass Object
        [key] => Output.TidyFormat
        [isAlias] => 1

        [Test.ForceNoIconv] => 7
        [URI.AllowedSchemes] => 8
        [URI.Base] => -1
        [URI.DefaultScheme] => 1
        [URI.DefinitionID] => -1
        [URI.DefinitionRev] => 5
        [URI.Disable] => 7
        [Attr.DisableURI] => stdClass Object
        [key] => URI.Disable
        [isAlias] => 1

        [URI.DisableExternal] => 7
        [URI.DisableExternalResources] => 7
        [URI.DisableResources] => 7
        [URI.Host] => -1
        [URI.HostBlacklist] => 9
        [URI.MakeAbsolute] => 7
        [URI.Munge] => -1
        [URI.MungeResources] => 7
        [URI.MungeSecretKey] => -1
        [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 7


        [definitions:protected] =>
        [finalized:protected] => 1
        [plist:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
        [data:protected] => Array
        [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
        [Attr.EnableID] => 1

        [parent:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
        [data:protected] => Array
        [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
        [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

        [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

        [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

        [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
        [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
        [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
        [Attr.EnableID] =>
        [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

        [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

        [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
        [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
        [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
        [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
        [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

        [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
        [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
        [td] => 1
        [th] => 1

        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
        [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
        [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
        [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
        [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
        [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
        [CSS.Proprietary] =>
        [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
        [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
        [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
        [Core.CollectErrors] =>
        [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
        [maroon] => #800000
        [red] => #FF0000
        [orange] => #FFA500
        [yellow] => #FFFF00
        [olive] => #808000
        [purple] => #800080
        [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
        [white] => #FFFFFF
        [lime] => #00FF00
        [green] => #008000
        [navy] => #000080
        [blue] => #0000FF
        [aqua] => #00FFFF
        [teal] => #008080
        [black] => #000000
        [silver] => #C0C0C0
        [gray] => #808080

        [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
        [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
        [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
        [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
        [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
        [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
        [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
        [script] => 1
        [style] => 1

        [Core.Language] => en
        [Core.LexerImpl] =>
        [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
        [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
        [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
        [Filter.Custom] => Array

        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
        [Filter.YouTube] =>
        [HTML.Allowed] =>
        [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
        [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
        [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
        [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
        [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
        [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
        [Structure] => 1
        [Text] => 1
        [Hypertext] => 1

          => 1
          [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
          [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
          [CommonAttributes] => 1

          [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
          [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
          [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
          [HTML.Doctype] =>
          [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

          [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

          [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
          [HTML.Parent] => div
          [HTML.Proprietary] =>
          [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
          [HTML.SafeObject] =>
          [HTML.Strict] =>
          [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

          [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
          [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

          [HTML.Trusted] =>
          [HTML.XHTML] => 1
          [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
          [Output.Newline] =>
          [Output.SortAttr] =>
          [Output.TidyFormat] =>
          [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
          [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
          [http] => 1
          [https] => 1
          [mailto] => 1
          [ftp] => 1
          [nntp] => 1
          [news] => 1

          [URI.Base] =>
          [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
          [URI.DefinitionID] =>
          [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
          [URI.Disable] =>
          [URI.DisableExternal] =>
          [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
          [URI.DisableResources] =>
          [URI.Host] =>
          [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

          [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
          [URI.Munge] =>
          [URI.MungeResources] =>
          [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
          [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

          [parent:protected] =>
          [cache:protected] => Array
          [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
          [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

          [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

          [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

          [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
          [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
          [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
          [Attr.EnableID] =>
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          [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

          [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
          [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
          [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
          [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
          [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

          [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
          [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
          [td] => 1
          [th] => 1

          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
          [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
          [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
          [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
          [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
          [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
          [CSS.Proprietary] =>
          [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
          [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
          [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
          [Core.CollectErrors] =>
          [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
          [maroon] => #800000
          [red] => #FF0000
          [orange] => #FFA500
          [yellow] => #FFFF00
          [olive] => #808000
          [purple] => #800080
          [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
          [white] => #FFFFFF
          [lime] => #00FF00
          [green] => #008000
          [navy] => #000080
          [blue] => #0000FF
          [aqua] => #00FFFF
          [teal] => #008080
          [black] => #000000
          [silver] => #C0C0C0
          [gray] => #808080

          [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
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          [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
          [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
          [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
          [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
          [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
          [script] => 1
          [style] => 1

          [Core.Language] => en
          [Core.LexerImpl] =>
          [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
          [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
          [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
          [Filter.Custom] => Array

          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
          [Filter.YouTube] =>
          [HTML.Allowed] =>
          [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
          [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
          [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
          [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
          [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
          [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
          [Structure] => 1
          [Text] => 1
          [Hypertext] => 1

            => 1
            [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
            [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
            [CommonAttributes] => 1

            [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
            [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
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            [HTML.Doctype] =>
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            [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

            [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
            [HTML.Parent] => div
            [HTML.Proprietary] =>
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            [HTML.SafeObject] =>
            [HTML.Strict] =>
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            [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
            [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

            [HTML.Trusted] =>
            [HTML.XHTML] => 1
            [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
            [Output.Newline] =>
            [Output.SortAttr] =>
            [Output.TidyFormat] =>
            [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
            [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
            [http] => 1
            [https] => 1
            [mailto] => 1
            [ftp] => 1
            [nntp] => 1
            [news] => 1

            [URI.Base] =>
            [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
            [URI.DefinitionID] =>
            [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
            [URI.Disable] =>
            [URI.DisableExternal] =>
            [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
            [URI.DisableResources] =>
            [URI.Host] =>
            [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

            [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
            [URI.Munge] =>
            [URI.MungeResources] =>
            [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
            [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


            [cache:protected] => Array
            [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
            [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

            [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

            [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

            [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
            [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
            [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
            [Attr.EnableID] => 1
            [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

            [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

            [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
            [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
            [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
            [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
            [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

            [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
            [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
            [td] => 1
            [th] => 1

            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
            [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
            [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
            [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
            [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
            [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
            [CSS.Proprietary] =>
            [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
            [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
            [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
            [Core.CollectErrors] =>
            [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
            [maroon] => #800000
            [red] => #FF0000
            [orange] => #FFA500
            [yellow] => #FFFF00
            [olive] => #808000
            [purple] => #800080
            [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
            [white] => #FFFFFF
            [lime] => #00FF00
            [green] => #008000
            [navy] => #000080
            [blue] => #0000FF
            [aqua] => #00FFFF
            [teal] => #008080
            [black] => #000000
            [silver] => #C0C0C0
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            [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
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            [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
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            [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
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            [script] => 1
            [style] => 1

            [Core.Language] => en
            [Core.LexerImpl] =>
            [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
            [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
            [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
            [Filter.Custom] => Array

            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
            [Filter.YouTube] =>
            [HTML.Allowed] =>
            [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
            [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
            [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
            [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
            [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
            [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
            [Structure] => 1
            [Text] => 1
            [Hypertext] => 1

              => 1
              [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
              [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
              [CommonAttributes] => 1

              [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
              [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
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              [HTML.Doctype] =>
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              [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

              [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
              [HTML.Parent] => div
              [HTML.Proprietary] =>
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              [HTML.SafeObject] =>
              [HTML.Strict] =>
              [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

              [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
              [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

              [HTML.Trusted] =>
              [HTML.XHTML] => 1
              [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
              [Output.Newline] =>
              [Output.SortAttr] =>
              [Output.TidyFormat] =>
              [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
              [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
              [http] => 1
              [https] => 1
              [mailto] => 1
              [ftp] => 1
              [nntp] => 1
              [news] => 1

