Help! Gallery corrupt?
Joined: 2002-12-26
Posts: 96 |
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Hello! I use gallery as a postnuke module. I have a lot of sub albums approximately 120. I was renaming the albums from the generic (album01) to the caption so that I can sort the albums by their name to make it easier to find. I renamed about 25 albums and then resorted. After the resort I see 5 or 6 albums showing no highlights, but they aren't new albums. They are albums40, album41, etc. When I go to the albums directory I don't even see any albums for those names. I do however see albun00-60 and albuo03-23. I assume those are just what gallery creates after album99? So my question is this. Why am I seeing these empty albums when there isn't even an album directory for them? Also is there any way to tell gallery to go out and reread all of the albums and rebuild the index pages? |
Posts: 794
Moving to get better audience ;-)
Posts: 96
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Posts: 3474
Eee... something looks somewhat corrupted. :roll:
Can you establish whether all of the album directories (with their images) are still in your albums directory, and what their names are?
Also, how close are you to running out of disk space/quota?
If you're willing to let me ssh to your server and poke around, I can probably assess whether this is a serious corruption problem or something easily fixable. PM me details if that's okay with you.
-Beckett (
Posts: 3474
Although I've found some very strange things going on (hidden, orphaned albums for example), I don't see any actual errors.
Can you outline specifically for me which albums are messed up, what they used to be or should contain? It's just a little overwhelming searching through all of the subalbums.
But like I said... I searched for about 10 minutes already and don't see anything out of the ordinary.
-Beckett (
Posts: 96
Ok, what happened is this. I would try to rename an album from something like "album40" to "Seans_Album".
It would appear that the rename would work, but I would then get an "Untitled" and empty album called "album40" and there wouldn't be any album called "Seans_Album" anywhere in the gallery. When I look at the albums sub dir, there is no album40 and there is a "Seans_Album" so that part appears to be working.
So I guess the questions is, why isn't gallery updating the index page when I rename an album?
Is there any way to tell gallery to reread all of the album directories and rebuild the index?
Posts: 794
By what means did you rename the album? Did you change it from command line or via the web interface?
Posts: 96
Everything was done via the web interface. I used the "Rename Album" option from the drop down list to rename. And the "Sort" link to sort the albums.
Posts: 3474
(Mbuna... sorry... I've been hugely busy, trying to get Gallery 1.4 out the door... I will take another look at your site this evening)
Posts: 96
I understand if you are busy, and appreciate any and all help you can give me.
Posts: 1
I've got the same problem, after renaming (through the top-link) albums, they got 'mismatched' i.e. they still appear in the listings, but it fails to show sample thumbnail, plus after clicking them, the browser jumps back to the main page; it can't find the corresponding folder/entry.
It's most probably because I used a space in the name (yep, I know that it was mentioned not to, but well..)
I haven't been able to fix it though :-/
> manually renaming dirs and changingalbum.dat files didn't solve anything yet, but I really should try to understand the app a bit better before I completely mess up things.
-- pete
Posts: 96
Thats the exact symptoms that I have as well, and I didn't use any spaces in any of the names.
Posts: 4
I'm getting the same problems with v1.4-RC1.
Anyone of the Gallery Gurus shed any light on this please!
Posts: 96
Did you have a chance to take a look at this?
Posts: 96
More info: I just tried to rename an album from album97 to "jlm" using the rename function.
I got the following after it reloaded the page:
Warning: stat failed for /lopt/www/htdocs/fishgeeks/modules/gallery/albums//album.dat (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /lopt/www/htdocs/fishgeeks/modules/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 73
This displays underneath the album I change, which now shows as "untitled" with no highlight.
Posts: 13451
mbuna, that seems to indicate a wrong album path in the setup? Notice the two //'s ?
Posts: 96
Yes, I see that, but here is the config file entries:
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/lopt/www/htdocs/fishgeeks/modules/gallery/albums";
$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "";
$gallery->app->userDir = "/lopt/www/htdocs/fishgeeks/modules/gallery/albums/.use
And here is the directory:
fishgeeks# pwd
fishgeeks# ls -ald albums*
drwxr-xr-x 147 www wheel 16896 Sep 15 15:16 albums
All other albums are in the same directory and are working ok. This ONLY seems to happen when I rename an album.
Posts: 96
I also need to add that I can go to the gallery after it has been renamed and it works fine. For example I just renamed on to passibettas_passions and got the same problem with the error on the index page.
But if I go to:
The album loads fine. (NOTE: I moved all of the pictures to a new album I created so that this user can still get to her pictures.)
Posts: 96
This is still a problem, does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?
