gallery 3 revision 20802 and beyond

santm's picture

Joined: 2005-08-08
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2009-05-14 14:20

revision 20802 and beyond is making my gallery 3 installation broken.

This is the error mesg for your reference

lease check the Kohana documentation for information about the following error.

kohana/libraries/ORM.php [415]:

The relative_path_cache property does not exist in the Item_Model class.
Stack Trace

* core/models/item.php [299]:

ORM_Core->__set( relative_path_cache, paris/night_paris/eft_ex.jpg )

* core/models/item.php [268]:

Item_Model->__set( relative_path_cache, paris/night_paris/eft_ex.jpg )

* core/helpers/MY_url.php [46]:

Item_Model->relative_path( )

* kohana/core/Event.php [209]:

url::parse_url( )

* kohana/libraries/Router.php [158]:

Event::run( Array
[0] => url
[1] => parse_url

* kohana/core/Event.php [209]:

Router_Core::setup( system.post_routing )

* kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [49]:

Event::run( )

* index.php [61]:

require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )

svn update -r 20802

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2009-05-16 01:47

Before the beta 2 release, after you svn up you may have to completely reinstall your gallery 3. This is one of those cases. In this particular case you can get around it by adding a new column:

alter table items add column relative_path_cache varchar(255);

will probably do it.
Gallery 3 problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post!
Gallery 3 nightlies:
Gallery 3 subversion:

santm's picture

Joined: 2005-08-08
Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 2009-05-18 10:04

Thanks Bharat,

The tricked worked like a wonder.

BTW I preferred your old avatar, the new is scary :)