> I like the smaller navigation buttons for previous/next
> I like the placement of them at the top. Have you thought of some theme options for turning them top/bottom?
Things that I would change ( remember I am no designer so take with a grain of salt )
> horizontal bar under the title and above the page count could be a little thinner or slightly darker in color
> Vertical line seperating the sidebar content could be a little thinner or slightly darker as well.
> modal windows for login and EXIF info could use the same color scream as the rest of the theme, not a big deal as they don't get used much.
I like the smaller navigation buttons for previous/next
I like the placement of them at the top. Have you thought of some theme options for turning them top/bottom?
I have not work yet on admin for it, neither I know how to do it yet
Things that I would change ( remember I am no designer so take with a grain of salt )
horizontal bar under the title and above the page count could be a little thinner or slightly darker in color
Vertical line seperating the sidebar content could be a little thinner or slightly darker as well.
I will try and see how it comes out
modal windows for login and EXIF info could use the same color scream as the rest of the theme, not a big deal as they don't get used much.
I haven't work on some non essential parts yet but it is in the pipe:
* image/album operation images need to be adjusted to match theme graphics
* dialogs to reuse schema definition for colors. I am still thinking how to do it so it is more or less global
* additional work needs to be done on the footer to make sections boxing better (map, credentials, footer text). Same for header. I am not using text right now, but as a general theme, it would be required
Joined: 2009-07-09
Posts: 31
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-09 18:58
I like it a lot. Makes me feel worse about my current cheeseball attempt at a theme. Yours has the cleanness I'm looking for. Will you be making this theme available to the public?
Nice pictures btw. I used to have a Fuji S5200, great camera.
Yes, S5200 is nice camera. It is now my backup camera I am starting to use Canon T1i
Not at this time
After covering basics, I am in process of redesigning layout, boxing, theme elements, etc
I will keep you posted
Joined: 2006-02-03
Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-16 14:26
Nice template, not all thumbs rendered for me but it is not template's fault. Congratulations on T1i, next step up will me 5Dm2 ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-16 14:42
@nemo2010: I was trying to rebuild thumbs and resizes and it has failed... I am working on fixing it
5DMII is a nice camera, but I will hold for now
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 06:19
Ok, attempt #2.
A new version of the theme is released (pre-alpha). This is a very raw version indended to test main concept
1) theme was developed from the scratch
2) while may resemble some code from default theme is intended to be independent and does not use any default CSS files
3) uses Lightbox 2 module - extended with screen resize support to show overlay photo
4) no menu at this time
5) no support for "popup" dialogs - not yet themed
6) some hacking to inject CSS styles in default content for sidebar
7) pages (#) within albums
8) There is no JS other then Lightbox and PicLens
9) Current CSS size is 9K (compare to 18K base for default theme)
Please comment
Joined: 2009-06-23
Posts: 29
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 08:41
I really like those clean looking themes - great job!
In Safari 4.0.2 (Mac OS X 10.5.7) there is only the button for the next photo in the resize view and the "x of y" is shifted to the left (not in the middle of the photo). Is it a feature or a bug?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 11:56
@Bigda, I am testing against IE 7/IE 8 at this time
Firefox, Safari are not tested against yet.
Joined: 2007-10-16
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 14:57
i would love to try this theme out
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 19:23
There it goes
There is a theme and Lightbox2 module
Edited: I am removing the attachment, since it is now in contrib repository on git
Joined: 2009-07-09
Posts: 31
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 17:18
Looking good Serge. Since you don't have jquery running now, obviously the exif info is kind of wonky to view. If it were me, I would display it by default directly underneath the photo. But then again, I'm a huge nerd and like that kind of stuff
Now if we can get the square thumbs working for you...
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 18:12
Would you like to commit this to a fork so that I can pull it into the gallery3-contrib repo? That way it'll show up under your name. Otherwise if you want I can commit it for you, let me know.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 19:18
@bharat, I am going on vacation for two weeks and would not be working per se on the theme or module...