Posts: 11
I have the exact same problem with things dissapearing after renaming ... (I posted exact details in this topic : )
Has anyone found a solution yet and is this a bug in 1.4pl1 ?
Posts: 11
Anyone any idea ? PLEASE ? this seems to be a bug or something...
Posts: 11
anyone ?
Posts: 4
Still struggling with this as well. It's really made a dogs breakfast of my albums. Hopefull the next version will allow nested sub albums and stable re-naming!
Posts: 29
sorry to hear everyone is having problems. this happened to only one album, and I've been searching for a solution as well.
Posts: 9
I have very very similar problems as the ones described above. I started a forum topic on this, but haven't received any responses. The forum topic I started is at:
Any thoughts, comments, etc would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 11
I'm starting to think that the people here are fine with the buggy code
Posts: 3474
bluefin, you have a separate issue you need to resolve first. I replied in your post.
CutAndPaste, for various reasons, "truly" nested albums are unlikely to appear any time soon for Gallery 1. Gallery 2 already has this done properly, so there's that to look forward to.
BassFace: (buggy code)
Far from it... in my case, I've been busy trying to get some other Gallery issues resolved (I have a full plate times fifty right now, as do all of the developers), and haven't given mbuna's issue nearly enough attention, and apologise for that (we usually use the bug tracker... and this isn't listed there, so my attention has been focused elsewhere, and am only catching up in the forums now) (Yes, I read every post). We're never satisfied with any bugs, but Gallery v1.x is proving a difficult beast to tame sometimes (Gallery 2 will *not* have hard-to-pinpoint issues such as this cropping up). Since this is a potential data corruption issue, we're taking this very seriously. I've managed to free up a couple of hours this weekend to work on this... so stay tuned.
-Beckett (
Gallery v1.x Development Team Leader
Posts: 11
thanks I'm looking forward to a solution ... if this wasn't a bug I would have gone for the donation based support ... hope you get it resolved
Posts: 12
Thanks Gallery team for such a great app.
I have the same problem. Arrg. I hope a fix is coming soon!
Cutnpaste, your problem is a permission issue. CHMOD -R 777 albums should fix you up.
Posts: 11
I hope that not only a new version is coming that eliminates the bug, but also a solution on how to get my lost albums back !!
Posts: 58
great, so i'm not the only one...i've spent the past 3 days deleting, reinstalling, editing, etc and still have the same nest gallery, i'll jump on the bandwagon
Posts: 96
Still broken over here. I've rebuilt as much as I can, but I'm afraid to move, rename, or delete any albums now so things are becoming completely garbled.
I'd be happy to pay for a product that worked well for me. What's the timeline for gallery 2 to be out?
Posts: 573
have you tried doing the renaming from outside the postnuke context (ie:
the actions you describe work fine in PHPNuke 6.8 with gallery 1.4.1-cvs-b185 (see i wonder if this is a postnuke issue. try doing a couple test albums and post your results.
Posts: 96
I tried that before with the same results. It doesn't appear to be postnuke related at all.
Posts: 96
Anyone have any other thoughts on this?
Posts: 3473
thoughts on what? I've kind of lost track of what the problem is. You seem to be saying (on page one) that you didn't expect to see albuo03-23, but these seem to be fine (eg. ).
Posts: 96
The problem is this. If I rename an album via the rename option in gallery I lose the album.
This happens if I do it from within postnuke, or outside of postnuke.
If I rename an album it is no longer accessible from gallery and results in a corrupt album.
You are seeing albuo23 because it has been reused by gallery since this problem first began.
Posts: 3473
create a zip of all your .dat files, and I will see if I can reproduce it. Atttach it here, or send me a pm.
Posts: 96
dat files are 3MB in size total. Is that normal? 543 dat files through the albums dir and sub dirs.
Do you want specific dat files?
Here's a list of dat files found:
Posts: 5
Similar problem... Here's a wordy explanation of what happened to us along with a solution some of you *might* find helpful.
This certainly seems to be a common problem. My organization experienced a similar situation. There seems to be a programming glitch somewhere with regard to album tracking/indexing when renaming and/or moving albums.
Setting the story...
We have three primary albums in which we store many sub-albums. Within one of the primary albums we had created a sub-album and filled it with photos. When we went to view all of the sub-albums within the album in which this sub-album had been created we noticed that somehow, "automagically", the new sub-album appeared TWICE. The person who was editing the album did the logical thing... selected one of the duplicate sub-albums and deleted it. To her dismay both sub-albums disappeared, and a single, blank, error-laden sub-album was left in place. Upon further investigation I found that the source directory for the sub-album had been completely deleted from the web server. Within the Gallery web interface the error-laden sub-album was attempting to display pictures contained in a directory on the server that WASN'T THERE. Within the Gallery web interface the problematic sub-album showed a black box where a thumbnail was supposed to be displayed, and a flurry of errors appeared, the first of which was a "Stat Failed" error. Attempts to use the web interface to delete the reference to the erroneous sub-album failed.
