Error after fresh install


Joined: 2009-06-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-19 01:27

I just completed a successful install without any problems (at least none that I saw). When I try to do anything in the Admin tabs I get this error:

So here's the error:
The page you requested, , could not be found.

File: system/core/Kohana.php, line: 841
And here's how we got there:


Kohana::show_404( )

* system/core/Event.php [209]:

call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => show_404
, Array
[0] =>

* system/libraries/Router.php [163]:

Event::run( system.404 )


Router_Core::setup( )

* system/core/Event.php [209]:

call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Router
[1] => setup
, Array
[0] =>

* system/core/Bootstrap.php [49]:

Event::run( system.routing )

* index.php [72]:

require( system/core/Bootstrap.php )

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-19 17:16

Please upgrade to the latest code (instructions below) and try again. I believe this is fixed.
Problems: Check gallery3/var/logs first!
file a bug or feature request | upgrade to the latest code | use git