In the mean time, I am not a GIT person, so please stay with me
1) I have created an account on github and i can see both repositories (main and contrib)
2) I have installed git client for windows
3) went through steps for Bash
4) I opened Git GUI, pointed to gallery3-contrib folder (as Open existing)
5) I have copied my lightbox2 module and I see it in Unstaged changes
6) I have Staged for Commit (Ctrl-T) and Commited changes in
7) Operation repeated for themes (I have to create themes folder in the repository
I do not see the folder online yet, but it may require approval
Can you see it? Is everything Ok? Any comments?
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 21:53
Serge D wrote:
1) I have created an account on github and i can see both repositories (main and contrib)
Did you fork the main repository into your github account? Your github account should have it's own copy of the entire gallery3-contrib folder (for example, mine is at http://github.com/rWatcher/gallery3-contrib/tree/master). You can then make whatever changes your want to your version of the repository (for example adding in your lightbox2 module) without any approval from anyone else. Other people (like bharat) can then merge your changes back into their copy of the repository. Does that help any?
Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-23 22:02
Wow. I noticed that the image loading is SUPER fast. (even more so when compared to my site)
Is that because of G3 vs G2? (or more of a server issue)
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 01:41
@tempg: you mean resized image on the page or full image?
@rWatcher: I did what was said in the article, I have no idea what I should do different. If there are any suggestions, I can redo it...
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 02:02
Serge D wrote:
@rWatcher: I did what was said in the article, I have no idea what I should do different. If there are any suggestions, I can redo it...
@serged: The resizes are what struck me as particularly quick-loading.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 19:32
@rWatcher: clicked "fork", got latest, added files, did two commits for module and the theme
But I do not see it online... What did I do wrong?
Can someone actually document the process properly, and I do not have time right now to experiment on the GIT, but rather concentrate on writing code...
These "free" systems are so cumbersome. One would think if they are so popular it would be possible to comup with working GUI and no need for online or command line tools
@tempg: Lightbox 2 seems to help, however I am working completed switching to use ShadowBox instead which provides better support for media formats, more flexible and will allow me to handle popup windows as Exif
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 19:33
Serge D wrote:
@rWatcher: clicked "fork", got latest, added files, did two commits for module and the theme
But I do not see it online... What did I do wrong?
Can someone actually document the process properly, and I do not have time right now to experiment on the GIT, but rather concentrate on writing code...
These "free" systems are so cumbersome. One would think if they are so popular it would be possible to comup with working GUI and no need for online or command line tools
From the command line "git status" will show you if you have any uncommitted files or any pending commits and "git push" should push any pending commits to github.
I've never used a GUI so I'm really sure how to set it up. That said, it looks like some kind of encryption error. Do you have your SSH Public Key set up in your github account ( https://github.com/account )? Also when setting up git did you use the "Public Clone URL" or "Your Clone URL" (git needs to be setup with "Your Clone URL", not the other one).
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 20:54
ssh should be ok, I have generated one localy and then uploaded it during git account setup.
will check other suggestion. thanks
Joined: 2009-07-23
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-24 21:24
Very nice theme! Will there be a public verson anytime soon?
Anyone here knows of any other teams beeing made for gallery3?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2009-07-25 05:48
ALERT! I have to disable theme until it is synchronized with latest Git code.
With latest changes a few things fell apart
Joined: 2009-07-29
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-29 01:39
yep - looks good
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2009-08-29 05:38
Ok, after being back and working on the theme for some days I think I have come up with more or less stable theme.
Change in v1.3:
1) well, almost everything was redone. Main thing was to switch and use ShadowBox 3.0 as a base for the theme functionality (preview, dialogs, elsewhere)
2) I switched to use ShadowBox from Lightbox due to reacher players available
3) as I mentioned earlier, goal is to made it minimalistic as a result there is a little from original core and default CSS/JS left. There is no JS other then Shadowbox, PicLens and jQuery. Current CSS size is 9K (compare to 18K base for default theme)
4) login/user info dialogs are broken at the moment since I have not found yet a way to befriend AJAX/JSON forms with SB. Any help here is greatly appreciated.
5) There is no menu yet since goal is to address regular mode only and menu is not required. Other elements are here.
