Here's essentially what I experience:
WPG2 Validation Check: Failed (Help)
1. Wordpress Compatible? - [ Success]
2. URI to Gallery2 Ok? - [Success]
3. Gallery2 can be located in G2 File Path? - [Success]
4. Gallery2 can be initialised? - [Success]
5. Gallery2 Version Compatible? - [Success]
6. Gallery2 Module: ImageBlock Active? - [Failed] <----------- !!
Very well, let's activate ImageBlock. Done, it's active.
Go back to the WPG2 validation page and... *drum roll*
Now, I've spent a great deal of the day reading about all this php.ini and .htaccess business (as I use 1and1) and either I'm simply implementing them wrong (possible) because they break more than fix, or they're not the solution I need for my issue.
Any help would be great!
Posts: 4
Nothing, huh?
Would anyone be able to recommend an alternative...?
Posts: 8339
The imageblock module also has external functionality.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 8339
*BTW your imageblock issue in WP has a following
A call mediaBlock is similar to calling an external imageBlock:
<?php @readfile('');?>
the above would display 11 random thumbs from the album with an id of 32 in 4 columns and produce a mediaRss feed for cooliris.
More examples here.
If you want to display <?php in wordpress I think you need this widget
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 4
Oh I WISH that was the same issue. At least they were able to find a temporary resolution. Turns out I don't even have that .php file that was giving them issues.
Thanks for the info on mediaBlock.
Posts: 8339
Every item in gallery has an id, be it an album or photo or movie or user.
With rewrite off gallery urls contain the g2_itemId you can also see them when you edit an item usually even with rewrite on.
ie. /gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=32 or /gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=core.ItemEdit&g2_itemId=32
So in my example 32 is the g2_itemId of my images album yours would be different.
But mediaBlock can display any type of media that gallery can display.
So once again referring to my examples for guidance choose the itemId of some of your items and start displaying them.
To see how an item will display, just visit the url directly. like this one:
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 4
I believe this should be the very last time I bug you, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that. ;)
It still displays simply: Array
I've now got the correct itemId in place for a populated test gallery.
Thanks for all of your help and guidance!
Posts: 8339
url to your offending mediaBlock
url to your standalone gallery
url to your embedded gallery
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2