              [URI.Base] =>
              [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
              [URI.DefinitionID] =>
              [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
              [URI.Disable] =>
              [URI.DisableExternal] =>
              [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
              [URI.DisableResources] =>
              [URI.Host] =>
              [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

              [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
              [URI.Munge] =>
              [URI.MungeResources] =>
              [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
              [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


              [aliasMode:private] =>
              [chatty] => 1
              [lock:private] =>

              [directory] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
              [base] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
              [old] => 18

              * modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php [123]:

              mkdir( /home/maxvdw/domains/ )

              * modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php [54]:

              HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Serializer->_prepareDir( HTMLPurifier_Config Object
              [version] => 4.0.0
              [autoFinalize] => 1
              [serials:protected] => Array
              [Cache] =>
              [Attr] =>
              [HTML] => ddc9b993d7fc8d4a185e8dbf5b9a0996

              [serial:protected] =>
              [def] => HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Object
              [defaults] => Array
              [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
              [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

              [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

              [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

              [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
              [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
              [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
              [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
              [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
              [Attr.EnableID] =>
              [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

              [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

              [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
              [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
              [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
              [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
              [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

              [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
              [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
              [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
              [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
              [td] => 1
              [th] => 1

              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
              [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
              [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
              [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
              [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
              [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
              [CSS.Proprietary] =>
              [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
              [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
              [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
              [Core.CollectErrors] =>
              [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
              [maroon] => #800000
              [red] => #FF0000
              [orange] => #FFA500
              [yellow] => #FFFF00
              [olive] => #808000
              [purple] => #800080
              [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
              [white] => #FFFFFF
              [lime] => #00FF00
              [green] => #008000
              [navy] => #000080
              [blue] => #0000FF
              [aqua] => #00FFFF
              [teal] => #008080
              [black] => #000000
              [silver] => #C0C0C0
              [gray] => #808080

              [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
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              [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
              [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
              [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
              [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
              [script] => 1
              [style] => 1

              [Core.Language] => en
              [Core.LexerImpl] =>
              [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
              [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
              [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
              [Filter.Custom] => Array

              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
              [Filter.YouTube] =>
              [HTML.Allowed] =>
              [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
              [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
              [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
              [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
              [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
              [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
              [Structure] => 1
              [Text] => 1
              [Hypertext] => 1

                => 1
                [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                [CommonAttributes] => 1

                [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
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                [HTML.Doctype] =>
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                [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                [HTML.Parent] => div
                [HTML.Proprietary] =>
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                [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                [HTML.Strict] =>
                [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                [HTML.Trusted] =>
                [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                [Output.Newline] =>
                [Output.SortAttr] =>
                [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                [http] => 1
                [https] => 1
                [mailto] => 1
                [ftp] => 1
                [nntp] => 1
                [news] => 1

                [URI.Base] =>
                [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                [URI.Disable] =>
                [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                [URI.DisableResources] =>
                [URI.Host] =>
                [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                [URI.Munge] =>
                [URI.MungeResources] =>
                [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                [defaultPlist] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                [data:protected] => Array
                [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
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                [Attr.EnableID] =>
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                [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                [td] => 1
                [th] => 1

                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                [maroon] => #800000
                [red] => #FF0000
                [orange] => #FFA500
                [yellow] => #FFFF00
                [olive] => #808000
                [purple] => #800080
                [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                [white] => #FFFFFF
                [lime] => #00FF00
                [green] => #008000
                [navy] => #000080
                [blue] => #0000FF
                [aqua] => #00FFFF
                [teal] => #008080
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                [silver] => #C0C0C0
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                [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
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                [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                [script] => 1
                [style] => 1

                [Core.Language] => en
                [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                [Filter.Custom] => Array

                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                [Filter.YouTube] =>
                [HTML.Allowed] =>
                [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                [Structure] => 1
                [Text] => 1
                [Hypertext] => 1

                  => 1
                  [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                  [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                  [CommonAttributes] => 1

                  [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                  [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
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                  [HTML.Doctype] =>
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                  [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                  [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                  [HTML.Parent] => div
                  [HTML.Proprietary] =>
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                  [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                  [HTML.Strict] =>
                  [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                  [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                  [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                  [HTML.Trusted] =>
                  [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                  [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                  [Output.Newline] =>
                  [Output.SortAttr] =>
                  [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                  [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                  [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                  [http] => 1
                  [https] => 1
                  [mailto] => 1
                  [ftp] => 1
                  [nntp] => 1
                  [news] => 1

                  [URI.Base] =>
                  [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                  [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                  [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                  [URI.Disable] =>
                  [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                  [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                  [URI.DisableResources] =>
                  [URI.Host] =>
                  [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                  [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                  [URI.Munge] =>
                  [URI.MungeResources] =>
                  [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                  [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                  [parent:protected] =>
                  [cache:protected] => Array
                  [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                  [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                  [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                  [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                  [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                  [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                  [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                  [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                  [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                  [Attr.EnableID] =>
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                  [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                  [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                  [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                  [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                  [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                  [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                  [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                  [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                  [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                  [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                  [td] => 1
                  [th] => 1

                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                  [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
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                  [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                  [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                  [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                  [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                  [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                  [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                  [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                  [maroon] => #800000
                  [red] => #FF0000
                  [orange] => #FFA500
                  [yellow] => #FFFF00
                  [olive] => #808000
                  [purple] => #800080
                  [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                  [white] => #FFFFFF
                  [lime] => #00FF00
                  [green] => #008000
                  [navy] => #000080
                  [blue] => #0000FF
                  [aqua] => #00FFFF
                  [teal] => #008080
                  [black] => #000000
                  [silver] => #C0C0C0
                  [gray] => #808080

                  [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
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                  [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                  [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                  [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                  [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                  [script] => 1
                  [style] => 1

                  [Core.Language] => en
                  [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                  [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                  [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                  [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                  [Filter.Custom] => Array

                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                  [Filter.YouTube] =>
                  [HTML.Allowed] =>
                  [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                  [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                  [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                  [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                  [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                  [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                  [Structure] => 1
                  [Text] => 1
                  [Hypertext] => 1

                    => 1
                    [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                    [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                    [CommonAttributes] => 1

                    [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                    [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                    [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                    [HTML.Doctype] =>
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                    [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                    [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                    [HTML.Parent] => div
                    [HTML.Proprietary] =>
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                    [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                    [HTML.Strict] =>
                    [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                    [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                    [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                    [HTML.Trusted] =>
                    [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                    [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                    [Output.Newline] =>
                    [Output.SortAttr] =>
                    [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                    [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                    [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                    [http] => 1
                    [https] => 1
                    [mailto] => 1
                    [ftp] => 1
                    [nntp] => 1
                    [news] => 1

                    [URI.Base] =>
                    [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                    [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                    [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                    [URI.Disable] =>
                    [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                    [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                    [URI.DisableResources] =>
                    [URI.Host] =>
                    [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                    [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                    [URI.Munge] =>
                    [URI.MungeResources] =>
                    [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                    [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                    [info] => Array
                    [Attr.AllowedClasses] => -8
                    [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => 8
                    [Attr.AllowedRel] => 8
                    [Attr.AllowedRev] => 8
                    [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] => -7
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                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] => 1
                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => 1
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                    [type] => 1
                    [allowed] => Array
                    [ltr] => 1
                    [rtl] => 1