6) pages (#) within albums and photos
7) Exif link has been moved into toolbar next to slideshow and full screen
8) Custom Info sibar block
8) Tested under FF3, IE8 (regular/compat mode)
Comments are welcomed
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2009-08-29 15:19
Great theme! Nice and clean and fast. Is it available for download anywhere? I don't see it under your github account.
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Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-31 18:31
No, it is not on the git, but I am attaching it here instead
Notice that it also includes required shadowbox module
Edit 1: I have adjusted the theme to be XHTML compliant. To make it properly validated I have to adjust two core modules and reupload the theme.
Edit 2: Theme and modules are sync to match git from 08/30/2009
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2009-08-29 21:23
Great! Would this be something we could put into contrib?
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Serge D
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Posted: Sun, 2009-08-30 00:27
I am not so keen about git interface to use, sorry. I would have to go with attachments for now.
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sun, 2009-08-30 05:02
Are you attachments there your current code?
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Serge D
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Posted: Sun, 2009-08-30 05:31
yes. I have not sync with current git in about the week though.
if you need to integrate then you would need to merge with current git for modules part
I will try to integrate tomorrow and reupload, if you interested
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-31 16:04
Ok, theme and required modules are in sync with GIT from 08/30/2009
* more fixes for XHTML validation
* theme changed to use new class model in latest GIT
* some small adjustments
* fixed issue with IE8 Compatability mode. Hopefully it should allow theme to operate properly under IE7. I deliberatly not going to work on IE 6 support. Sorry.
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-31 16:27
I deliberatly not going to work on IE 6 support. Sorry.
I fully understand and support that choice. Though I'm in the minority of the rest of the group with that choice... But that's because IE6 is still a large part of the market. My opinion is break the web for IE6 and force them to upgrade. If major sites like Bing, Google and all banking sites just didn't work with IE6 you'd see it disappear very quickly. Only Win95/98 and Win2k are stuck with IE6 for IE. I'm not sure about ME, but IMO that's extremely insignificant. All others should be running IE8 if they must run IE.
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Posted: Sat, 2009-09-05 17:34
I'm new to the forums (and the community as a whole), but I've run into somewhat of a snag trying to get this to work. I installed the G3 Beta 2 on my site through FTP and had it all working nicely. I then went to see if there were any nicer looking themes out there (the white is a bit bland) and while there doesn't seem to be much choice, I liked how yours looked so went to install it. After messing about with the files I found at that github site for a while before realizing they didn't actually include the theme, I downloaded the files you attached in an earlier post. After copying those over to my FTP, the theme showed up in the admin menu, still with the default thumbnail, but with a working preview. After activating it however, the gallery simply renders a blank page (with an equally empty source). Thinking that my fiddling with the modules from github had something to do with it, I proceeded to remove the gallery from my site to reinstall it properly. When I did that however, the one photo I uploaded as a trial came up as undeletable. Apparantly, all the files relating to that uploaded image (it's thumbnails, resizes, the log file) were attributed to user www-data, with 644 permissions and I couldn't do anything with them.
I've since contacted my webhost to try and get rid of these dead files and attempted a second "proper" install that gave the same blank page. So I don't know if I'm missing some crucial step here, but I can't get it to work.
For your consideration:
Browser: FF 3.5
PHP: 5.2.9
MySQL: 5.0.51a
EDIT: While trying to remove the second installation, I encountered the same problem: the tmp and logs folder in gallery3/var/ have botched permissions.
PS - This has turned more into a troubleshooting post so I'm not sure if it still belongs in this thread.
