Wrong image is rotated when trying to rotate too quickly

kylehase's picture

Joined: 2005-09-15
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-19 05:38

G3B1 imagemagick

There seems to be some Javascript issues with the image rotation. I love the fact that this is done asynchronously without a page reload but if you try to rotate a second or third image before the first or second rotation is complete gallery ends up rotating the wrong image.


Joined: 2004-03-12
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-19 10:13

I have the same issue. This problem appears also when deleting pictures.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-19 17:28

http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/290 is the catch-all ticket for these issues. No known fix yet.
Problems: Check gallery3/var/logs first!
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