                    [Attr.EnableID] => 7
                    [HTML.EnableAttrID] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Attr.EnableID
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => 8
                    [Attr.IDBlacklist] => 9
                    [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] => -1
                    [Attr.IDPrefix] => 1
                    [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] => 1
                    [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] => 7
                    [AutoFormat.Custom] => 9
                    [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] => 7
                    [AutoFormat.Linkify] => 7
                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => 1
                    [AutoFormatParam.PurifierLinkifyDocURL] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] => 7
                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => 8
                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] => 7
                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] => 7
                    [CSS.AllowImportant] => 7
                    [CSS.AllowTricky] => 7
                    [CSS.AllowedProperties] => -8
                    [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 5
                    [CSS.MaxImgLength] => -1
                    [CSS.Proprietary] => 7
                    [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => -1
                    [Core.DefinitionCache] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Cache.DefinitionImpl
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Cache.SerializerPath] => -1
                    [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 7
                    [Core.CollectErrors] => 7
                    [Core.ColorKeywords] => 10
                    [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 7
                    [Core.AcceptFullDocuments] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 5
                    [Core.Encoding] => 2
                    [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] => 7
                    [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] => 7
                    [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] => 7
                    [Core.HiddenElements] => 8
                    [Core.Language] => 1
                    [Core.LexerImpl] => -11
                    [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] => -7
                    [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 7
                    [Core.RemoveScriptContents] => -7
                    [Filter.Custom] => 9
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 7
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] => -1
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] => -11
                    [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksTidyImpl] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] => 7
                    [Filter.YouTube] => 7
                    [HTML.Allowed] => -4
                    [HTML.AllowedAttributes] => -8
                    [HTML.AllowedElements] => -8
                    [HTML.AllowedModules] => -8
                    [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] => 7
                    [HTML.BlockWrapper] => 1
                    [HTML.CoreModules] => 8
                    [HTML.CustomDoctype] => -1
                    [HTML.DefinitionID] => -1
                    [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 5
                    [HTML.Doctype] => stdClass Object
                    [type] => 1
                    [allow_null] => 1
                    [allowed] => Array
                    [HTML 4.01 Transitional] => 1
                    [HTML 4.01 Strict] => 1
                    [XHTML 1.0 Transitional] => 1
                    [XHTML 1.0 Strict] => 1
                    [XHTML 1.1] => 1


                    [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => 8
                    [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => 8
                    [HTML.MaxImgLength] => -5
                    [HTML.Parent] => 1
                    [HTML.Proprietary] => 7
                    [HTML.SafeEmbed] => 7
                    [HTML.SafeObject] => 7
                    [HTML.Strict] => 7
                    [HTML.TidyAdd] => 8
                    [HTML.TidyLevel] => stdClass Object
                    [type] => 1
                    [allowed] => Array
                    [none] => 1
                    [light] => 1
                    [medium] => 1
                    [heavy] => 1


                    [HTML.TidyRemove] => 8
                    [HTML.Trusted] => 7
                    [HTML.XHTML] => 7
                    [Core.XHTML] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => HTML.XHTML
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 7
                    [Core.CommentScriptContents] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Output.CommentScriptContents
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Output.Newline] => -1
                    [Output.SortAttr] => 7
                    [Output.TidyFormat] => 7
                    [Core.TidyFormat] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => Output.TidyFormat
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [Test.ForceNoIconv] => 7
                    [URI.AllowedSchemes] => 8
                    [URI.Base] => -1
                    [URI.DefaultScheme] => 1
                    [URI.DefinitionID] => -1
                    [URI.DefinitionRev] => 5
                    [URI.Disable] => 7
                    [Attr.DisableURI] => stdClass Object
                    [key] => URI.Disable
                    [isAlias] => 1

                    [URI.DisableExternal] => 7
                    [URI.DisableExternalResources] => 7
                    [URI.DisableResources] => 7
                    [URI.Host] => -1
                    [URI.HostBlacklist] => 9
                    [URI.MakeAbsolute] => 7
                    [URI.Munge] => -1
                    [URI.MungeResources] => 7
                    [URI.MungeSecretKey] => -1
                    [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 7


                    [definitions:protected] =>
                    [finalized:protected] => 1
                    [plist:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                    [data:protected] => Array
                    [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
                    [Attr.EnableID] => 1

                    [parent:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                    [data:protected] => Array
                    [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                    [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                    [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                    [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                    [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                    [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                    [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                    [Attr.EnableID] =>
                    [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                    [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                    [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                    [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                    [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                    [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                    [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                    [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                    [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                    [td] => 1
                    [th] => 1

                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                    [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                    [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                    [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                    [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                    [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                    [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                    [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                    [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                    [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                    [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                    [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                    [maroon] => #800000
                    [red] => #FF0000
                    [orange] => #FFA500
                    [yellow] => #FFFF00
                    [olive] => #808000
                    [purple] => #800080
                    [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                    [white] => #FFFFFF
                    [lime] => #00FF00
                    [green] => #008000
                    [navy] => #000080
                    [blue] => #0000FF
                    [aqua] => #00FFFF
                    [teal] => #008080
                    [black] => #000000
                    [silver] => #C0C0C0
                    [gray] => #808080

                    [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                    [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                    [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                    [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                    [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                    [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                    [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                    [script] => 1
                    [style] => 1

                    [Core.Language] => en
                    [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                    [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                    [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                    [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                    [Filter.Custom] => Array

                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                    [Filter.YouTube] =>
                    [HTML.Allowed] =>
                    [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                    [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                    [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                    [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                    [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                    [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                    [Structure] => 1
                    [Text] => 1
                    [Hypertext] => 1

                      => 1
                      [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                      [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                      [CommonAttributes] => 1

                      [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                      [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                      [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                      [HTML.Doctype] =>
                      [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                      [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                      [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                      [HTML.Parent] => div
                      [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                      [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                      [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                      [HTML.Strict] =>
                      [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                      [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                      [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                      [HTML.Trusted] =>
                      [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                      [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                      [Output.Newline] =>
                      [Output.SortAttr] =>
                      [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                      [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                      [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                      [http] => 1
                      [https] => 1
                      [mailto] => 1
                      [ftp] => 1
                      [nntp] => 1
                      [news] => 1

                      [URI.Base] =>
                      [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                      [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                      [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                      [URI.Disable] =>
                      [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                      [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                      [URI.DisableResources] =>
                      [URI.Host] =>
                      [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                      [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                      [URI.Munge] =>
                      [URI.MungeResources] =>
                      [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                      [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                      [parent:protected] =>
                      [cache:protected] => Array
                      [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                      [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                      [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                      [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                      [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                      [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                      [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                      [Attr.EnableID] =>
                      [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                      [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                      [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                      [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                      [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                      [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                      [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                      [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                      [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                      [td] => 1
                      [th] => 1

                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                      [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                      [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                      [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                      [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                      [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                      [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                      [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                      [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                      [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                      [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                      [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                      [maroon] => #800000
                      [red] => #FF0000
                      [orange] => #FFA500
                      [yellow] => #FFFF00
                      [olive] => #808000
                      [purple] => #800080
                      [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                      [white] => #FFFFFF
                      [lime] => #00FF00
                      [green] => #008000
                      [navy] => #000080
                      [blue] => #0000FF
                      [aqua] => #00FFFF
                      [teal] => #008080
                      [black] => #000000
                      [silver] => #C0C0C0
                      [gray] => #808080

                      [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                      [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                      [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                      [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                      [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                      [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                      [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                      [script] => 1
                      [style] => 1

                      [Core.Language] => en
                      [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                      [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                      [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                      [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                      [Filter.Custom] => Array

                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                      [Filter.YouTube] =>
                      [HTML.Allowed] =>
                      [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                      [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                      [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                      [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                      [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                      [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                      [Structure] => 1
                      [Text] => 1
                      [Hypertext] => 1

                        => 1
                        [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                        [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                        [CommonAttributes] => 1