EDIT2: Just received a (rather quick) reply from support on how to modify the permissions for script-created files. (As you can tell, I know next to nothing about web design, let alone PHP and the like.) So while my uninstall problems are a thing of the past, those with installing this theme remain.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2009-09-05 23:26
I'm pretty sure Serge's theme won't work with B2, you'll need to use more recent code. Grab the latest experimental code and give that a shot: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Upgrading
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Posted: Sun, 2009-09-06 08:36
Ah, that is probably it. I hadn't realised there was a later version out. The site's only mention of Gallery 3 seemed to be the announcement of Beta 2. I'll try upgrading it then.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Joined: 2009-09-05
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2009-09-06 10:24
I've managed to get everything working now, but I noticed something. The "search this gallery" option is gone on your theme, but it magically reappeared when I blocked the logo (with AdBlock). The same does not happen on your site though, I'm not really sure what's causing it. Your logo also doesn't match up perfectly with the gradient or the bar used in the header.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2009-09-09 15:55
@Vadigor, what browser? As stated above I am testing under IE8/FF3 only
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Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2009-09-09 16:52
Like I said in my first post, FF3.5.
I just changed back to the original them. While yours looks a hell of a lot better, I can't really do without the options that the default offers, for instance, the admin menu is missing, which had me trying to find the right page in the history to revert to default. Upload also redirects to an empty page from what I could tell, and most of the other options (modify albums and the like) just aren't available it seems.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2009-09-09 17:05
I do not see logo issue you mentioned. Nevertheless, my logo is just it - my logo. If you replace it with your own, it should work better for you. And before the release I would probably change it to use standard G3 logo anyway.
Yes, admin functionality is missing (menu is a smallest part of it) because I first need to resolve the issue of integrating AJAX/JSON based forms using ShadowBox.
As soon as this is resolved admin functionality is a brease.
I will however put back the menu just to be done with it. Check this thread later this week.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2009-09-26 02:54
Ok, today I am happy to present a latest version of my theme.
I am looking for nice name for the theme. Suggestions are welcomed.
Open issues:
* dialogs AJAX/JSON callbacks
* status messages
* replacement for fish menu
* search support (kind of ugly output though)
* 3 columns for images
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2009-09-26 04:33
I am looking for nice name for the theme. Suggestions are welcomed.
How bout 100Dragons?
100 = page width and Dragons = original name.
Care to create a codex page? If you need help, just ask.
There is no page width as you mentioned only minimum width. If any, it would be 73emDragons then, but it would be a strange name
But I have decided to go with your idea. So there it is http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Themes:graydragon
Somehow, even though I am registered user, I can only see the page, but not modify it. Could you check please?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2009-09-27 20:58
Serge D,
You need login with your same account as you do for the forums. At least that is what I do. I have to re-login as the session for the codex page times out. http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Themes:graydragon
Edit as you need.
Posts: 27300
I like it. Good job!
> I like the smaller navigation buttons for previous/next
> I like the placement of them at the top. Have you thought of some theme options for turning them top/bottom?
Things that I would change ( remember I am no designer so take with a grain of salt )
> horizontal bar under the title and above the page count could be a little thinner or slightly darker in color
> Vertical line seperating the sidebar content could be a little thinner or slightly darker as well.
> modal windows for login and EXIF info could use the same color scream as the rest of the theme, not a big deal as they don't get used much.
Other than those things I like it.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
Thank you. It was fun and still is.
I have not work yet on admin for it, neither I know how to do it yet
I will try and see how it comes out
I haven't work on some non essential parts yet but it is in the pipe:
* image/album operation images need to be adjusted to match theme graphics
* dialogs to reuse schema definition for colors. I am still thinking how to do it so it is more or less global
* additional work needs to be done on the footer to make sections boxing better (map, credentials, footer text). Same for header. I am not using text right now, but as a general theme, it would be required
Posts: 31
I like it a lot. Makes me feel worse about my current cheeseball attempt at a theme. Yours has the cleanness I'm looking for. Will you be making this theme available to the public?
Nice pictures btw. I used to have a Fuji S5200, great camera.
Posts: 7994
Awesome. Would you be willing to share this in our gallery3-contrib repository?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 2466
Yes, S5200 is nice camera. It is now my backup camera
I am starting to use Canon T1i
Not at this time
After covering basics, I am in process of redesigning layout, boxing, theme elements, etc
I will keep you posted
Posts: 84
Nice template, not all thumbs rendered for me but it is not template's fault. Congratulations on T1i, next step up will me 5Dm2
Posts: 2466
@nemo2010: I was trying to rebuild thumbs and resizes and it has failed... I am working on fixing it
5DMII is a nice camera, but I will hold for now
Posts: 2466
Ok, attempt #2.
