I've recently installed G2 and so far this is fantastic software. I look forward to donating to the cause.
Question about upcoming changes. It deals with watermarks. G2 doesn't allow different size watermarks to be used with thumbs versus resizes or original images. Will there be any changes to this? Like allowing different sizes to be used for the different variations of the images shown?
Posts: 7994
There's no reason that can't be done, but it's not a priority currently. If somebody wants to hack up the watermark module to add that functionality, we'll be happy to look at and integrate a patch.
Posts: 7
hello @ all programmers
... is somebody here, who can develop the watermark functionality for G3? I´m ready to donate the devolopment, perhaps with some other if its to much work.
Posts: 27
I'd love to take a whack at it. I have never developed a module for Gallery but am pretty good with PHP/MySQL and do a fair amount of PHP development at work.
Posts: 8
I changed the watermark module to allow different watermark images for thumbnails and resized images. What's the best way to share the source? Should I just reference a zip file with the updated PHP files, or should I submit the change through the bug tracker?
Posts: 7994
Glad to hear it!
You can attach a zip file here in the forums but it would be more helpful if you logged in on http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ and created a new ticket and attached it there.
Posts: 8
I attached the changes I made to ticket 271: https://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/gallery/ticket/271.
Posts: 7
stricker ... i bow low in front of you
... thanks. i will try it in the next days.
Posts: 7994
Thanks jstricker. This is on our list, but it's not a high priority right now (we're focused on trying to get Beta 1 out the door). I'll get to it when I can.
Posts: 26
I agree it would be nice, but just maybe this is possible allready, ...I would play around with 2-3 different sizes of watermark for as many resizes. Could work you know.
Gallery 425
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