                        [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                        [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                        [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                        [HTML.Doctype] =>
                        [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                        [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                        [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                        [HTML.Parent] => div
                        [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                        [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                        [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                        [HTML.Strict] =>
                        [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                        [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                        [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                        [HTML.Trusted] =>
                        [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                        [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                        [Output.Newline] =>
                        [Output.SortAttr] =>
                        [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                        [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                        [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                        [http] => 1
                        [https] => 1
                        [mailto] => 1
                        [ftp] => 1
                        [nntp] => 1
                        [news] => 1

                        [URI.Base] =>
                        [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                        [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                        [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                        [URI.Disable] =>
                        [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                        [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                        [URI.DisableResources] =>
                        [URI.Host] =>
                        [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                        [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                        [URI.Munge] =>
                        [URI.MungeResources] =>
                        [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                        [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                        [cache:protected] => Array
                        [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                        [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                        [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                        [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                        [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                        [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                        [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                        [Attr.EnableID] => 1
                        [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                        [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                        [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                        [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                        [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                        [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                        [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                        [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                        [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                        [td] => 1
                        [th] => 1

                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                        [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                        [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                        [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                        [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                        [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                        [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                        [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                        [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
                        [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                        [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                        [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                        [maroon] => #800000
                        [red] => #FF0000
                        [orange] => #FFA500
                        [yellow] => #FFFF00
                        [olive] => #808000
                        [purple] => #800080
                        [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                        [white] => #FFFFFF
                        [lime] => #00FF00
                        [green] => #008000
                        [navy] => #000080
                        [blue] => #0000FF
                        [aqua] => #00FFFF
                        [teal] => #008080
                        [black] => #000000
                        [silver] => #C0C0C0
                        [gray] => #808080

                        [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                        [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                        [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                        [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                        [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                        [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                        [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                        [script] => 1
                        [style] => 1

                        [Core.Language] => en
                        [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                        [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                        [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                        [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                        [Filter.Custom] => Array

                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                        [Filter.YouTube] =>
                        [HTML.Allowed] =>
                        [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                        [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                        [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                        [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                        [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                        [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                        [Structure] => 1
                        [Text] => 1
                        [Hypertext] => 1

                          => 1
                          [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                          [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                          [CommonAttributes] => 1

                          [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                          [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                          [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                          [HTML.Doctype] =>
                          [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                          [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                          [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                          [HTML.Parent] => div
                          [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                          [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                          [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                          [HTML.Strict] =>
                          [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                          [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                          [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                          [HTML.Trusted] =>
                          [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                          [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                          [Output.Newline] =>
                          [Output.SortAttr] =>
                          [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                          [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                          [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                          [http] => 1
                          [https] => 1
                          [mailto] => 1
                          [ftp] => 1
                          [nntp] => 1
                          [news] => 1

                          [URI.Base] =>
                          [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                          [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                          [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                          [URI.Disable] =>
                          [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                          [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                          [URI.DisableResources] =>
                          [URI.Host] =>
                          [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                          [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                          [URI.Munge] =>
                          [URI.MungeResources] =>
                          [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                          [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                          [aliasMode:private] =>
                          [chatty] => 1
                          [lock:private] =>

                          * modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator.php [57]:

                          HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Serializer->cleanup( HTMLPurifier_Config Object
                          [version] => 4.0.0
                          [autoFinalize] => 1
                          [serials:protected] => Array
                          [Cache] =>
                          [Attr] =>
                          [HTML] => ddc9b993d7fc8d4a185e8dbf5b9a0996

                          [serial:protected] =>
                          [def] => HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Object
                          [defaults] => Array
                          [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                          [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                          [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                          [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                          [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                          [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                          [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                          [Attr.EnableID] =>
                          [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                          [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                          [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                          [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                          [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                          [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                          [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                          [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                          [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                          [td] => 1
                          [th] => 1

                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                          [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                          [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                          [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                          [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                          [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                          [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                          [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                          [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                          [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                          [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                          [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                          [maroon] => #800000
                          [red] => #FF0000
                          [orange] => #FFA500
                          [yellow] => #FFFF00
                          [olive] => #808000
                          [purple] => #800080
                          [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                          [white] => #FFFFFF
                          [lime] => #00FF00
                          [green] => #008000
                          [navy] => #000080
                          [blue] => #0000FF
                          [aqua] => #00FFFF
                          [teal] => #008080
                          [black] => #000000
                          [silver] => #C0C0C0
                          [gray] => #808080

                          [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                          [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                          [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                          [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                          [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                          [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                          [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                          [script] => 1
                          [style] => 1

                          [Core.Language] => en
                          [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                          [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                          [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                          [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                          [Filter.Custom] => Array

                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                          [Filter.YouTube] =>
                          [HTML.Allowed] =>
                          [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                          [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                          [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                          [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                          [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                          [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                          [Structure] => 1
                          [Text] => 1
                          [Hypertext] => 1

                            => 1
                            [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                            [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                            [CommonAttributes] => 1

                            [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                            [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                            [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                            [HTML.Doctype] =>
                            [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                            [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                            [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                            [HTML.Parent] => div
                            [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                            [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                            [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                            [HTML.Strict] =>
                            [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                            [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                            [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                            [HTML.Trusted] =>
                            [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                            [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                            [Output.Newline] =>
                            [Output.SortAttr] =>
                            [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                            [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                            [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                            [http] => 1
                            [https] => 1
                            [mailto] => 1
                            [ftp] => 1
                            [nntp] => 1
                            [news] => 1

                            [URI.Base] =>
                            [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                            [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                            [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                            [URI.Disable] =>
                            [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                            [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                            [URI.DisableResources] =>
                            [URI.Host] =>
                            [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                            [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                            [URI.Munge] =>
                            [URI.MungeResources] =>
                            [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                            [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                            [defaultPlist] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                            [data:protected] => Array
                            [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                            [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                            [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                            [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                            [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                            [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                            [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                            [Attr.EnableID] =>
                            [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                            [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                            [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                            [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                            [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                            [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                            [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                            [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                            [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                            [td] => 1
                            [th] => 1

                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                            [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                            [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                            [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                            [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                            [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                            [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                            [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                            [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                            [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                            [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                            [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                            [maroon] => #800000
                            [red] => #FF0000
                            [orange] => #FFA500
                            [yellow] => #FFFF00
                            [olive] => #808000
                            [purple] => #800080
                            [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                            [white] => #FFFFFF
                            [lime] => #00FF00
                            [green] => #008000
                            [navy] => #000080
                            [blue] => #0000FF
                            [aqua] => #00FFFF
                            [teal] => #008080
                            [black] => #000000
                            [silver] => #C0C0C0
                            [gray] => #808080

                            [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                            [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                            [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                            [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                            [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                            [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                            [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                            [script] => 1
                            [style] => 1

                            [Core.Language] => en
                            [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                            [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                            [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                            [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                            [Filter.Custom] => Array

                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                            [Filter.YouTube] =>
                            [HTML.Allowed] =>
                            [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                            [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                            [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                            [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                            [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                            [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                            [Structure] => 1
                            [Text] => 1
                            [Hypertext] => 1

                              => 1
                              [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                              [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                              [CommonAttributes] => 1

                              [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                              [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                              [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                              [HTML.Doctype] =>
                              [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                              [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                              [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                              [HTML.Parent] => div
                              [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                              [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                              [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                              [HTML.Strict] =>
                              [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                              [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                              [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                              [HTML.Trusted] =>
                              [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                              [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                              [Output.Newline] =>
                              [Output.SortAttr] =>
                              [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                              [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                              [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                              [http] => 1
                              [https] => 1
                              [mailto] => 1
                              [ftp] => 1
                              [nntp] => 1
                              [news] => 1

