Alpha 3 - Admin/Settings/Graphics submenu is not working -- GD related


Joined: 2008-10-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2009-04-06 17:29

When I try to go to the Graphics page, I get the attached exception (which looks different than the other Graphics-related issues posted here):

I can add images and use imagemagick to manipulate them.

I have GD installed as:
libgd2-xpm 2.0.33-5.2 GD Graphics Library version 2

Any easy way to add "debug prints" in the code so that I can figure out what 'gd_info' is returning?


Runtime Message

An error was detected which prevented the loading of this page. If this problem persists, please contact the website administrator.

core/views/admin_graphics_gd.html.php [2]:

Undefined index: GD Version
Stack Trace

* kohana/libraries/Controller.php [72]:

include( core/views/admin_graphics_gd.html.php )

* kohana/libraries/View.php [272]:

Controller_Core->_kohana_load_view( core/views/admin_graphics_gd.html.php, Array
[theme] => Admin_View Object
[theme_name:private] => admin_default
[kohana_filename:protected] => /var/www/g3-a3/themes/admin_default/views/admin.html.php
[kohana_filetype:protected] => .php
[kohana_local_data:protected] => Array
[sidebar] =>
[content] => View Object
[kohana_filename:protected] => /var/www/g3-a3/core/views/admin_graphics.html.php
[kohana_filetype:protected] => .php
[kohana_local_data:protected] => Array
[available] =>




[user] => User_Model Object
[has_and_belongs_to_many:protected] => Array
[0] => groups

[rules] => Array
[name] => required|length[1,32]
[full_name] => length[0,255]
[email] => valid_email|length[1,255]
[password] => required|length[1,40]
[locale] => length[2,10]

[has_one:protected] => Array

[belongs_to:protected] => Array

[has_many:protected] => Array

[load_with:protected] => Array

[object:protected] => Array
[id] => 2
[name] => admin
[full_name] => Gallery Administrator

[login_count] => 0
[last_login] => 0
[email] =>
[admin] => 1
[guest] => 0
[hash] =>
[url] =>
[locale] =>

[changed:protected] => Array

[related:protected] => Array

[loaded:protected] => 1
[saved:protected] => 1
[sorting:protected] => Array
[id] => asc

[object_relations:protected] => Array

[changed_relations:protected] => Array

[object_name:protected] => user
[object_plural:protected] =>
[table_name:protected] => users
[table_columns:protected] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] =>
[sequenced] => 1

[name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 32

[full_name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 255

[password] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64

[login_count] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] => 1

[last_login] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] => 1

[email] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64
[null] => 1

[admin] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 127
[unsigned] =>
[null] => 1

[guest] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 127
[unsigned] =>
[null] => 1

[hash] => Array
[type] => string
[exact] => 1
[length] => 32
[null] => 1

[url] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 255
[null] => 1

[locale] => Array
[type] => string
[exact] => 1
[length] => 10
[null] => 1


[ignored_columns:protected] =>
[primary_key:protected] => id
[primary_val:protected] => name
[foreign_key:protected] => Array

[table_names_plural:protected] => 1
[reload_on_wakeup:protected] => 1
[db:protected] => Database Object
[_table_names:protected] => Array
[{access_caches}] => access_caches
[{access_intents}] => access_intents
[{comments}] => comments
[{graphics_rules}] => graphics_rules
[{groups}] => groups
[{groups_users}] => groups_users
[{incoming_translations}] => incoming_translations
[{items}] => items
[{items_tags}] => items_tags
[{logs}] => logs
[{messages}] => messages
[{modules}] => modules
[{outgoing_translations}] => outgoing_translations
[{permissions}] => permissions
[{search_records}] => search_records
[{sessions}] => sessions
[{tags}] => tags
[{tasks}] => tasks
[{themes}] => themes
[{users}] => users
[{vars}] => vars

