Some experiences here are:
in cvs 1.4.1 b10
error msg : send location header already on do_command.php 101 & 105
in cvs 1.4 b138
for extra_fields;
utf-8 encoding must change nls.php line 168
nls['default']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
I place utf-8 instead of all iso-8859-1 on nls.php
for language alias
I place
$nls['alias'] zh_tw.utf-8 instead of zh_TW.big5
kill all po and locale
set configuration value
default_language = "en_US";
ML_mode = "1";
NOW slash searching is well done.
b138 is passed to display utf-8 slash charactors while gallery's slideshow in postnuke thru mozilla browser.
above all