New version of GLoSS (Gallery Local Screen Saver) released


Joined: 2005-03-29
Posts: 166
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-03 08:27

I've been a bit quiet for quite a while, but I finally got back into reacquainting myself with the GLoSS source-code.

This version implements a couple of small feature requests:
* the ability to "scatter" images haphazardly across the screensaver desktop at random angles.
* the ability to scale desktop images up to fill the desktop completely (which only really makes sense when the images are all the same orientation as the monitor, since the rest of the image gets cropped off).

Available from my webpage below or you can find more info here on the Gallery website in the documentation:

As always, feedback happily received.


Christchurch, NZ

GLoSS: Gallery2 Local Screen Saver & Desktop Changer