WPG2 Tag and Rewrite Problem


Joined: 2005-12-25
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-27 16:07

Hey guys!

I have managed to find all openbase_dir problems and now the WPG2 plugin validates. But I have got two problems with it.

1) If I am using the WPG2 tag method to insert images in a post everything works at the beginning. But if I want to edit this post afterwards I don't get the thumbnail in den editor, but only a picture stating "<WPG2> Image" (but the correct image still shows up on the blog)

2) Rewriting/Permalinks are not working correctly.
I enabled anything as stated and it validated. If i klick on the "About" link to the about page it opens my gallery installation stating an 404 error.

Does anyone has a solution for either of the problems?

I would really appreciate a solution!

Kind regards!