                              [URI.Base] =>
                              [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                              [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                              [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                              [URI.Disable] =>
                              [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                              [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                              [URI.DisableResources] =>
                              [URI.Host] =>
                              [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                              [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                              [URI.Munge] =>
                              [URI.MungeResources] =>
                              [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                              [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                              [parent:protected] =>
                              [cache:protected] => Array
                              [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                              [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                              [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                              [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                              [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                              [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                              [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                              [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                              [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                              [Attr.EnableID] =>
                              [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                              [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                              [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                              [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                              [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                              [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                              [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                              [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                              [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                              [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                              [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                              [td] => 1
                              [th] => 1

                              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                              [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                              [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                              [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                              [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                              [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                              [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                              [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                              [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                              [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                              [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                              [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                              [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                              [maroon] => #800000
                              [red] => #FF0000
                              [orange] => #FFA500
                              [yellow] => #FFFF00
                              [olive] => #808000
                              [purple] => #800080
                              [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                              [white] => #FFFFFF
                              [lime] => #00FF00
                              [green] => #008000
                              [navy] => #000080
                              [blue] => #0000FF
                              [aqua] => #00FFFF
                              [teal] => #008080
                              [black] => #000000
                              [silver] => #C0C0C0
                              [gray] => #808080

                              [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                              [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                              [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                              [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                              [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                              [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                              [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                              [script] => 1
                              [style] => 1

                              [Core.Language] => en
                              [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                              [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                              [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                              [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                              [Filter.Custom] => Array

                              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                              [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                              [Filter.YouTube] =>
                              [HTML.Allowed] =>
                              [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                              [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                              [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                              [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                              [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                              [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                              [Structure] => 1
                              [Text] => 1
                              [Hypertext] => 1

                                => 1
                                [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                [HTML.Parent] => div
                                [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                [HTML.Strict] =>
                                [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                [Output.Newline] =>
                                [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                [http] => 1
                                [https] => 1
                                [mailto] => 1
                                [ftp] => 1
                                [nntp] => 1
                                [news] => 1

                                [URI.Base] =>
                                [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                [URI.Disable] =>
                                [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                [URI.Host] =>
                                [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                [URI.Munge] =>
                                [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                                [info] => Array
                                [Attr.AllowedClasses] => -8
                                [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => 8
                                [Attr.AllowedRel] => 8
                                [Attr.AllowedRev] => 8
                                [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] => -7
                                [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] => -1
                                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] => 1
                                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => 1
                                [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => stdClass Object
                                [type] => 1
                                [allowed] => Array
                                [ltr] => 1
                                [rtl] => 1


                                [Attr.EnableID] => 7
                                [HTML.EnableAttrID] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Attr.EnableID
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => 8
                                [Attr.IDBlacklist] => 9
                                [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] => -1
                                [Attr.IDPrefix] => 1
                                [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] => 1
                                [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] => 7
                                [AutoFormat.Custom] => 9
                                [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] => 7
                                [AutoFormat.Linkify] => 7
                                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => 1
                                [AutoFormatParam.PurifierLinkifyDocURL] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] => 7
                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => 8
                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] => 7
                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] => 7
                                [CSS.AllowImportant] => 7
                                [CSS.AllowTricky] => 7
                                [CSS.AllowedProperties] => -8
                                [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                [CSS.MaxImgLength] => -1
                                [CSS.Proprietary] => 7
                                [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => -1
                                [Core.DefinitionCache] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Cache.DefinitionImpl
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Cache.SerializerPath] => -1
                                [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 7
                                [Core.CollectErrors] => 7
                                [Core.ColorKeywords] => 10
                                [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 7
                                [Core.AcceptFullDocuments] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 5
                                [Core.Encoding] => 2
                                [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] => 7
                                [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] => 7
                                [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] => 7
                                [Core.HiddenElements] => 8
                                [Core.Language] => 1
                                [Core.LexerImpl] => -11
                                [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] => -7
                                [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 7
                                [Core.RemoveScriptContents] => -7
                                [Filter.Custom] => 9
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 7
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] => -1
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] => -11
                                [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksTidyImpl] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] => 7
                                [Filter.YouTube] => 7
                                [HTML.Allowed] => -4
                                [HTML.AllowedAttributes] => -8
                                [HTML.AllowedElements] => -8
                                [HTML.AllowedModules] => -8
                                [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] => 7
                                [HTML.BlockWrapper] => 1
                                [HTML.CoreModules] => 8
                                [HTML.CustomDoctype] => -1
                                [HTML.DefinitionID] => -1
                                [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                [HTML.Doctype] => stdClass Object
                                [type] => 1
                                [allow_null] => 1
                                [allowed] => Array
                                [HTML 4.01 Transitional] => 1
                                [HTML 4.01 Strict] => 1
                                [XHTML 1.0 Transitional] => 1
                                [XHTML 1.0 Strict] => 1
                                [XHTML 1.1] => 1


                                [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => 8
                                [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => 8
                                [HTML.MaxImgLength] => -5
                                [HTML.Parent] => 1
                                [HTML.Proprietary] => 7
                                [HTML.SafeEmbed] => 7
                                [HTML.SafeObject] => 7
                                [HTML.Strict] => 7
                                [HTML.TidyAdd] => 8
                                [HTML.TidyLevel] => stdClass Object
                                [type] => 1
                                [allowed] => Array
                                [none] => 1
                                [light] => 1
                                [medium] => 1
                                [heavy] => 1


                                [HTML.TidyRemove] => 8
                                [HTML.Trusted] => 7
                                [HTML.XHTML] => 7
                                [Core.XHTML] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => HTML.XHTML
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 7
                                [Core.CommentScriptContents] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Output.CommentScriptContents
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Output.Newline] => -1
                                [Output.SortAttr] => 7
                                [Output.TidyFormat] => 7
                                [Core.TidyFormat] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => Output.TidyFormat
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [Test.ForceNoIconv] => 7
                                [URI.AllowedSchemes] => 8
                                [URI.Base] => -1
                                [URI.DefaultScheme] => 1
                                [URI.DefinitionID] => -1
                                [URI.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                [URI.Disable] => 7
                                [Attr.DisableURI] => stdClass Object
                                [key] => URI.Disable
                                [isAlias] => 1

                                [URI.DisableExternal] => 7
                                [URI.DisableExternalResources] => 7
                                [URI.DisableResources] => 7
                                [URI.Host] => -1
                                [URI.HostBlacklist] => 9
                                [URI.MakeAbsolute] => 7
                                [URI.Munge] => -1
                                [URI.MungeResources] => 7
                                [URI.MungeSecretKey] => -1
                                [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 7


                                [definitions:protected] =>
                                [finalized:protected] => 1
                                [plist:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                                [data:protected] => Array
                                [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
                                [Attr.EnableID] => 1

                                [parent:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                                [data:protected] => Array
                                [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                [td] => 1
                                [th] => 1

                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                [maroon] => #800000
                                [red] => #FF0000
                                [orange] => #FFA500
                                [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                [olive] => #808000
                                [purple] => #800080
                                [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                [white] => #FFFFFF
                                [lime] => #00FF00
                                [green] => #008000
                                [navy] => #000080
                                [blue] => #0000FF
                                [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                [teal] => #008080
                                [black] => #000000
                                [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                [gray] => #808080

                                [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                [script] => 1
                                [style] => 1

                                [Core.Language] => en
                                [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                [Structure] => 1
                                [Text] => 1
                                [Hypertext] => 1

                                  => 1
                                  [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                  [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                  [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                  [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                  [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                  [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                  [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                  [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                  [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                  [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                  [HTML.Parent] => div
                                  [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                  [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                  [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                  [HTML.Strict] =>
                                  [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                  [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                  [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                  [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                  [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                  [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                  [Output.Newline] =>
                                  [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                  [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                  [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                  [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                  [http] => 1
                                  [https] => 1
                                  [mailto] => 1
                                  [ftp] => 1
                                  [nntp] => 1
                                  [news] => 1