[config:protected] => Array
[benchmark] =>
[persistent] =>
[connection] => Array

[port] =>
[socket] =>
[database] => gallery3

[character_set] => utf8
[table_prefix] =>
[object] => 1
[cache] =>
[escape] => 1

[driver:protected] => Database_Mysqli_Driver Object
[link:protected] => mysqli Object

[db_config:protected] => Array
[benchmark] =>
[persistent] =>
[connection] => Array
[port] =>
[socket] =>
[database] => gallery3

[character_set] => utf8
[table_prefix] =>
[object] => 1
[cache] =>
[escape] => 1

[statements:protected] => Array

[tables_cache:private] => Array
[0] => access_caches
[1] => access_intents
[2] => comments
[3] => graphics_rules
[4] => groups
[5] => groups_users
[6] => incoming_translations
[7] => items
[8] => items_tags
[9] => logs
[10] => messages
[11] => modules
[12] => outgoing_translations
[13] => permissions
[14] => search_records
[15] => sessions
[16] => tags
[17] => tasks
[18] => themes
[19] => users
[20] => vars

[fields_cache:private] => Array
[vars] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] =>
[sequenced] => 1

[module_name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64

[name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64

[value] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1


[modules] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] =>
[sequenced] => 1

[name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64
[null] => 1

[version] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] =>
[null] => 1


[users] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] =>
[sequenced] => 1

[name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 32

[full_name] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 255

[password] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64

[login_count] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] => 1

[last_login] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 2147483647
[unsigned] => 1

[email] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 64
[null] => 1

[admin] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 127
[unsigned] =>
[null] => 1

[guest] => Array
[type] => int
[max] => 127
[unsigned] =>
[null] => 1

[hash] => Array
[type] => string
[exact] => 1
[length] => 32
[null] => 1

[url] => Array
[type] => string
[length] => 255
[null] => 1

[locale] => Array
[type] => string
[exact] => 1
[length] => 10
[null] => 1




[link:protected] => mysqli Object

[select:protected] => Array

[set:protected] => Array

[from:protected] => Array

[join:protected] => Array

[where:protected] => Array

[orderby:protected] => Array

[order:protected] => Array

[groupby:protected] => Array

[having:protected] => Array

[distinct:protected] =>
[limit:protected] =>
[offset:protected] =>
[last_query:protected] => SELECT `vars`.*
FROM `vars`
WHERE `module_name` = 'core'
AND `name` = 'graphics_toolkit'
ORDER BY `vars`.`id` ASC
LIMIT 0, 1
[query_history:protected] => Array


[db_applied:protected] => Array

[with_applied:protected] => Array


[tk] => ArrayObject Object
[gd] => Array

[imagemagick] => /usr/bin
[graphicsmagick] =>

[is_active] =>

* core/libraries/MY_View.php [29]:

View_Core->render( )

* kohana/libraries/View.php [244]:

View->render( )

* core/controllers/admin_graphics.php [37]:

View_Core->__toString( )


Admin_Graphics_Controller->index( )

* core/controllers/admin.php [49]:

call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Admin_Graphics_Controller Object
[theme:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object

[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>


[1] => index


Admin_Controller->__call( graphics )

* kohana/core/Kohana.php [270]:

ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Admin_Controller Object
[theme:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object

[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>

, Array
[0] => graphics
[1] => Array



Kohana::instance( )

* kohana/core/Event.php [209]:

call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance

* kohana/core/Bootstrap.php [55]:

Event::run( system.execute )

* index.php [61]:

require( kohana/core/Bootstrap.php )

Loaded in 0.1807 seconds, using 3.13MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.2.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2009-04-07 06:29

I *think* that I fixed this issue in the latest code from SVN. Can you check that out, or try a nightly version?


Joined: 2008-10-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2009-04-08 02:31

Pulled latest from subversion (20551) and still get the same error.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2009-04-19 16:38

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'd be interested to see the output from this:

<? print_r(gd_info()) ?>

Could you put that into a .php file, open it up in your browser and cut/paste the results here for us? Thanks!