New git checkout... Error...


Joined: 2003-07-29
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-04 19:50

Seems to be missing a file: gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/s.php

Figured I'd try git as I've never used it before, works quite well, but seems to be missing a file. :)

There was a blank screen at first. Changing some of the error handling options in index.php got me an error page showing that it was looking for that file. Any ideas?


Joined: 2003-07-29
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-04 19:51

Oh, I used the command from the wiki for git...

git clone git://

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-05 04:26

This is (was) a bug with PHP. But it's fixed.. try the latest code.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 latest code:
Gallery 3 from git:


Joined: 2003-07-29
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-05 14:42

Yup, that did it. Thanks. I'll keep messing with it. :)