                                  [URI.Base] =>
                                  [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                  [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                  [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                  [URI.Disable] =>
                                  [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                  [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                  [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                  [URI.Host] =>
                                  [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                  [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                  [URI.Munge] =>
                                  [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                  [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                  [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                                  [parent:protected] =>
                                  [cache:protected] => Array
                                  [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                  [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                  [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                  [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                  [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                  [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                  [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                  [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                  [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                  [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                  [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                  [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                  [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                  [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                  [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                  [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                  [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                  [td] => 1
                                  [th] => 1

                                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                  [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                  [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                  [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                  [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                  [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                  [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                  [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                  [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                  [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                  [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                  [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                  [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                  [maroon] => #800000
                                  [red] => #FF0000
                                  [orange] => #FFA500
                                  [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                  [olive] => #808000
                                  [purple] => #800080
                                  [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                  [white] => #FFFFFF
                                  [lime] => #00FF00
                                  [green] => #008000
                                  [navy] => #000080
                                  [blue] => #0000FF
                                  [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                  [teal] => #008080
                                  [black] => #000000
                                  [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                  [gray] => #808080

                                  [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                  [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                  [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                  [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                  [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                  [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                  [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                  [script] => 1
                                  [style] => 1

                                  [Core.Language] => en
                                  [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                  [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                  [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                  [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                  [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                  [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                  [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                  [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                  [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                  [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                  [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                  [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                  [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                  [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                  [Structure] => 1
                                  [Text] => 1
                                  [Hypertext] => 1

                                    => 1
                                    [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                    [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                    [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                    [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                    [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                    [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                    [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                    [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                    [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                    [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                    [HTML.Parent] => div
                                    [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                    [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                    [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                    [HTML.Strict] =>
                                    [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                    [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                    [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                    [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                    [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                    [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                    [Output.Newline] =>
                                    [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                    [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                    [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                    [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                    [http] => 1
                                    [https] => 1
                                    [mailto] => 1
                                    [ftp] => 1
                                    [nntp] => 1
                                    [news] => 1

                                    [URI.Base] =>
                                    [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                    [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                    [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                    [URI.Disable] =>
                                    [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                    [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                    [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                    [URI.Host] =>
                                    [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                    [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                    [URI.Munge] =>
                                    [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                    [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                    [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                                    [cache:protected] => Array
                                    [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                    [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                    [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                    [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                    [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                    [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                    [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                    [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                    [Attr.EnableID] => 1
                                    [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                    [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                    [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                    [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                    [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                    [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                    [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                    [td] => 1
                                    [th] => 1

                                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                    [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                    [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                    [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                    [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                    [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                    [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                    [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                    [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                    [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
                                    [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                    [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                    [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                    [maroon] => #800000
                                    [red] => #FF0000
                                    [orange] => #FFA500
                                    [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                    [olive] => #808000
                                    [purple] => #800080
                                    [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                    [white] => #FFFFFF
                                    [lime] => #00FF00
                                    [green] => #008000
                                    [navy] => #000080
                                    [blue] => #0000FF
                                    [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                    [teal] => #008080
                                    [black] => #000000
                                    [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                    [gray] => #808080

                                    [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                    [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                    [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                    [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                    [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                    [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                    [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                    [script] => 1
                                    [style] => 1

                                    [Core.Language] => en
                                    [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                    [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                    [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                    [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                    [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                    [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                    [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                    [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                    [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                    [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                    [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                    [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                    [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                    [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                    [Structure] => 1
                                    [Text] => 1
                                    [Hypertext] => 1

                                      => 1
                                      [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                      [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                      [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                      [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                      [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                      [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                      [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                      [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                      [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                      [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                      [HTML.Parent] => div
                                      [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                      [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                      [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                      [HTML.Strict] =>
                                      [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                      [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                      [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                      [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                      [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                      [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                      [Output.Newline] =>
                                      [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                      [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                      [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                      [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                      [http] => 1
                                      [https] => 1
                                      [mailto] => 1
                                      [ftp] => 1
                                      [nntp] => 1
                                      [news] => 1

                                      [URI.Base] =>
                                      [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                      [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                      [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                      [URI.Disable] =>
                                      [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                      [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                      [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                      [URI.Host] =>
                                      [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                      [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                      [URI.Munge] =>
                                      [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                      [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                      [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                                      [aliasMode:private] =>
                                      [chatty] => 1
                                      [lock:private] =>

                                      * modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Decorator/Cleanup.php [37]:

                                      HTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator->cleanup( HTMLPurifier_Config Object
                                      [version] => 4.0.0
                                      [autoFinalize] => 1
                                      [serials:protected] => Array
                                      [Cache] =>
                                      [Attr] =>
                                      [HTML] => ddc9b993d7fc8d4a185e8dbf5b9a0996

                                      [serial:protected] =>
                                      [def] => HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Object
                                      [defaults] => Array
                                      [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                      [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                      [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                      [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                      [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                      [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                      [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                      [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                      [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                      [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                      [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                      [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                      [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                      [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                      [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                      [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                      [td] => 1
                                      [th] => 1

                                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                      [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                      [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                      [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                      [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                      [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                      [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                      [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                      [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                      [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                      [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                      [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                      [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                      [maroon] => #800000
                                      [red] => #FF0000
                                      [orange] => #FFA500
                                      [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                      [olive] => #808000
                                      [purple] => #800080
                                      [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                      [white] => #FFFFFF
                                      [lime] => #00FF00
                                      [green] => #008000
                                      [navy] => #000080
                                      [blue] => #0000FF
                                      [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                      [teal] => #008080
                                      [black] => #000000
                                      [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                      [gray] => #808080

                                      [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                      [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                      [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                      [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                      [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                      [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                      [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                      [script] => 1
                                      [style] => 1

                                      [Core.Language] => en
                                      [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                      [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                      [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                      [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                      [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                      [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                      [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                      [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                      [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                      [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                      [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                      [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                      [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                      [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                      [Structure] => 1
                                      [Text] => 1
                                      [Hypertext] => 1

                                        => 1
                                        [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                        [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                        [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                        [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                        [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                        [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                        [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                        [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                        [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                        [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                        [HTML.Parent] => div
                                        [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                        [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                        [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                        [HTML.Strict] =>
                                        [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                        [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                        [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                        [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                        [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                        [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                        [Output.Newline] =>
                                        [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                        [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                        [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                        [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                        [http] => 1
                                        [https] => 1
                                        [mailto] => 1
                                        [ftp] => 1
                                        [nntp] => 1
                                        [news] => 1

                                        [URI.Base] =>
                                        [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                        [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                        [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                        [URI.Disable] =>
                                        [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                        [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                        [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                        [URI.Host] =>
                                        [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                        [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                        [URI.Munge] =>
                                        [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                        [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                        [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                                        [defaultPlist] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                                        [data:protected] => Array
                                        [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                        [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                        [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                        [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                        [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                        [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                        [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                        [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                        [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                        [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                        [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                        [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                        [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                        [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                        [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                        [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                        [td] => 1
                                        [th] => 1

                                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                        [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                        [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                        [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                        [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                        [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                        [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                        [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                        [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                        [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                        [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                        [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                        [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                        [maroon] => #800000
                                        [red] => #FF0000
                                        [orange] => #FFA500
                                        [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                        [olive] => #808000
                                        [purple] => #800080
                                        [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                        [white] => #FFFFFF
                                        [lime] => #00FF00
                                        [green] => #008000
                                        [navy] => #000080
                                        [blue] => #0000FF
                                        [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                        [teal] => #008080
                                        [black] => #000000
                                        [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                        [gray] => #808080

