*random pic box* and *side panel box* in Joomla


Joined: 2009-04-20
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2009-04-21 10:26


I would like to do two things in Joomla:

1. Make a box (called modul in Joomla) with random pic. I have done it by the imageblock.External, but i would like to make it open the custom sized picture in the center area when i click on the thumbnail, not in the small random pic box.

2. Make a Joomla-box contains the theme's sidebar, as it would a menu in Joomla. Maybe it is possible to split the theme into two parts, but how would they communicate with each other, if they are in two Wrapper. Or....

I use JFusion to integrate the Gallery to Joomla.

Am i understandable? Can you help me?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
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Posted: Tue, 2009-04-21 13:27

@random: I would use the http://www.flashyourweb.com/staticpages/index.php?page=mediaBlock and set the proper parameters.
@Joomla: perhaps another will assist or you can look through: http://gallery.menalto.com/forum/92

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


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Posted: Wed, 2009-04-22 05:39

This mediaBlock do the same: it opens the Gallery in the small box when i click on a thumbnail.
What should i set to LinkTarget? Can it do more than "_blank" ?

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
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Posted: Wed, 2009-04-22 13:29
What should i set to LinkTarget? Can it do more than "_blank" ?

What have you tried?

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
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Posted: Wed, 2009-04-22 14:44

You can target iframes on the same page with a simple target.
But you seem to be looking for more of an ajax type experience.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2

suprsidr's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2009-04-22 15:42

Joined: 2009-04-20
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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 10:26

Is it possible to use minislideshow as recursive? A would like to feed the pics from an album's seven sub-albums.

suprsidr's picture

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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 11:50

Yes. I don't like to recommend that one as it adds a possibly large footprint to your page.
the above would load all items from the album with an id of 32 recursively which could be 1000's of images. Let's not force our visitors to load 1000's of images please ;)

The better method is to utilize the dynamic albums module which is also recursive but can limit the number of images returned by setting that number in
gallery admin -> dynamic albums. I set mine to 24, and certainly no more then 40:




use my simple embed tool http://www.flashyourweb.com/staticpages/index.php?page=embed-o-rator

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 12:11

i use the random version, but the pictures are from the last uploaded album, not from the setted. What am i doing wrong?

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 12:23

Are you adding the albumId?
%26albumId=32 <- %26 keeps flash from separating the variables in the url.

Otherwise I'd need a sample url to diagnose.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 12:26

yes :)


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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 12:34


the random pic box is at the bottom

This is the box's content:

<embed width="160" height="160" align="middle" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="minislide" wmode="transparent" quality="high"

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 12:52

%26shuffle=true%26delay=4%26transInType=Fade%26transOutType=Random%26showTitle=bottom%26titleColor=888888%26titleBgColor=FFFFFF%26preload=2 these variables are not part of the xmlUrl so they would be separated by &

Oops my bad, the albumId should be g2_albumId I had switched back to using GalleryUtilities



FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posted: Thu, 2009-04-23 13:41

Thank You very much. It works well, and at the end, it better than i wanted...


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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 08:54

and become morning and not works...

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 12:54

You've reverted back to using a poorly formed xmlUrl

should be like http://gallery.menalto.com/node/87271#comment-306202

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 13:17

Sorry, i don't understand. Where should be & and where %26 ? Could you write the whole line?

suprsidr's picture

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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 13:25
suprsidr's picture

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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 13:26

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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 14:13

does not work :(


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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 14:44

it is sure that i take a mistake somewhere, but i cant find it

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 20:56

you have polluted your mediaRss.php
there are extra characters being displayed at the beginning of your output.

itt vagyok<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">

either find and remove these extra characters or start with a fresh copy.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 21:13

I wrote that for display if the function is executed. I've deleted, but ii didn't help.

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 21:33
I wrote that for display if the function is executed. I've deleted, but ii didn't help.

nope no you did not, it is still there.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2


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Posts: 16
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-25 05:53

Now it is work if i take the files into gallery's directory, thank you.
Is it possible to take the files other directiry than gallery's? If so, i would like it to not mix it with gallery's files.