A new version of the theme is released (pre-alpha). This is a very raw version indended to test main concept
1) theme was developed from the scratch
2) while may resemble some code from default theme is intended to be independent and does not use any default CSS files
3) uses Lightbox 2 module - extended with screen resize support to show overlay photo
4) no menu at this time
5) no support for "popup" dialogs - not yet themed
6) some hacking to inject CSS styles in default content for sidebar
7) pages (#) within albums
8) There is no JS other then Lightbox and PicLens
9) Current CSS size is 9K (compare to 18K base for default theme)
Please comment
Posts: 29
I really like those clean looking themes - great job!
In Safari 4.0.2 (Mac OS X 10.5.7) there is only the button for the next photo in the resize view and the "x of y" is shifted to the left (not in the middle of the photo). Is it a feature or a bug?
Posts: 2466
@Bigda, I am testing against IE 7/IE 8 at this time
Firefox, Safari are not tested against yet.
Posts: 3
i would love to try this theme out
Posts: 2466
There it goes
There is a theme and Lightbox2 module
Edited: I am removing the attachment, since it is now in contrib repository on git
Posts: 31
Looking good Serge. Since you don't have jquery running now, obviously the exif info is kind of wonky to view. If it were me, I would display it by default directly underneath the photo. But then again, I'm a huge nerd and like that kind of stuff
Now if we can get the square thumbs working for you...
Posts: 7994
Would you like to commit this to a fork so that I can pull it into the gallery3-contrib repo? That way it'll show up under your name. Otherwise if you want I can commit it for you, let me know.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 2466
@bharat, I am going on vacation for two weeks and would not be working per se on the theme or module...
In the mean time, I am not a GIT person, so please stay with me
1) I have created an account on github and i can see both repositories (main and contrib)
2) I have installed git client for windows
3) went through steps for Bash
4) I opened Git GUI, pointed to gallery3-contrib folder (as Open existing)
5) I have copied my lightbox2 module and I see it in Unstaged changes
6) I have Staged for Commit (Ctrl-T) and Commited changes in
7) Operation repeated for themes (I have to create themes folder in the repository
I do not see the folder online yet, but it may require approval
Can you see it? Is everything Ok? Any comments?
Posts: 722
Did you fork the main repository into your github account? Your github account should have it's own copy of the entire gallery3-contrib folder (for example, mine is at http://github.com/rWatcher/gallery3-contrib/tree/master). You can then make whatever changes your want to your version of the repository (for example adding in your lightbox2 module) without any approval from anyone else. Other people (like bharat) can then merge your changes back into their copy of the repository. Does that help any?
Posts: 1857
Wow. I noticed that the image loading is SUPER fast. (even more so when compared to my site)
Is that because of G3 vs G2? (or more of a server issue)
Posts: 2466
@tempg: you mean resized image on the page or full image?
@rWatcher: I did what was said in the article, I have no idea what I should do different. If there are any suggestions, I can redo it...
Posts: 722
I'm guessing this is you: http://github.com/SergeD/ ?
If so, then then you haven't made a fork of gallery3-contrib yet. Go to http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/tree/master and click on the button labeled "fork". You'll then need to set up your git software to commit changes to your newly created fork.
Posts: 31
I've got to say, the git documentation leaves something to be desired. Took me a bit to figure out how to commit changes and push back to the repo.
Posts: 27300
jasonh, feel free to correct or add anything that you feel like needs to be in the docs. The docs are for users by users.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 1857
@serged: The resizes are what struck me as particularly quick-loading.
Posts: 2466
@rWatcher: clicked "fork", got latest, added files, did two commits for module and the theme
But I do not see it online... What did I do wrong?
Can someone actually document the process properly, and I do not have time right now to experiment on the GIT, but rather concentrate on writing code...