                                        [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                        [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                        [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                        [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                        [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                        [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                        [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                        [script] => 1
                                        [style] => 1

                                        [Core.Language] => en
                                        [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                        [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                        [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                        [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                        [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                        [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                        [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                        [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                        [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                        [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                        [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                        [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                        [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                        [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                        [Structure] => 1
                                        [Text] => 1
                                        [Hypertext] => 1

                                          => 1
                                          [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                          [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                          [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                          [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                          [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                          [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                          [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                          [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                          [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                          [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                          [HTML.Parent] => div
                                          [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                          [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                          [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                          [HTML.Strict] =>
                                          [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                          [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                          [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                          [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                          [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                          [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                          [Output.Newline] =>
                                          [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                          [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                          [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                          [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                          [http] => 1
                                          [https] => 1
                                          [mailto] => 1
                                          [ftp] => 1
                                          [nntp] => 1
                                          [news] => 1

                                          [URI.Base] =>
                                          [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                          [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                          [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                          [URI.Disable] =>
                                          [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                          [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                          [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                          [URI.Host] =>
                                          [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                          [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                          [URI.Munge] =>
                                          [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                          [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                          [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1

                                          [parent:protected] =>
                                          [cache:protected] => Array
                                          [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                          [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                          [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                          [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                          [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                          [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                          [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                          [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                          [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                          [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                          [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                          [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                          [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                          [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                          [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                          [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                          [td] => 1
                                          [th] => 1

                                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                          [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                          [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                          [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                          [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                          [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                          [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                          [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                          [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                          [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                          [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                          [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                          [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                          [maroon] => #800000
                                          [red] => #FF0000
                                          [orange] => #FFA500
                                          [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                          [olive] => #808000
                                          [purple] => #800080
                                          [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                          [white] => #FFFFFF
                                          [lime] => #00FF00
                                          [green] => #008000
                                          [navy] => #000080
                                          [blue] => #0000FF
                                          [aqua] => #00FFFF
                                          [teal] => #008080
                                          [black] => #000000
                                          [silver] => #C0C0C0
                                          [gray] => #808080

                                          [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
                                          [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
                                          [Core.Encoding] => utf-8
                                          [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
                                          [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
                                          [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
                                          [Core.HiddenElements] => Array
                                          [script] => 1
                                          [style] => 1

                                          [Core.Language] => en
                                          [Core.LexerImpl] =>
                                          [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] =>
                                          [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 1
                                          [Core.RemoveScriptContents] =>
                                          [Filter.Custom] => Array

                                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 1
                                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] =>
                                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] =>
                                          [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] =>
                                          [Filter.YouTube] =>
                                          [HTML.Allowed] =>
                                          [HTML.AllowedAttributes] =>
                                          [HTML.AllowedElements] =>
                                          [HTML.AllowedModules] =>
                                          [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] =>
                                          [HTML.BlockWrapper] => p
                                          [HTML.CoreModules] => Array
                                          [Structure] => 1
                                          [Text] => 1
                                          [Hypertext] => 1

                                            => 1
                                            [NonXMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                            [XMLCommonAttributes] => 1
                                            [CommonAttributes] => 1

                                            [HTML.CustomDoctype] =>
                                            [HTML.DefinitionID] =>
                                            [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                            [HTML.Doctype] =>
                                            [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => Array

                                            [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => Array

                                            [HTML.MaxImgLength] => 1200
                                            [HTML.Parent] => div
                                            [HTML.Proprietary] =>
                                            [HTML.SafeEmbed] =>
                                            [HTML.SafeObject] =>
                                            [HTML.Strict] =>
                                            [HTML.TidyAdd] => Array

                                            [HTML.TidyLevel] => medium
                                            [HTML.TidyRemove] => Array

                                            [HTML.Trusted] =>
                                            [HTML.XHTML] => 1
                                            [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 1
                                            [Output.Newline] =>
                                            [Output.SortAttr] =>
                                            [Output.TidyFormat] =>
                                            [Test.ForceNoIconv] =>
                                            [URI.AllowedSchemes] => Array
                                            [http] => 1
                                            [https] => 1
                                            [mailto] => 1
                                            [ftp] => 1
                                            [nntp] => 1
                                            [news] => 1

                                            [URI.Base] =>
                                            [URI.DefaultScheme] => http
                                            [URI.DefinitionID] =>
                                            [URI.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                            [URI.Disable] =>
                                            [URI.DisableExternal] =>
                                            [URI.DisableExternalResources] =>
                                            [URI.DisableResources] =>
                                            [URI.Host] =>
                                            [URI.HostBlacklist] => Array

                                            [URI.MakeAbsolute] =>
                                            [URI.Munge] =>
                                            [URI.MungeResources] =>
                                            [URI.MungeSecretKey] =>
                                            [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 1


                                            [info] => Array
                                            [Attr.AllowedClasses] => -8
                                            [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => 8
                                            [Attr.AllowedRel] => 8
                                            [Attr.AllowedRev] => 8
                                            [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] => -7
                                            [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] => -1
                                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] => 1
                                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => 1
                                            [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => stdClass Object
                                            [type] => 1
                                            [allowed] => Array
                                            [ltr] => 1
                                            [rtl] => 1


                                            [Attr.EnableID] => 7
                                            [HTML.EnableAttrID] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Attr.EnableID
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => 8
                                            [Attr.IDBlacklist] => 9
                                            [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] => -1
                                            [Attr.IDPrefix] => 1
                                            [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] => 1
                                            [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] => 7
                                            [AutoFormat.Custom] => 9
                                            [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] => 7
                                            [AutoFormat.Linkify] => 7
                                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => 1
                                            [AutoFormatParam.PurifierLinkifyDocURL] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] => 7
                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => 8
                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] => 7
                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] => 7
                                            [CSS.AllowImportant] => 7
                                            [CSS.AllowTricky] => 7
                                            [CSS.AllowedProperties] => -8
                                            [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                            [CSS.MaxImgLength] => -1
                                            [CSS.Proprietary] => 7
                                            [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => -1
                                            [Core.DefinitionCache] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Cache.DefinitionImpl
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Cache.SerializerPath] => -1
                                            [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 7
                                            [Core.CollectErrors] => 7
                                            [Core.ColorKeywords] => 10
                                            [Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 7
                                            [Core.AcceptFullDocuments] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 5
                                            [Core.Encoding] => 2
                                            [Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] => 7
                                            [Core.EscapeInvalidTags] => 7
                                            [Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] => 7
                                            [Core.HiddenElements] => 8
                                            [Core.Language] => 1
                                            [Core.LexerImpl] => -11
                                            [Core.MaintainLineNumbers] => -7
                                            [Core.RemoveInvalidImg] => 7
                                            [Core.RemoveScriptContents] => -7
                                            [Filter.Custom] => 9
                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping] => 7
                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksEscaping] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Escaping
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope] => -1
                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksScope] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.Scope
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl] => -11
                                            [FilterParam.ExtractStyleBlocksTidyImpl] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.TidyImpl
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks] => 7
                                            [Filter.YouTube] => 7
                                            [HTML.Allowed] => -4
                                            [HTML.AllowedAttributes] => -8
                                            [HTML.AllowedElements] => -8
                                            [HTML.AllowedModules] => -8
                                            [HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA] => 7
                                            [HTML.BlockWrapper] => 1
                                            [HTML.CoreModules] => 8
                                            [HTML.CustomDoctype] => -1
                                            [HTML.DefinitionID] => -1
                                            [HTML.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                            [HTML.Doctype] => stdClass Object
                                            [type] => 1
                                            [allow_null] => 1
                                            [allowed] => Array
                                            [HTML 4.01 Transitional] => 1
                                            [HTML 4.01 Strict] => 1
                                            [XHTML 1.0 Transitional] => 1
                                            [XHTML 1.0 Strict] => 1
                                            [XHTML 1.1] => 1


