Gallery3 Beta-1
This is my error on fresh install...
I had the alpha and i installed it over that and it gave me error at index.php so i deleted everything after downloading my pictures and reinstalled the gallery and used a new database as well. I don't see anything similar in ticket area or in the forum... If there is a download i can overwright the broken files that would be great. i dont have time to "dig n fix" the problems in files since I have to tend to my children. Since all I do is upload stuff in queue and go afk.... 
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken. Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
Ok.. tell me stuff!
If this stuff doesn't make any sense to you, ask for help in the Gallery forums!
So here's the error:
The page you requested, , could not be found.
File: system/core/Kohana.php, line: 841
And here's how we got there:
Kohana::show_404( )
system/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => show_404
, Array
[0] =>
system/libraries/Router.php [163]:
Event::run( system.404 )
Router_Core::setup( )
system/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Router
[1] => setup
, Array
[0] =>
system/core/Bootstrap.php [49]:
Event::run( system.routing )
index.php [72]:
require( system/core/Bootstrap.php )
Posts: 12
I downloaded the latest Gallery 3 latest code: from here and deleted everything and dumped my DB for the gallery and stated from scratch again.... works now...
Might want to update the main file....
Posts: 16504
No need to update the main file. That's the beta release. The git repository is work in progress. If you don't want to take the time to search for help first, don't expect much help. We are all volunteers, devs, support, etc. We all have full time jobs or go to school full time and do this in what little spare time we have.
I personally have a full time job, commute an hour each way, own a retail business on top of that as well as a house and yard that I have to maintain, a wife and dogs to spend time with, etc.
Here's my opinion. You should wait until the final release of G3 if you don't want to try helping yourself or give feedback on problems you run into. Don't use G3 on a production site yet. To quote bharat, "It may eat your lunch."
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 7994
On the flip side, if you're willing to pitch in and tell us when things go wrong we'll do our best to help you!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 7
Dang Something went wrong.... in all admin tasks/options
Gallery 3 Beta1 - At first I thought that it was an installation related error. I had installed and got the "Dang" error when changing from the initial password. Deleted the install, reinstalled: Ditto.
In trying to figure this out, I read the posts and decided to switch from Safari 4.0.1 to FireFox 3.0.11. Gallery3 worked perfect. I loaded photos via Firefox and Firefox did not encounter any errors. I returned to Safari and, while I was able to browse the photos fine, I got the same errors after I logged on and tried to access the admin options.
Note, that on my other G4 MacBookPro, Safari 4 works okay, including the Admin options. So for some reason, Safari on this particular Mac has the error. So I don't think this is a problem with the installation on the server. And its not this MacBookPro, as it works with Firefox.
I deleted the cookies/cache associated with Gallery3 on Safari, but still the same problem. I reviewed the preferences for Safari and the settings seem to proper.
It appears there is some environmental sensitivity between Safari and Gallery3 Beta 1, that is affecting the integrity of the Admin security permissions?
Heres the Specifics:
Gallery3 error Log:
2009-07-03 09:38:45 -07:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file modules/gallery/helpers/access.php on line 176
MacBook Pro 17" MacOS 10.5.7, 3GB, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.33Ghz <= has error in Safari
MacBook Pro 17" MacOS 10.4.11 1GB, G4 <= Safari (4.0) works okay
Posts: 7994
Hey Ron! I've landed in NY and am finally catching up on the forums. Good to see you getting involved.
This is a particularly interesting problem. I am not sure how exactly to diagnose this remotely, but I guess I'd start by examining the HTTP stream. Can you use Ethereal or WireShark or some other TCP/IP stream watcher to capture the network traffic sent to your server? It'd be useful to try to examine a successfully request and an unsuccessful request side-by-side. Also it'd be nice to see some successful requests using Safari 4 (logged in, but not on the problem pages) so that we can figure out what's going wrong. My bet is that it's triggering something in the session code down in the guts of Kohana.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!