These "free" systems are so cumbersome. One would think if they are so popular it would be possible to comup with working GUI and no need for online or command line tools
@tempg: Lightbox 2 seems to help, however I
am workingcompleted switching to use ShadowBox instead which provides better support for media formats, more flexible and will allow me to handle popup windows as ExifPosts: 722
From the command line "git status" will show you if you have any uncommitted files or any pending commits and "git push" should push any pending commits to github.
Posts: 2466
@rWatcher: from Git GUI: clicked "Push" - result:
Pushing to git://github.com/SergeD/gallery3-contrib.git
fatal: protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '
Posts: 722
I've never used a GUI so I'm really sure how to set it up. That said, it looks like some kind of encryption error. Do you have your SSH Public Key set up in your github account ( https://github.com/account )? Also when setting up git did you use the "Public Clone URL" or "Your Clone URL" (git needs to be setup with "Your Clone URL", not the other one).
Posts: 2466
ssh should be ok, I have generated one localy and then uploaded it during git account setup.
will check other suggestion. thanks
Posts: 15
Very nice theme! Will there be a public verson anytime soon?
Anyone here knows of any other teams beeing made for gallery3?
Posts: 2466
ALERT! I have to disable theme until it is synchronized with latest Git code.
With latest changes a few things fell apart
Posts: 7
yep - looks good
Posts: 2466
Ok, after being back and working on the theme for some days I think I have come up with more or less stable theme.
Change in v1.3:
1) well, almost everything was redone. Main thing was to switch and use ShadowBox 3.0 as a base for the theme functionality (preview, dialogs, elsewhere)
2) I switched to use ShadowBox from Lightbox due to reacher players available
3) as I mentioned earlier, goal is to made it minimalistic as a result there is a little from original core and default CSS/JS left. There is no JS other then Shadowbox, PicLens and jQuery. Current CSS size is 9K (compare to 18K base for default theme)
4) login/user info dialogs are broken at the moment since I have not found yet a way to befriend AJAX/JSON forms with SB. Any help here is greatly appreciated.
5) There is no menu yet since goal is to address regular mode only and menu is not required. Other elements are here.
6) pages (#) within albums and photos
7) Exif link has been moved into toolbar next to slideshow and full screen
8) Custom Info sibar block
8) Tested under FF3, IE8 (regular/compat mode)
Comments are welcomed
Posts: 16504
Great theme! Nice and clean and fast. Is it available for download anywhere? I don't see it under your github account.
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Posts: 2466
No, it is not on the git, but I am attaching it here instead
Notice that it also includes required shadowbox module
Edit 1: I have adjusted the theme to be XHTML compliant. To make it properly validated I have to adjust two core modules and reupload the theme.
Edit 2: Theme and modules are sync to match git from 08/30/2009
Posts: 16504
Great! Would this be something we could put into contrib?
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Posts: 2466
I am not so keen about git interface to use, sorry. I would have to go with attachments for now.
Posts: 16504
Are you attachments there your current code?
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Posts: 2466
yes. I have not sync with current git in about the week though.
if you need to integrate then you would need to merge with current git for modules part
I will try to integrate tomorrow and reupload, if you interested
Posts: 2466
Ok, theme and required modules are in sync with GIT from 08/30/2009
* more fixes for XHTML validation
* theme changed to use new class model in latest GIT
* some small adjustments
* fixed issue with IE8 Compatability mode. Hopefully it should allow theme to operate properly under IE7. I deliberatly not going to work on IE 6 support. Sorry.
Posts: 16504
I fully understand and support that choice. Though I'm in the minority of the rest of the group with that choice... But that's because IE6 is still a large part of the market. My opinion is break the web for IE6 and force them to upgrade. If major sites like Bing, Google and all banking sites just didn't work with IE6 you'd see it disappear very quickly. Only Win95/98 and Win2k are stuck with IE6 for IE. I'm not sure about ME, but IMO that's extremely insignificant. All others should be running IE8 if they must run IE.
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Posts: 6
I'm new to the forums (and the community as a whole), but I've run into somewhat of a snag trying to get this to work. I installed the G3 Beta 2 on my site through FTP and had it all working nicely. I then went to see if there were any nicer looking themes out there (the white is a bit bland) and while there doesn't seem to be much choice, I liked how yours looked so went to install it. After messing about with the files I found at that github site for a while before realizing they didn't actually include the theme, I downloaded the files you attached in an earlier post. After copying those over to my FTP, the theme showed up in the admin menu, still with the default thumbnail, but with a working preview. After activating it however, the gallery simply renders a blank page (with an equally empty source). Thinking that my fiddling with the modules from github had something to do with it, I proceeded to remove the gallery from my site to reinstall it properly. When I did that however, the one photo I uploaded as a trial came up as undeletable. Apparantly, all the files relating to that uploaded image (it's thumbnails, resizes, the log file) were attributed to user www-data, with 644 permissions and I couldn't do anything with them.
I've since contacted my webhost to try and get rid of these dead files and attempted a second "proper" install that gave the same blank page. So I don't know if I'm missing some crucial step here, but I can't get it to work.
For your consideration:
Browser: FF 3.5
PHP: 5.2.9
MySQL: 5.0.51a
EDIT: While trying to remove the second installation, I encountered the same problem: the tmp and logs folder in gallery3/var/ have botched permissions.
PS - This has turned more into a troubleshooting post so I'm not sure if it still belongs in this thread.
EDIT2: Just received a (rather quick) reply from support on how to modify the permissions for script-created files. (As you can tell, I know next to nothing about web design, let alone PHP and the like.) So while my uninstall problems are a thing of the past, those with installing this theme remain.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Posts: 16504
I'm pretty sure Serge's theme won't work with B2, you'll need to use more recent code. Grab the latest experimental code and give that a shot:
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Posts: 6
Ah, that is probably it. I hadn't realised there was a later version out. The site's only mention of Gallery 3 seemed to be the announcement of Beta 2. I'll try upgrading it then.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Posts: 6
I've managed to get everything working now, but I noticed something. The "search this gallery" option is gone on your theme, but it magically reappeared when I blocked the logo (with AdBlock). The same does not happen on your site though, I'm not really sure what's causing it. Your logo also doesn't match up perfectly with the gradient or the bar used in the header.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Posts: 2466
@Vadigor, what browser? As stated above I am testing under IE8/FF3 only
Posts: 6
Like I said in my first post, FF3.5.
I just changed back to the original them. While yours looks a hell of a lot better, I can't really do without the options that the default offers, for instance, the admin menu is missing, which had me trying to find the right page in the history to revert to default. Upload also redirects to an empty page from what I could tell, and most of the other options (modify albums and the like) just aren't available it seems.
See how Peter can no longer say to himself 'Silver and gold have I none,' nor to the lame man, 'Rise up and walk.'
Posts: 2466
I do not see logo issue you mentioned. Nevertheless, my logo is just it - my logo. If you replace it with your own, it should work better for you. And before the release I would probably change it to use standard G3 logo anyway.
Yes, admin functionality is missing (menu is a smallest part of it) because I first need to resolve the issue of integrating AJAX/JSON based forms using ShadowBox.
As soon as this is resolved admin functionality is a brease.
I will however put back the menu just to be done with it. Check this thread later this week.
Posts: 2466
Ok, today I am happy to present a latest version of my theme.
I am looking for nice name for the theme. Suggestions are welcomed.
Open issues:
* dialogs AJAX/JSON callbacks
* status messages
* replacement for fish menu
* search support (kind of ugly output though)
* 3 columns for images
Posts: 27300
How bout 100Dragons?
100 = page width and Dragons = original name.
Care to create a codex page? If you need help, just ask.
Thanks for your contribution.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
There is no page width as you mentioned only minimum width. If any, it would be 73emDragons then, but it would be a strange name
But I have decided to go with your idea. So there it is http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Themes:graydragon
Somehow, even though I am registered user, I can only see the page, but not modify it. Could you check please?
Posts: 27300
Serge D,
You need login with your same account as you do for the forums. At least that is what I do. I have to re-login as the session for the codex page times out.
Edit as you need.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team