                                            [HTML.ForbiddenAttributes] => 8
                                            [HTML.ForbiddenElements] => 8
                                            [HTML.MaxImgLength] => -5
                                            [HTML.Parent] => 1
                                            [HTML.Proprietary] => 7
                                            [HTML.SafeEmbed] => 7
                                            [HTML.SafeObject] => 7
                                            [HTML.Strict] => 7
                                            [HTML.TidyAdd] => 8
                                            [HTML.TidyLevel] => stdClass Object
                                            [type] => 1
                                            [allowed] => Array
                                            [none] => 1
                                            [light] => 1
                                            [medium] => 1
                                            [heavy] => 1


                                            [HTML.TidyRemove] => 8
                                            [HTML.Trusted] => 7
                                            [HTML.XHTML] => 7
                                            [Core.XHTML] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => HTML.XHTML
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Output.CommentScriptContents] => 7
                                            [Core.CommentScriptContents] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Output.CommentScriptContents
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Output.Newline] => -1
                                            [Output.SortAttr] => 7
                                            [Output.TidyFormat] => 7
                                            [Core.TidyFormat] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => Output.TidyFormat
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [Test.ForceNoIconv] => 7
                                            [URI.AllowedSchemes] => 8
                                            [URI.Base] => -1
                                            [URI.DefaultScheme] => 1
                                            [URI.DefinitionID] => -1
                                            [URI.DefinitionRev] => 5
                                            [URI.Disable] => 7
                                            [Attr.DisableURI] => stdClass Object
                                            [key] => URI.Disable
                                            [isAlias] => 1

                                            [URI.DisableExternal] => 7
                                            [URI.DisableExternalResources] => 7
                                            [URI.DisableResources] => 7
                                            [URI.Host] => -1
                                            [URI.HostBlacklist] => 9
                                            [URI.MakeAbsolute] => 7
                                            [URI.Munge] => -1
                                            [URI.MungeResources] => 7
                                            [URI.MungeSecretKey] => -1
                                            [URI.OverrideAllowedSchemes] => 7


                                            [definitions:protected] =>
                                            [finalized:protected] => 1
                                            [plist:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                                            [data:protected] => Array
                                            [Cache.SerializerPath] => /home/maxvdw/domains/
                                            [Attr.EnableID] => 1

                                            [parent:protected] => HTMLPurifier_PropertyList Object
                                            [data:protected] => Array
                                            [Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
                                            [Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

                                            [Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

                                            [Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

                                            [Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
                                            [Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
                                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
                                            [Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
                                            [Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
                                            [Attr.EnableID] =>
                                            [Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

                                            [Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

                                            [Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
                                            [Attr.IDPrefix] =>
                                            [Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

                                            [AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
                                            [AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
                                            [td] => 1
                                            [th] => 1

                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
                                            [AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
                                            [CSS.AllowImportant] =>
                                            [CSS.AllowTricky] =>
                                            [CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
                                            [CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
                                            [CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
                                            [CSS.Proprietary] =>
                                            [Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
                                            [Cache.SerializerPath] =>
                                            [Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
                                            [Core.CollectErrors] =>
                                            [Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
                                            [maroon] => #800000
                                            [red] => #FF0000
                                            [orange] => #FFA500
                                            [yellow] => #FFFF00
                                            [olive] => #808000
                                            [purple] => #800080
                                            [fuchsia] => #FF00FF
                                            [white] => #FFFFFF
                                            [lime] => #00FF00

Im sorry, but my knowledge is not good enough to understand this, but does anyone know what the fix could be?

thanks in advance!


hatter's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 18:12

More specific please? Copy/Paste the error would be helpful.


Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 18:22

My bad, my internet succks to such a degree that it doesnt work properly at peak hours :/

anyways, here is the error

Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
Ok.. tell me stuff!

If this stuff doesn't make any sense to you, ask for help in the Gallery forums!
So here's the error:
mkdir() [function.mkdir]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 601 is not allowed to access /home/maxvdw/domains/ owned by uid 100

File: modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php, line: 123
And here's how we got there:


Kohana::exception_handler( 2, mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 601 is not allowed to access /home/maxvdw/domains/ owned by uid 100, modules/gallery/lib/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php, 123, Array
[config] => HTMLPurifier_Config Object
[version] => 4.0.0
[autoFinalize] => 1
[serials:protected] => Array
[Cache] =>
[Attr] =>
[HTML] => ddc9b993d7fc8d4a185e8dbf5b9a0996

[serial:protected] =>
[def] => HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema Object
[defaults] => Array
[Attr.AllowedClasses] =>
[Attr.AllowedFrameTargets] => Array

[Attr.AllowedRel] => Array

[Attr.AllowedRev] => Array

[Attr.ClassUseCDATA] =>
[Attr.DefaultImageAlt] =>
[Attr.DefaultInvalidImage] =>
[Attr.DefaultInvalidImageAlt] => Invalid image
[Attr.DefaultTextDir] => ltr
[Attr.EnableID] =>
[Attr.ForbiddenClasses] => Array

[Attr.IDBlacklist] => Array

[Attr.IDBlacklistRegexp] =>
[Attr.IDPrefix] =>
[Attr.IDPrefixLocal] =>
[AutoFormat.AutoParagraph] =>
[AutoFormat.Custom] => Array

[AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI] =>
[AutoFormat.Linkify] =>
[AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify.DocURL] => #%s
[AutoFormat.PurifierLinkify] =>
[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp.Exceptions] => Array
[td] => 1
[th] => 1

[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp] =>
[AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty] =>
[CSS.AllowImportant] =>
[CSS.AllowTricky] =>
[CSS.AllowedProperties] =>
[CSS.DefinitionRev] => 1
[CSS.MaxImgLength] => 1200px
[CSS.Proprietary] =>
[Cache.DefinitionImpl] => Serializer
[Cache.SerializerPath] =>
[Core.AggressivelyFixLt] => 1
[Core.CollectErrors] =>
[Core.ColorKeywords] => Array
[maroon] => #800000
[red] => #FF0000
[orange] => #FFA500
[yellow] => #FFFF00
[olive] => #808000
[purple] => #800080
[fuchsia] => #FF00FF
[white] => #FFFFFF
[lime] => #00FF00
[green] => #008000
[navy] => #000080
[blue] => #0000FF
[aqua] => #00FFFF
[teal] => #008080
[black] => #000000
[silver] => #C0C0C0
[gray] => #808080

[Core.ConvertDocumentToFragment] => 1
[Core.DirectLexLineNumberSyncInterval] => 0
[Core.Encoding] => utf-8
[Core.EscapeInvalidChildren] =>
[Core.EscapeInvalidTags] =>
[Core.EscapeNonASCIICharacters] =>
[Core.HiddenElements] => Array
[script] => 1
[style] => 1

[Core.Language] => e

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 19:04
SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.

Pretty much says it all. You can't use Gallery in safe_mode. Find a different host or get them to turn that off.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here

hatter's picture

Joined: 2009-07-22
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 23:43

Aye, that would be something to check. You might also want to check the permissions on your /home/maxvdw/domains/ directory. I believe that needs to be world writable. Is that correct?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-22 23:54

You can change permissions all you want. As long as safe_mode is enabled it ain't going to work.

The script whose uid is 601 is not allowed to access /home/maxvdw/domains/ owned by uid 100

The files/directories are owned by a user who is not the webserver or the user PHP is run as. Safe_mode sucks, disable it or change hosts.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here