hybrid theme javascript help


Joined: 2009-06-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2009-06-16 16:22

Hi, I'm using Gallery 2.3 with the Hybrid theme 1.1.4 embedded into Drupal 6.1. I have a sidebar in Drupal that doesn't go away when I click a thumbnail to show the large picture. I added the following line to the image_show() function:

document.getElementById('sidebar-left').style.display = 'none';

This works to remove the sidebar, but when I click the large picture to return to the album view the sidebar is still gone. I feel I need to add ...display='visible' somewhere, but I can't figure out where. Could someone help me out on this?


Felipe Medeiros
Name:Felipe Medeiros
Status: Analyst JR
Company: Weblocal Hospedagem