So here's the error:
@todo _create NOT IMPLEMENTED
File: modules/gallery/controllers/rest.php, line: 133
And here's how we got there:
* modules/gallery/controllers/rest.php [81]:
REST_Controller->_index( )
REST_Controller->__call( index )
* system/core/Kohana.php [291]:
ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Photos_Controller Object
[resource_type:protected] => item
[uri] => URI Object
[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>
, Array
[0] => index
[1] => Array
* system/core/Event.php [209]:
Kohana::instance( )
* system/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:
Event::run( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance
, Array
[0] =>
* index.php [72]:
require( system/core/Bootstrap.php )
Posts: 34
Could it be because the album on my 2.3 setup was password protected?
Posts: 7994
Do you have a top level album named "photos"? It looks like you're hitting a variant of this bug:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
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Posts: 34
Yes thats exactly my problem. Please close this thread