Ok, so if you followed that gobble-D-gook... Basically what I found was that an entire directory had been deleted from my server and that Gallery was still trying to access and display the contents of this non-existent directory.
Fix... Using an FTP/SSH program I created a new directory on the server with the name of the previously deleted directory (in this case, "album02"). I copied the entire contents from an in-tact directory (in this case "album01") to the newly created directory. I then went back into the Gallery web interface... and... PRESTO-CHANGO! The faulty album was now error-free! Once the album was free of errors I was free to manipulate it anyway I wanted. Granted... this was kind-of a "kludge" of a fix... but a fix none-the-less.
Observation... First-and-foremost... Gallery is a super-cool application. Many thanks to the folks who made this a reality.
Further Observation... I hope the programmers have read this post because it brings to light a real programming glitch that needs to be investigated.
Posts: 96
Can anyone from the gallery team shed some light on this? At this point I don't want to allow anyone to add or manipulate any albums because everytime someone renames an album it gets hosed.
This is making the gallery virtually useless for me.
Any help is appreciated.
Posts: 96
Hey, is anyone out there listening?
Can anyone help me find out why gallery is corrupting my albums?
I know this is a free product and I'd be happy to donate to the cause, but not until the product works and doesn't hose a gallery every time someone tries to rename it.
Is anyone else having similar problems?
Posts: 30
I am also struggling with the Gallery database structure while attempting an album rename oustide of the Gallery interface. Just posted details as other query. Did you ever get this resolved?
Posts: 23
Posts: 1
I had the exact same problem and here is how to fix it.
1 - Create your album, and not its number for example album38
2 - rename your album to lets say TestAlbum
3 - Now you have the problem that is it is still trying to access the album38 whose name has been changed.
4 - In your explorer, copy the directory TestAlbum, and rename it to album38.
5 - Now go to the page you had the problem with, you shouldn't anymore, and delete the album.
6 - Finally go to the top of your gallery and you should find your TestAlbum album !
Yes I know it's pretty ugly but at least there is a way around :-D
Enjoy, and thanks for the soft !
Posts: 23
we did the same thing somewhen in the past (dont know who, dont know when, nobody informed the admin).
today we still have this shit in the gallery(so we noticed it).
the pictures are gone !
what i now fear mostly is that the consistency of the gallery is gone and i dont know how to check it !!!
we have some 7000 pics in more than 300 albums .... and only there least i hope they are there ....
please help !!!!!!
Posts: 69
I am also having this problem, and although it's not a major problem (yet??), it seems to be a big concern.
Posts: 9
Hi all! This is a pretty long thread (both in text and time frame).
I just upgraded my Gallery to 1.4.4-pl2 and thought I'd try this "orphan" button / tool. The script found a few galleries that were "orphaned" and next thing I knew I had the exact same problem that jlpeifer mentioned:
1) Two instances of the same gallery folder being referenced by two differently named albums. Name1 and Name2 both pointed to public_html/gallery/albums/Album1
2) Trying to delete either Name1 and Name2 ended up deleting the directory public_html/gallery/albums/Album1 which got rid of both albums... pics all gone!
3) Also left with a blank album looking for a folder that didn't exist!
4) The easiest "fix" was to just hide the duplicate directories.
Now I'm going to try the workaround fix mentioned above. I'll report back and let everyone know what I find!
Rob Ludlow - Professor Reviews - All stuff nifty
Posts: 9
Okay, it worked... thank goodness there were only 5 of these albums (that I found). Here's what I did:
1) Made sure I had LOTS of spare room on my host to copy the albums.
2) Changed all the ones I wanted to delete to "hidden" so I wouldn't get them confused (the wife would kill me if I deleted her albums).
3) Copied over the albums (data and all) to another folder via Cpanel.
4) Renamed all of the albums I wanted to KEEP from myalbumname to myalbumname2 via Gallery admin.
5) Moved the duplicate albums from step 3 to my main albums folder via Cpanel.
6) Deleted all the duplicate Albums via Gallery admin.
7) Renamed all my KEEP albums back from myalbumname2 to myalbumname via Gallery admin. (You can skip this step if you don't think anyone is linking to your albums).
All done!
Rob Ludlow - Professor Reviews - All stuff nifty
Posts: 3474
You know I had nightmares about this thread back in the day.
*Wow* :roll: